Matter in Home Assistant workshop announcement

Don’t know if you managed to order one but you can get a module at 3 to 4 days delivery.

Digi-Key has the M5Stamp C3 available as well.

Hey, Europe! Here you can find some more (from Poland):

ESP32-C3-DEVKITM-1 ESPRESSIF - Entw.Kits: WiFi | Stift,USB micro; GPIO,I2C,I2S,SPI,UART,WiFi; ESP32C3-DEVKITM1 | TME - Elektronik Bauteile

Yes it will stay online.


How do you know if the Bluetooth adapter is connected and working on the Home Assistant Blue.

just to be fully prepared:

being a complete noob to ESP, do we need to power the Espressif with a mini-usb to the Pi, or can it be to any usb power source, like a MacBook or usb-hub, and will it connect ota (wifi/usb) for programming it

Asking because my Pi’s are not stored in the office, where I would be joining the Workshop from…

I only see marketing bullshit there

Thanks for your contribution.

There’s more detail in the Matter/ CHIP GitHub root, documentation and dev guides, example code for components like lighting (hence boards with RGB LEDs), and the ESP32-C3 data sheet shows the mix of radios (2.4GHz WLAN, plus BTLE5).

The Android dev channel is starting to push Matter, and although the examples suggest most functions are wrapped at a system level, BTLE might be used for setup of IPv6 and crypto keys. Looks like Google has been using a version of the M5GO Casic Core IoT Dev Kit with an ESP32-C3 and a 320x240 TFT LCD with buttons for dev integration testing.

There’s also the suggestion we might need to run multiple ‘fabrics’ to separate encrypted networks linked to Google/Apple/Cloud from our own local fabric (self-signed key cert?). At least Matter supports multiple encryption keys and border routers to link them together (local fabric <=> HASS <=> Google fabric ?).

Thank you.
What I miss is to fill the gap between the plethora of fancy marketing and the high-end dev guides. It’s still not clear for the majority of the people in what practical matter is Matter better than the so many already existing solutions like Zigbee, Z-Wave, BLE, Tuya, ESP-Mesh etc. And the most important part, is this a new gamer which will want people to throw away all they’ve spent money for to have existing working solutions and buy new hardware again, or is this something backwards compatible, upgradable to reduce at least a part of the electronic waste we produce more and more every day.
And on how will this be really effective to prevent vendor lock-in, as that’s what all vendors are most interested to as part of their core bussiness model.

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I think the key message is the Big Vendors have worked out they need to agree on ONE standard for home automation to manage their spiralling costs. The Verge has compiled a long list of Matter support announcements, but as development, user support and cloud server hosting all reduce significantly, Matter will take over.

Many existing hub/gateway devices will get Matter support to reduce the ongoing cost of providing the iPhone / Android/ Nest/ Amazon devices control consumers demand. Existing kit is likely to still work - e.g. old Hue bulbs won’t change, but the Hue Hub will get an update to add Matter.

Sadly, $5 craptacular ‘stupid plugs’ will still lack a business model for on-going support costs, but might link in the Cloud as the vendor is pressurised to support Matter. Personally, I prefer a brain transplant with Tasmota/ ESPhome to land-fill. :slight_smile:

The Good Thing™ is open platforms like HASS, openHAB, Hubitat, etc continue to connect abandoned solutions (Insteon, X10, etc?), whilst having a much better chance of linking to Apple/ Android/ Amazon/ the next shiny thing.

  • Amazon echo/Alexa, Google/Nest Home, Apple HomeKit, and Samsung SmartThings are confirmed as getting Matter support (larger hubs become Border Routers).
  • At launch there are some gaps - video doorbells, robot vacuums, etc aren’t part of the Matter spec, but likely will be added.
  • Zigbee has developed into Thread (slight oversimplification), which is part of Matter but existing kit will need a hub
    (same 802.15.4 radio, different addressing and discovery)
  • Z-Wave likely needs a hub, but the platform owner has joined Matter
    (I expect Fibaro to dump Z-Wave for Matter, after trying HomeKit)
  • Tuya already has HASS support, but I’d guess at Matter support first via their Cloud, then in devices as new chipsets become low-cost.
  • Home-brew Tasmota/ ESPhome/ MQTT will still work but some chips may get Matter alternate firmware.
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It has 2 one red and one blue isn’t it? Because mine has 2 and I use red one has a status light for different purposes e.g if my room temperature is on more than 30C red light is on and it is off while room temperature is less than 30C

Wrt Home Assistant OS requirement: It needs to be a 64-bit version, either on Intel (x86-64) or Arm (aarch64). Just in case someone is still stuck in 32-bit world, it is the moment to go 64-bit wide now! :wink:

Hi Stefan, please see Matter in Home Assistant workshop announcement - #41 by Mariusthvdb

do we need to be close to a Pi for the workshop (and connect the dev board to that Pi) or can we power it at the desk away from the Pi?

Rebuilding a RPI4 4GB to aarch64 just for a workshop might be a tad excessive :smiley:

The USB is not only for power, its also required to flash. You should connect it to a Desktop type of device where you can run a Chrome based browser (Chromium/Chrome/Edge) to flash the ESP32 device. Exact instructions will follow.


cool. thanks. All set in that case :wink:

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I am also wondering about this. Once it’s plugged in and you reboot, how can you tell if it is working?

Why is there a requirement for ha os? Is there something the devs have put in ha os that is not in febian? Can non ha os users get whatever is the critical bit?

I guess there is an addon involved?
So, I assume, not a requirement per se, but a requirement for the workshop.

Yeah I am curious whether that addon will work with supervised?