I will try it at the earliest and post the result for everibody’s benefit.
Thanks again
Hi Yu, i’ve decide to update my thermostat with this last version, and i confirm it work for my old and new touch mc6.
The new app myconfort pro works very well and is more faster than old myconfort.
But i have some problem:
I’ve tryed the mqtt to internal mqtt server as your instructions, all works but there is no topic that indicate the relay status of the thermostat (like register 9 o modbus Heating output status)
For this problem i’ve tryed the wifi modbus ( to have more controls on the parameters of thermostat)
All works excepet:
In standby screen (except turn off screen) i can read all modbus register , but if i want to modify something in no possible untill exit from stanby screen
In modbus wifi mode the “Clock & Date Time” is not possible to set automatic sync , and this a big problem because i’ve some thermostat whit battery problem, when occour a power outage the time and the date start from 0:00 01/01/2020. (in wifi cloud/ User server mode the sync of time works)
What kind of battery is used in mc6, if i want to change with a new one? ( i see is not simple because is soldered)
Hi Tizino
Ok, i understand the issue . we will update the firmware after the holiday(29th April to 3rd May) and upload it here .
Hi Luca,
We will release a new firmware with BACnet MSTP next month , this took us development much time … the BACnet test is good so far .
Hi All,
Apologies if I am being stupid and have missed something in this long thread. (A tutorial should really be written to get this working because it is pretty all over the place right now, maybe ill do it).
I have managed to modify the MQTT server address on the MC6 thermostat to point to my MQTT broker, and I indeed can see messages coming through, I can see the messages are encrypted and using the above instructions of appending aes256…… I can decrypt the messages correctly (using an external tool). My question is how do I provide this key to either HA or eclipse mosquito to do the decrypt for me?
Thank you in advance for any assistance that can be provided.
Hi Yu, I hope you are good.
The fw 259 does not work on my thermostat display (unresponsive). I have also realized that I made a typo in my previous post where the current working release is 3.09z and not 2.04E.
kind regards
Any news Yu?
hi , please try attached firmware , that fits for the old touch .
Hi Zenntrix,
You can try to use none-encrypted data by modifying the server.txt file aes:“0” .
MC6-259-MQTT-OT.hex : this firmware is for the old touch panel (those MC6 manufactured before 2020);
MC6-259-MQTT-TXT.hex: this firmware is new touch panel version MC6;
server.txt : if you want to modify MQTT broker details you need to copy this txt file to the MC6 disk .
sorry forget to upload it , this link has those three files.
Any chance someone can reshare this files?
[MC6-259-MQTT-OT.hex and 2 more files]
Sorry, anyone has another copy of this file?
Kind regards,
Thank you so much!
Hello Yu. I have some thermostats with manufacturing date previous than 2020 (see image) and I recently purchase a new one that comes to me with the FW 2.59E already installed. In the new one the backplight adjustnent works correctly and on my old ones no. I have ob them the 2.43Z installed. I than update one of them to the 2,59: the version for old toucjscreen does not work (no touchscreen operation) the -TXT version works but the backlight adjustnment was still not working. Even with the slider to 0 the backlight emits the full light and, at the night in the bedroom is quite annoing. Have you got a bugfix for it?
I can get almost everything working using @Domaray code
But is not found by home assisstant
and get this error
It’s not possible to configure mqtt sensor by adding platform: mqtt
to the sensor configuration. Please check the documentation for more information on how to set up this integration.
To resolve this:
- Remove
platform: mqtt
occurences from thesensor:
configuration in your YAML configuration file. - Restart Home Assistant.
It’s not possible to configure mqtt climate by adding platform: mqtt
to the climate configuration. Please check the documentation for more information on how to set up this integration.
To resolve this:
- Remove
platform: mqtt
occurences from theclimate:
configuration in your YAML configuration file. - Restart Home Assistant.
Hi all,
I recently bought some MC6 thermostats (sold as BC107 by a chinese company), FCU, 2pipes version, I’m struggling to set it up with custom mosquitto MQTT server (user server in 3036 “hidden” menu).
I’m able to connect to wifi and set the user server options from the 1976 “hidden” menu but more than half ot the times the connection doesn’t work and, being unable to reach mosquitto and login, the wifi module reboots itself, losing in the process the MQTT parameters just inserted.
If I set modbus/TCP instead the connection is always stable and the register are available.
Has anyone faced a similar problem? I’d like to avoid the nodered integration, and access it directly via MQTT.
I’m working on a “native” MQTT yaml cofiguration, atm I’m strubbling with the basics, I’ll post any andvancement here…
I haven’t found a specific message on this topic so I’ll post it, sorry if it’s redundant.
For the one interested here you can find an extract of configuration.yaml to use MC6 thermostat directly via ModBus/TCP.
- Screen Lock → 3036 select “WIFI Modbus TCP”
- Set up Wifi AP SSID and AP Password
- Set static IP address, netmask and gateway, the net config should match the one used in your WLAN (IP address in the LAN range)
- Setup Modbus/TCP port (default 502) and Device ID (default 1)
- For the temperature settings change via Lovelace to work you either need to wait for the merge of this PR in the release branch:
use write_registers also for target temp by brunoenten · Pull Request #97475 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
or change the in the modbus integration (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/modbus/ in the core container version) as described in this issue:
Modbus set temp needs write multiple bytes on specific devices · Issue #98243 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
but in this case you mey break some other modbus climate entity you may have
- name: MC6-ModBus
type: tcp
host: X.X.X.X <--MC6 thermostat IP address as configured before
port: 502 <--change if modified on MC6
delay: 1
timeout: 10
retries: 5
retry_on_empty: true
message_wait_milliseconds: 200
- name: "MC6"
slave: 1 <--change if modified Dev ID on MC6
address: 0
target_temp_register: 64
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
scan_interval: 30
temperature_unit: C
data_type: int16
scale: 0.1
offset: 0
precision: 1
write_registers: true
address: 62
state_auto: 4
state_cool: 1
state_heat: 0
state_fan_only: 2
state_dry: 3
state_off: 5
write_registers: true
hvac_onoff_register: 61
- name: "MC6-test-Humi"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
slave: 1
address: 2
scale: 1
offset: 0
precision: 0
The configuration atm doesn’t allow for fan settings changes as they’re unsupported in the modbus climate entity, there is a feature reuest already opened, you can upvote it here if interested:
In the same thread you can find a workaroud for this issue.
Hi i use this firmware modified to have a real heatstatus via mqtt ( when relay is on or off).
This is for old and new touch format. I’ve tryed many solution to integrate all via mqtt in home assistant with template, but it is very difficult, and at the end i’ve used nodered to transform in standard mqtt for home assistant hvac
In this firmware to use internal mqtt server it must to write a txt file in the usb memory of the thermostat ( you can connect a usb cable to a pc, and when connected to the thermostat you can see files and icon).
Now i try to create a ui to modify the internal scheduler of the themostat ( i use 24h scheduler, with 3 time range Mornig,Day,Evening.
And this is “in working” nodered e homeassistant config. The nodered flow is a modified version posted some time ago in this forum