MELCLOUD not working?

I guess this mess was created when they, for some reason, deployed a silent upgrade of all customer firmware containing wrong dns pointer(production.receiver.melcloud. com instead of leswifidata.meuk.mee. com)?

Ahh. Thats possible. But how can they do that when the device cannot connect to the server ?

I tried to remove the DNS-entry from my workaround. No connection. So it is not fixed yet. Also got an answer from support. In Norwegian: "Hei,
Vi opplever feil sentralt på MELCloud app. Programmeringsteamet jobber med løsning.
Beklager for de ulemper nedetiden på MELCloud app har forårsaket.
Når løsning er implementert vil app oppdateres og kommunisere med nettverk som tidligere.
Takk for deres tålmodighet.

Because the problem occured after the deployment and restart of customer device?

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Glad yours is back. mine’s still not working (here in France). I’ll wait a little longer before looking at your solution - partly because I already use that section in my Asus Router to specify a Primary and Secondary DNS Server for the Getflix SmartDNS service. I’m guessing that I could put these into dnsmasq instead of the default Upstream servers and set up as you suggest and it should all work…

It has to be up and running soon as they can’t leave us in the dark. I’ll try and ask a Mitsubishi engineer.
Would there be an alternative to using MELCloud app or do they all use the same server.

yes. with Dnsmasq you can combine ordinary dns-servers with local overrides. A great plugin. But depends on your local configuration. the load is minor. And you can define overrides to the records. Fantastic. So my new DNS-server is now HA with Dnsmasq :slight_smile: I like flexibility without too much hassle.

The heating has been off in our house since last Thursday, at the same time we lost the melcloud data. So this seems the same as everyone else.

I put in a support call to the company that installed the system 2 years ago. The man directed me to start the heating subsystem on the console. The heating has now started ok.

I assume that when they started the firmware update last week, they paused the heating on all the units. Then presumably the firmware update went foobar and they were unable to restart the heating.

Perhaps this is obvious to other people and you already started your systems manually. But if not then perhaps this is useful information.

PS: You loose nothing by moving the specific DNS records to the Dnsmasq addon. It’s just about moving it. Take a closer look at the screenshots. And the top that defines ‘default’. There you enter the ones you currently have in the router. Look at mine, replace with Getflix. So all DNS-requests that are not specified in host-sections will be routed to the default servers. So you loose nothing.

Hi all, I have just phoned Mitsubishi tech support, and they have said they are having issues with MELCloud as we know.
They said they are still working on the problem and it isn’t back online yet.


That sounds excellent - I’ll definitely give it a try!

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Interesting enough, I just tried to ping the IP which is used by some of you guys to resolve the issue - all pakets are lost. I am situated in Germany. Guess redirecting the DNS will be no solution for me.

Even ping pakets to the IP are lost, rerouting the DNS does work here in Germany as well. Used the HA Dnsmasq suggestion of tesamu2 above. Thank you for that!

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Not all services are configured to respond to ICMP (ping) requests. It’s not a way to be certain if a service is up or not.


Hello, here “Portugal” also stops working…


My Heatpump / Melcloud also stopped working here in Ireland last week. Like everyone else I was initially stressing and resetting etc. Just about to call the installation company when I found this thread. I rang the local Mitsubishi office this morning and they have no knowledge of the issue. She said they had no issues with Melcloud. She started to ask me if I had changed ISP etc … So I have sent her the link, and she said the engineer will call me back after he came out of a meeting. I am still waiting. They appear to be managing it very poorly.


This I got from a swedish support contact


Just got this message in my MELCloud. So maybe we soon are up running normal again :smiley:


Unfortunately that doesn’t mean anything. They have been putting it at various interval since the 18th


So I just got a callback from Mitsubishi Ireland and he was quite helpful. He acknowledged that there has been an issue, but he hoped that it would be would be back online this afternoon. He did not promise, and he is not directly involved with the work for sure, and I am not sure if it would be potentially up for all geographies.He mentioned that part of the work was migrating a large number of devices onto a newer platform and there may have been issues there. So, although there are no guarantees, it is a little hopeful.


Well, I honnestly think he has no insight whatsoever and was just trying to get rid of you. But I guess we’ll see