MELCLOUD not working?

Working again also in Italy, both via Melcloud Android app and Alexa integration.

working again here in Ireland as well :slight_smile: … Happy days… Thank you @cornubot for putting up this thread… It definitely saved me a lot of stress.

working in france for me, but the response time is very long. If I press a key in melcloud, it takes at least a minute to operate the air conditioner. Before it was almost instantaneous. (france with bbox operator)

Anyone in the uk working yet.
I will have to reset all interface units as I deleted and reset all on the 17th thinking it was my router

Working in spain too.

Yep - Derbyshire. Looks to have reconnected 45 mins ago

Working again also in Barcelona for me.

Hello, MELCloud also started working here in France since approximately 21:00 Paris time.

The first indication of the change was when all indoor units that I had turned on using the old-fashioned remote, turned off!… Actually getting consistent with the climate’s state in HA (off).

So I got back to my HA dashboard and started turning on the climates.

Hoping the situation gets resolved quickly for all of you.



Working in Sweden as well. At least I can see the temperature data again ( remote so I can’t tell if its really true :slight_smile: )

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Working again in Spain.
Hope this is just a one time issue.
Anyway, unacceptable lack of response from Mitsubishi.



Tried to log in. This is what I got.

Working again in Spain!, Thanks you all for sharing information. I hope it’s solved in every country!

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I’m sorry, but I have reset the Wi-Fi module because I thought the error was there. Now it turns out that I only get a message that the page does not exist when I log in to, and I am logged on to the Wi-Fi module. Does anyone know how I can get back in? Or are there others who have had the same error and found a solution?


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Thank you, this worked.
Interestingly, this isn’t actually in my instruction manual, it only mentions logging in via
You just saved me a heck of a lot of work now :slight_smile:

This video says: Didn’t work for me.

Switched off my temporary DNS redirect, and HVACs respond now timely to HA controlled command via Melcloud. Location is Germany.

My service resumed at 20:02 in the UK

My service has resumed too. 20:09:15 I started receiving readings again

Worked for me! Thanks!

In my case I use pi-hole, in the local DNS section I have defined a CNAME (alias) record:

~$ host is an alias for is an alias for is an alias for