Ciao Luca,
no news on modbus issue but I got the info that with the new FW version it supports MQTT natively. He sent me also the FW in HEX format and the MQTT description Document. I don’t have any tool to flash the FW so I leave it to you to try meanwhile I try to get one
I uploaded all the files in this folder:
Thanks Sergio. Unfortunately my HW is too old (2017) and the latest working fw release is 3.0.9. When I upgrade to 3.2.7 or the lates you have provided, the touch screen no longer respond.
I have a question if it is possible to flash MC6 Thermostat using ST-LINK V2 with pinout as attached below? If yes could you please guide me with pinout connection?
Thanks for providing pinout I already deduced it using ST-LINK data sheet provided by ringhio80 and finally I upgraded firmware in my MC6 Thermostat from 2.98 to 3.27.
I have added reset to the pinout and I have to plug MC6 to 220V because I was not able to connet to MC6 and flash it using only ST-LINK VCC 3.3V nor 5.0V
MC6 VCC (1) <-> STLink 3.3V (or 5.0V if that fails) //
MC6 GND (2) <-> STLink GND
MC6 JTMS (7) <-> STLink SWDIO
MC6 JTCK (8) <-> STLink SWCLK
MC6 RESET (9) <-> STLink RST //I think that this one is not necessary. If not connected we just need to reset manually MC6 by unplug and plug to AC power but I connected this pin anyway.
I didn’t know about the MQTT firmware and now I do not have ST-LINK to try to update to this version or maybe 3.27 also supports MQTT but I have no idea how to enable it?
Regarding update process I also have to upload the bootloader - in other case the MC6 won’t boot up after uploading only firmware. And next I have also uploaded gif images since they disappeared after bootloader and firmware upload.
My MC6 won’t work with 3.09 version - touch screen was not responding so I upload the 3.27 version which addings nice History feature which my MC6 didn’t have before.
After successful firmware upgrade I have just connected MC6 via USB port soldered on board and Windows automatically detect MC6 as removable drive where was lots of bmp files. I have just copy and paste gif files published by Domaray in his blog and thats it. But i think that few icons are missing in 3.27 firmware eg. for History button on main view:
I have asked Mr Yu from Brade Controls about MQTT and this is what he said:
Please check attached MQTT firmware, for this new firmware you need to use the new App - My comfort house pro. the mqtt mc6 comms to different cloud server , so we developed a new App which works with MQTT MC6 .
He sends me the same firmware version (mc6_basic_mqtt_v106.hex) as published in this thread.
Before I upgraded firmware to 3.27 I have just sinffed the http requests performed by MC6 (it performs plain unprotected http requests to the Chinese server) so I was able to control thermostat via Domoticz (I wrote python plugin to just send http requests with set temperature, and obtains current MC6 values from the cloud)
Ciao Tiziano,
at the moment it is only pointing to the cloud. I requested a change in the FW in order to set the comms to an internal mqtt broker. Will be available in the next release.
Keep you posted.
I also contacted mr Yu to get the firmware versions for the old display. Older versions of mc6 have a different touch display, and there is a specific firmware
I received a new firmware that is able to point to my mqtt broker ( it is hardcoded, if you like to test it is available into my share: in the folder “new firmware”. It is available in 2 versions: old touch, new touch.
I already flash my MC6 is getting connected to the broker but I am doing some mistackes in the config yaml and I was not able to use the climate gadget. Will play bit more tomorrow.
I received my MC6 yesterday. It came with firmware v3.26Z or v3.26E (both are mentioned in the firmware in different screens). I have a dump of both the firmware and the images in the USB (including history.bmp). Happy to share these with anyone who wants them.
The pinout is a little different than what was posted previously here:
From the top side of the PCB as visible above, the left one at the very bottom (that says USB in an mirrored way) is USB D-, USB D+, GND (square pin D-). Pull-up resistors are on the board, so connecting a connector (e.g. a microUSB breakout) alone should do it (but see below for VCC).
The second one from the left (that says SWDI mirrored) is GND, SWIO, SWCLK, VCC (square pin VCC). Note that to connect to USB, one has to connect the three pins in the first header plus VCC (= 5V) in the second header. SWD worked for me with the four pins in the right header with both 3V3 and 5V (no mains required). I used a purple STLinkv2 dongle and stlink-tools/stlink-gui.
Finally, the 2x5 JTAG header on the right is still present and has the same pinout as has been mentioned here before (basically the SWDI header pins plus a few more), so one can use those two interchangeably.
I’m only using Modbus TCP for now (I have loaded firmware 3.27 since I do not have ST-LINK longer to try with new firmware which supports MQTT) . So I can only help with Modbus if needed.