MC6 Thermostat

Hello All,

Thanks for alle the info and instructions. I have managed to connect my MC6 with Home assistant, like Domaray did and I used his scripts and Node-Red flows.
I made some additions to use the away option without and helper. I also want to use the low temperature, but than the love-lace card is failing and reported the bug. So if that is fixed, I will use that to. And finaly I addit a read after write trigger, so it only ones every 30 seconds and immidialy after a write of a value to the MC6.
This is my HA configuration:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Kamer Thermostaat
    unique_id: climate_kamerthermostaat 
      - "heat"
      - "cool"
      - "auto"
    temperature_command_topic: "home/termostato/temperature_setpoint/set"
    temperature_state_topic: "home/termostato/temperature_setpoint/state"
    temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json|float / 10  }}"
    current_temperature_topic: "home/termostato/current_temperature/state"
    current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json|float / 10  }}"
#    temperature_high_command_topic: "home/termostato/high_temperature/set"
#    temperature_high_state_topic: "home/termostato/high_temperature/state"
#    temperature_high_state_template: "{{ value_json|float / 10  }}"
#    temperature_low_command_topic: "home/termostato/away_temperature/set"
#    temperature_low_state_topic: "home/termostato/away_temperature/state"
#    temperature_low_state_template: "{{ value_json|float / 10  }}"
    action_topic: "home/termostato/action/state"
    mode_state_topic: "home/termostato/mode/state"
    away_mode_command_topic: "home/termostato/away/set"
    away_mode_state_topic: "home/termostato/away/state"
    temperature_unit: c
    max_temp: 30
    min_temp: 15
    temp_step: 0.5
    retain: 1

And the Note-RED flows I use:

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        "x": 790,
        "y": 1380,
        "wires": [

I just installed the Note-Red from the Addon-store in HA.

And the Humidity sensor, It’s alraedy in the Nodered script.

# Kamer termostaat humidity
- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "home/termostato/humidity/state"
  unique_id: "MC6_Kamer_Humidity"
  name: "Kamer Humidity"
  device_class: humidity

Thanks, Frans


The MC6 has a humiditiy sensors is it posible to get these values also?


Yes, you can copy the “Get Temperature” module of Node-Red and change the ModBus Address from 0 to 2. That is the address code of the humidity:

Could you please share .jaml configuraton for humidity sensor.


I had it alrady working in and this is the sensor you can add.

# Kamer termostaat humidity
- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "home/termostato/humidity/state"
  unique_id: "MC6_Kamer_Humidity"
  name: "Kamer Humidity"
  device_class: humidity


Add this lines Into the sensors section of your configuration.yaml:

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “termostato_humedad_actual”
    state_topic: “home/termostato/current_humidity/state”
    value_template: “{{ value_json|int }}”

The flow I uploaded already gets this value. Hope it helps.

Thank’s guys. Managed humidity with this code

  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: “home/termostato/current_humidity/state”
    unique_id: “MC6_Humidity”
    name: “MC6 Humidity”
    device_class: humidity

I like to buy MC6-HE and MC6-HD + RF reiceiver , does the both models have also modbus options? What type of modbus does they have RTU or TCP, where is modbus connectors ?

Hi Paravoid

MQTT firmware is released now, please download from this link , there are the .hex file, JSON list in it. the encription is AES256, Base64 code. the MC6-MQTT works with different App-MyHouse Pro, you can download it from Apple store or Google play .


1 Like

Ok thank’s. Can you pubblish a version for older touch version of MC6. Now with last version is possible to specify an internal mqtt server not hardcoded ?

Many thanks

Also I saw on my MC6 with the old touch a menu for auto update. I ran it and now the version is 3.30 but the touch doesn’t work I guess the auto update is for the new touches. Is it possible to have version 3.30 for old touches too?

Hi Tiziano

Yes, we will upload a new version for Old/New touch firmware(v330), Old/New touch MQTT firmware(v110) in this week.
For the Auto upgrade function, because the old touch MC6 we manufactured and sold last year has not this feature so normally those customers could not upgrade and there will not issue. only the new touch version has OTA upgrade feature.
BTW, both MQTT and none-MQTT version have OTA feature, when we upgrade firmware we will upload it to cloud server. currently for the mqtt update we uploaded v111 firmware, that is same as v110 just for testing if OTA works fine.
For the MQTT firmware v110 the mqtt server is our cloud server, we will add a selection menu to specify the mqtt server .


If you are interested in it, I have created an Script to activate the Thermostat during a period of time.


alias: Heat room
  - service: mqtt.publish
      payload: '{{thermostat_current_temperature + 2 }}'
      retain: true
      topic: home/termostato/temperature_setpoint/set
  - delay: '00:15:00'
  - service: mqtt.publish
      payload: '{{thermostat_current_setpoint}}'
      retain: true
      topic: home/termostato/temperature_setpoint/set
mode: single
  thermostat_current_temperature: '{{ states(''sensor.thermostat_current_temperature'') | float }}'
  thermostat_current_setpoint: '{{ states(''sensor.thermostat_temperature_setpoint_get'') | float }}'
icon: 'mdi:fire'


  - platform: mqtt
    name: "thermostat_current_temperature"
    state_topic: "home/termostato/current_temperature/state"
    value_template: "{{ value_json|float / 10  }}"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "thermostat_temperature_setpoint_get"
    state_topic: "home/termostato/temperature_setpoint/state"
    value_template: "{{ value_json|float / 10  }}"  

More info at:


I have a bunch of MC6, some already updated for the new MQTT firmware, but i’m not seeing the auto-update (OTA) button, can someone guide me on where it is?

Thank you so much for responding here and for all this information! I wonder if there has been any progress on a firmware with a configurable MQTT server? This would be something the HA community in particular would benefit from :smile:

Also, is there an easy way for one to know if they have the “old touch” or “new touch” hardware without trying both firmwares? (My first unit came with v3.26E or v3.26Z, is v3 indicative of new?)

which firmware version do you have ?

Please check attached latest MQTT version firmware v2.02. with this firmware you need to use the new App - Myhouse Pro .
firmware download link

To set the MQTT server below is the operation:
1 ) go to the menu - Screen Lock ,input the password 1976
2 )press the “Lock” button to enter the mqtt server setting screen
3 ) press the button “MQTT server” to modify the current server name() to your own mqtt server, for example you can input
4) the topic is fixed , that is Heat
5) please note if you dont input new mqtt server and this is the first enter this setting its better to press the second button “Reset to factory setting”, because if you go back to home screen the firmware will looking for the new mqtt server in E2 chip , normally this data is wrong if it is not written by anyting, this means this mc6 would not connect to our mqtt server and App would not work.

The OTA function is avilable from this firmware .

the new touch hardware released began from early 2020.

I have:

2 x 3.16z
3 x 3.09z
2 x 2.98
2 x 1.10
1 x 2.02

I’ve programmed with this new version, and it is connecting to my MQTT server.

I’me receiving the messages in the topic /updData/5002XXXXXX with messages that look base64: g2uLL8wDFwb/AQ96VKST1ef9ShKFuTxcSOQqgk8ej7Q=

Is there any trick to convert them?