I have successfully added Homekit to HA and then connected it to Homekit in the Home App. Many devices do show up but many do not. I do not see any media devices: Sonos, Samsung TV, Denon receiver, which all are seen in Home Assistant.
I tried to specify:
I also added specifications under entity_config:
The result was that all the other devices disappeared from Homekit and the media players still did not show. I have been able to get the original devices shown again, but no media players.
I have delayed the start of the homekit component 5 minutes.
All the media players have been added to HA with the discovery component. Could that be a problem?
Same problem. Set up hass.io on rp3b+, enabled homekit. Everything works fine - all the devices permitted by include_domains show up in Home app on iPhone 6s except media players (roku and samsung tv).
Nothing yet. I manager tonsteg my Sonos, but not the other devices. I think that these devices do not automatically generade switches or other instances that Homekit recognizes. I had to define play/pause switches for Sonos.
I was able to get the Mopidy media player to show up by adding entity_config to the homekit section in the confirgurator. However, Samsung tv and roku still don’t show up.
In your list of entities, what is the entity id of the media player? The entity id should replace my media_player.xxxxx. Hopefully that should do the trick, if you haven’t already tried it.