MC6 Thermostat

Hi , Rik, can you take a picture of the home screen ?

I’m writing here because, even if not HA related, the question may be answered and in the event help other HA users that got MC6 thermostat in their home.

In this hot european summer I’m using my MC6 in cooling mode with my fancoils, in the last days I’m facing a strange issue: after some hour running the FC simply power itself off. I’ve integrated them in HA via MQTT, but trying to troubleshoot the problem I disabled all the related automations that could in theory power off the thermostats to no avail.

Simply restarting them restore the functionality (temp setpoint, mode, fan speed etc are kept so it doesn’t seem the case of a reset). I’ve checked and don’t have any program running on the thermostats.

The problem was not present during the winter when the FC run continuously, so it seems a new issue or an issue only related to cooling mode; it may be the case that I did not discover the problem before because this year Im using the cooling mode way more than the last year.

Any of you face similar problems? In the meantime I’ll see if I can switch to modbusTCP and see if something changes.

Hi, I’ve recently updated my HA installatin and doing so I decided to try again modbus TCP integration with my MC6/BC107.
The native modbus climate integration is now capable of managing every aspect of my 3 speed 2 pipes FCU, even fan speed is now correctly functioning. Switching back to modbus from MQTT has a series of advantages.

  1. I have now the possibility of changing the HVAC mode via automation, service call/action call also to turn off the device (with MQTT I had to set up a different MQTT switch)
  2. the HA GUI is almost instantaneously matching the thermostat state: in case of communication error I get immediate feedback, with MQTT the message was sent by HA to mosquitto but in case of problems I had to wait up to 10 minutes to get the HA GUI reverting back to the previous state (MC6 reports back the full status via topic only every 10 min)
  3. I get all the HVAC modes available: my FW didn’t manage to set the dehumid/dry state via mqtt message

This is an extract of yaml:

    type: tcp
    host: **MC6 IP**
    port: 502
    delay: 1
    timeout: 10
    message_wait_milliseconds: 200
      - name: "CLIMATE ENTITY NAME"
        unique_id: "entity_id"
        slave: 1
        address: 0
        target_temp_register: 64
        min_temp: 5
        max_temp: 35
        scan_interval: 30
        temperature_unit: C
        data_type: uint16
        scale: 0.1
        offset: 0
        precision: 1
        target_temp_write_registers: true
        write_registers: true
          address: 62
            state_auto: 4
            state_cool: 1
            state_heat: 0
            state_fan_only: 2
            state_dry: 3
          write_registers: true
        hvac_onoff_register: 61
            - 63
            state_fan_low: 2
            state_fan_medium: 1
            state_fan_high: 0
            state_fan_auto: 3

Hello, did anyone manage to add the thermostat? Is there any tutorials online how to do this?

Hi! It seems like your websites domain expired, i would be very interested in following the guide on your blog.

Search in the thread. There are readily adaptable configurations for the thermostat with both kind of integration (Modbus vs. MQTT).

ATM Modbus tcp works better, at least in my case and the configuration is literally one post before yours

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@Domaray could you please provide the node-red code file? i found your article on wayback machine but it didnt save the node-red file. Thanks!

I have problem with this thermostat, after I have bouhht two of them for stering down and uo stairs i decided to have more for outdoor temperature reading. Probkem is thermosrat is not reading - temperature whent temperature is going under 0 deg thermosrat strat show some silly reading. I asked yu suport several time but hes top answer my emails. Any idea how to solve it?

Would you mind sharing your entire YAML config? :slight_smile:

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At what yaml you’re referring to?
The MQTT version is up thread the modbus one just some post above this. How can I help?Text

This is the home assistant forum. If you want help for the manufacturer app you should contact them.

You had mentioned an “extract” of the YAML in your post, wasn’t sure if there was more to what you configured for the MC6 or not. Either way, I think I figured out why my modbus setup is “off”, I think the docs and firmware are off. Using “Open ModScan” it looks like register 63 is the system mode versus 62 Scratch that, updated the register address and it broke even more.

Sorry, I misunderstood. With “extract” i was referring to the fact that it was not the entire configuration.yaml but only the modbus part.

Dumb question: have you enabled modbus tcp on the thermostat?
post#2 has the procedure and the complete register map:

It may also be that newer version of the firmware have different registers addresses, if that’s the case maybe you can contact the manifacturer and get the new map…

Yup, Modbus TCP enabled. This is output from modpoll is below. The temperature_unit setting, should that be set to what the TStat is set for?

Edit: Ok answered my own question, yes, haha. However it seems that hvac_mode_register might not be getting read or written correctly. I can’t change the mode either, if I try to via HA, nothing changes on the t-stat while logs state “changed to Cool triggered by action Climate: Set HVAC mode” a few seconds after changing it to heat.

modpoll -0 -r 60 -c 20
– Polling slave… (Ctrl-C to stop)
[60]: 80
[61]: 1
[62]: 1
[63]: 1
[64]: 680
[65]: 0
[66]: 450
[67]: 0
[68]: 0
[69]: 730
[70]: 0
[71]: 0
[72]: 0
[73]: 0
[74]: 0
[75]: 0
[76]: 0
[77]: 0
[78]: 0
[79]: 0

Sincerely I’m not that fluent with modbus :slight_smile:
The only thing I know is that to be able to command these thermostats from HA modbus integration I had to wait that the maintainers changed HA core code to include
commands otherwise HA wasn’t able to change fan mode and hvac mode.
It may be related…

No worries :slight_smile:

I’ll do some more troubleshooting and maybe see if they’re any open issues on GitHub

You can try to debug single register using Modbus switch for the hvac_mode function and see what happens. Try with and without the write_registers option to see what is logged. At least that’s what I’d do