MELCLOUD not working?

guess whos back? (in germany)
but seems like i have to build the wifi module by my own in the feauture, too much problems in the past.

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Agree. I’ll build one too, I had enough.

Up and running. Maybe an unplanned maintenance.

since the downtime, the response to my actions in the app and in home assistant is very slow. do you have the same „problem“?
it takes about 20-30 seconds until my command is set

same for me, although in depends on the device, some react in few seconds others in almost a minute or so.


MelCloud has been down for me since a couple of days.
Can’t control de AC either from Melcloud or HA.
It seems to be able to read the temperature communicated from the AC.
I’m in Portugal.
Anyone else?

Yes same here. Doesn’t properly turn on all 3 devices. Sometimes one device gets turned on. Most of the time it doesn’t work at all.
Doesnt matter if i use HA, Melcloud App, or Melcloud Website.

I’m in the UK and the MelCloud to my three units has stopped working. The interfaces are getting an IP address and reporting their MAC IDs to the router. The lights on the Wifi interface are flashing to show that they’re connected to the Internet (Melcloud server) and to the unit. But no commands are working on the units and the MEL iphone app shows that the commands are not being received by the unit.

I’ve rebooted my internet modem, routers, switch and access points. I’ve also re-paired one of the wifi interfaces with no change.

I’ve spoken with Mitsubishi support and they say no one else has reported anything and that it must be my network. But I have about 40 devices on my network and everything else is working properly.

Anyone else having issues with Melcloud being apparently down and no communication with the devices?

One other thing, when I browse to the wifi interface’s IP address I get a log in screen. If I logged in (but I don’t know the username or password), can I attempt to control the unit locally so I can see if the problem is the interface to the Unit or the interface to the net?

A week ago, on July 25th, I noticed some issues with MELCloud: commands did not go through from app to unit, but information (such as temperature) from unit to MELCloud app did come through. Also unit worked fine with remote control. I tried a couple of tricks but none of them worked. Also spent some time in internet searching for official or un-official information if something is wrong with MELCloud.

On Tuesday 30th contacted tech support. Their first answer was that nothing is wrong and their test-unit is working fine. Yesterday I received an email again from tech support as follows:

“I received information about this yesterday, which means that it is, however, a problem on the server end that is known to the device manufacturer. That is, the device stores data, but the commands do not go through. We are waiting for the device manufacturer’s solution to the matter. The problem in question is not related to all connections, but only affects certain products. Resetting the wifi adapter does not help the problem at this point.”

So, seems like THERE IS a problem with MELCloud.

It would be so GREAT to receive OFFICIAL INFORMATION in the app to prevent
all the troubleshooting.

(this in Finland)

Agree, i had also strange behavior where the ac didnt worked as before. So not in sync ”for real”.

So I agree Mistubishi could go out and inform…

Hi there, seeing the same behaviour in Italy from my Kirigamine Red unit… They must be very bad at monitoring stuff. I think it’s been random for the past few days. Ok, I’ll check back here for news.

Thanks everybody.

If anyone has a bit of desire and would like to help with the attempt to control the unit locally - I invite you to the topic on github: info about port 80 in device · Issue #2 · ncaunt/meldec · GitHub

My HA status for melcloud does not change if i turn on AC unit with remote. It only changes if i turn on AC unit directly in HA.
It is annoying bc i use remote too and HA doesn’t know that AC is on and thinks it is off so automations are wrong.
I noticed this behaviour for a while now but idk when it started happening.