MC6 Thermostat

hi @YuQiang ,
could you release the modified firmware for our thermostats with old lcd so that we can use them? thank you

Thank you everyone for all the great work that was done to get this working. I recently purchased this unit and was able to integrate it with my Home Assistant. Luckily, Modbus was working with the firmware I received so I did not need to manually update it.

One quirk I noticed is that when I write the “System Mode” (address 62), it conforms to the correct values in the spec (0 for “Heat”, 1 for “Cool”, etc.). However, when I try to read from that address, it returns 1 for “Heat”, 2 for “Cool”, etc. If the system is “Off”, it returns 0.

Does anyone know if there’s a way to set the “System Mode” to “Off”? I know you can write 0 to “Status” (address 62) but that turns off the entire thermostat (including the display). I would like a way to only turn off the heating/cooling function (as is done when you set the mode to “Off” from the touch screen).

Hi S0XY , there is not “system off” function in Heating and Cooling thermostat, so the modbus regiter has not mode off feature.

Hi MIchele

Because there are several display in last hardware version, please take a picture of the display ribbon , so that we would know which display you have .


Hello everybody. I recently try to add my MC6 Thermostats in Home Assistant by updating the FW via SWD connection.
I use Home Assistant Supervised with MQTT Broker and Mosquitto MQTT Server. I had the same problem with Home Assistant docker in a Raspbian @installation.
I try the MQTT version with encryption that is able to connect to MQTT server with admin/admin credentials but i see in updData/[mac address] only encrypted messages and I don’t know how to remove AES256 with the above configuration.
I also try the non-encrypted version of the firmware but the MQTT server refuses the connection

2022-10-03 07:32:26: Client <unknown> disconnected, not authorised. 2022-10-03 07:32:40: New connection from on port 1883. 2022-10-03 07:32:40: Client <unknown> disconnected, not authorised. 2022-10-03 07:32:41: New connection from on port 1883

does anyone have the same problem or a solution? Serarching on the web it seeems that Mosquitto doesn’t allow Anonymous connection and not a problem of login/password,



What does it mean when you turn the thermostat off? They are still visible in the app and they also update the temperature shown in the app. So does off just mean the display is off and thermostat still regulate heating, or does off mean that it doesn’t operate anymore?

I tried updating my mc6 pro thermostat and now the screen is unresponsive. Any solutions for this problem?

There are different firmware for the display. You must use the correct for your display. Ask to YuQiang the correct one

Hi all,

I recently setup HA for the first time.

I followed Domaray’s tutorial and was able to get my MC6 connected. Although I can adjust the temperature via HA, I’m not able to turn the device on/off or change the mode (heat, cool, etc).

If I try changing the mode, the logs just show that I set it to the existing mode instead of the mode I selected.

Additionally, on the thermostat I have a “vent” mode, and although I added it to the config file, it never appears on the device. This is important for me because I want to set an automation to run the thermostat on vent for 10 minutes every 50 minutes. I’m looking to do this to circulate the air and balance the temperature across the rooms.

Although red node shows the MQTT connections established and active, I see the below errors when I boot HA. From what I’ve read these are just warnings at this time and shouldn’t impact my functionality.

I’m technically inclined and understand computer logic, but I can’t code. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins
Source: components/mqtt/
Integration: MQTT ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 1:19:34 PM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:19:34 PM

* Manually configured MQTT sensor(s) found under platform key 'sensor', please move to the mqtt integration key, see
* Manually configured MQTT climate(s) found under platform key 'climate', please move to the mqtt integration key, see
* Manually configured MQTT switch(s) found under platform key 'switch', please move to the mqtt integration key, see

sorry delay…here are the photos of the display code…if you can send me updated firmware for my lcd, you would be doing me a great favor. thank you20230111_002307

Hi, @YuQiang.
My email is [email protected] for firmware with display AVD-TT035HV-BJXS-A
best regards

Hi Michele, whats your email? let me send you the .hex file and bootloader file.


Hi , whats your MC6 firmware version number ? can you take a picture of screen “system information” and the thermostat power box terminals?

Hi , whats your MC6 firmware version number ? can you take a picture of screen “system information”


Thanks for the response. Im on version: P9.90F4

Attaching a picture of the original wiring.

Hi, this is not MC6 thermostat

Sorry I misunderstood, I thought you wanted to see the original wiring.

Attached is my MC6 wiring.

Whats the firmware version number dose it have ? its in the screen “System information”

Version P9.90F4

if i send you new firmware can you reprogram it ?