Yep my Chrome works too and Safari and Firefox don’t. Safari was definitely working a couple days ago. Again, not a deal breaker just wanted to get the info out there. And it caused me to learn how to do the Google API map and device tracking thing.
For me, chrome doesn’t work.
A direction to find a solution to this might, be the fact that I can see in my chrome dev tools, that tiles are getting loaded that are completely out of the direction (for example, I get tiles loaded for the River Thames, while I’m in Belgium)
EDIT: Also, the tiles that do get loaded correctly, are not in the correct position, cities that are supposed to be at the top of the map, are at the bottom
Yeah followed those instructions but map is not loading I am assuming that I need to get or setup google maps API but not sure how to start that with maps.
If you try to copy the code exactly line for line I couldn’t get it to work either, and bear in mind I’m using Mac OS X terminal.
I copied the whole code and pasted it and it ended up being 2 lines, one really long. Changed the example device tracker to my device I think in 4 places and then it worked.