Magic Spotify Cube: Spotify meets Xiaomi Aqara Magic Cube

Hey HA fans,

I’m happy to share with you my Magic Spotify Cube:

Switch: Aqara Magic Cube
Blueprint: Mi Magic Cube - Deconz (45+ actions!) (Big Thank you, @bergstrom)

The Magic:

  • Each side of the cube gets one of your favorite playlists or podcast. Activate by slide or double tab
  • Turn volume up or down: Rotate clockwise/counter clockwise
  • Next song: flip cube
  • Shake: Play Spotify.
  • Shake again: Turn Spotify off.

Your family will love it. :slight_smile:


Very happy to see that you are using my blueprint! Doesn’t flip Cube Collide with changing playlist? Or is it just changing an input_select and then starts the playlist when sliding/double tap?

Hi Andreas,

Thank you for your question. Yes, as you said. I decided, that flipping in any direction is a good gesture for “next track”.
To start a playlist I’m turning the cube to the playlist side and then use “slide” or “double tab” to start the playlist. (In my experience sliding is the more convenient move.)

Best regards,

Would it be possible to split up the “rotate left” and “rotate right” command into more granular commands?
45 dregree rotation, 90 degree rotation and 135 degree rotation? This would be cool for volume control.

I don’t think it’s possible, as for now it just looks for the rotation-gesture because the event-code is jibberish to me.
(red text says “Messy event code that doesn’t make sense to me”)

This is also a counter clockwise-event

With that said, I will look into it because I tried the volume rotation as well and it is… “jumpy” :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi Andreas,

yes. It’s a bit jumpy.
In deCONZ the rotation is working nicely… at least 45 degree, 90 degree, 180 degree in both directions.

I cannot remember the post, but I thought somebody found a solution for a dimmer.
Anyway. It works. :slight_smile:

I just logged into deconz and yes, you’re right. But even there it is jumpy as heck so I don’t think it will make your life any easier even if we succeed with the blueprint.

Maybe set it to increase/decrease the volume by 1 or 2 per rotation can be a solution for you?

Thank you. The volume works nicely. I will stick with “1”.

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Hi. Sorry for the noob question but i am trying to find the blueprint but cant find it. Am i missing anything?

Have you found it? Just click on the link in the first post. You than have to configure the blueprint as mentioned.