Make average weather integration

Hello. I’m trying to make an entity that would show the best current weather. That’s why I integrated 4 weather integrations, which I would now like to average.

states('weather.zelenydom'),           # accuweather
states('weather.zelenydom_2'),         #
states('weather.openweathermap'),      # openweathermap
states('weather.forecast_home')        # open-meteo

so if two integrations show cloudy weather and the other two show something else, then the resulting one is cloudy. But it is necessary:

  • if each is different, then the resulting one is the first integration
  • if two are the same and two are the same, then the first one is the right one

Can someone help with the template. Thank you

Maybe this helps?

This is exactly what I need. And if I understand, even if I have 10 weather integrations, will this template load them and average them?

Yes, correct. That’s how I wrote it.