Mercedes Me Component

@ReneNulschDE I‘m experiencing a problem that precondition state is not updating from my E300de. Though starting precondition works using the service the Electric Range entity always reports precondActive false. Think that has been reported a while ago.

I also get the same issue on my A250e. The ‘PreHeat’ start and stop services work fine.
I assume precondActive attribute really is supposed to reflect the current PreHeat status?
If not where do I find the current status of the PreHeating?

Maybe my presumption that PreCond and PreHeat are referring to the same thing is wrong…

On the EQC, precondActive only shows true when plugged into an active charger and pre-entry climate control is activated. If it is not connected, it will always show false.

I haven’t found an attribute to show that the pre-entry climate control is activated. Clearly, there is one as it registers on Mercedes Me, but I can’t find it in any of the active entities in the component.

Unfortunately that does not seems to be the case for me.
The car is plugged in and fully charged. When the pre-entry climate control is activated, the charging starts again, because of the power being drawn by the climate system. Even after waiting for 15 mins or so the precondActive attribute remains false…

That’s a bugger. I did a test only yesterday to check this function.

Silly question, maybe, but do the hybrids actually have battery pre-conditioning?


thanks for reporting and the different answers. We have to clarify multiple topics first :slight_smile:

Pre-Cond, Pre-Heat and Pre-Entry Climate are different things.

Pre-Cond: Warms the battery of a EQ* or Hybrid
Pre-Heat: Is a secondary heater - in German: Standheizung
Pre-Entry: Option in some cars to have a defined temperature in the car at a given point in time

Regarding precondActive : There is an open github issue already and I have not found a solution.

In case you would like to help:

  1. Activate the option “DEBUG ONLY: Enable save server messages to the messages folder” in the options dialog of the component (HA Integrations page)
  2. Activate the preheat/precond/pre-climate in the mobile app or use the HA-Service
  3. wait 2 min
  4. DeActivate the preheat/precond/pre-climate in the mobile app or use the HA-Service
  5. DeActivate the option “DEBUG ONLY: Enable save server messages to the messages folder” in the options dialog of the component (HA Integrations page)
  • Go to the messages folder in “HA-COnfig”/custom_components/mbapi2020/
  • zip the folder and send it to at nulsch dot de


Done that and sent you the logs.

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I have released version 0.5.5

Release 0.5.5

  • Add - Attribute precondNow to electricRange sensor

This shows true if you activate the precond-NOW-function in the app or via tha HA-service

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Thanks for the new release, Rene. I don’t see it, though. Am I missing some step?

car: WD70KWF
vin: myvin
original_value: '235'
distance_unit: MILES
retrievalstatus: VALID
timestamp: '2021-05-17T09:05:35'
unit: MILES
distanceElectricalReset: '690.5'
chargingactive: false
chargingstatus: '3'
electricconsumptionstart: '2.3'
electricconsumptionreset: '2.0'
maxrange: '182.1'
distanceElectricalStart: '25.1'
precondActive: false
selectedChargeProgram: '0'
soc: '80'
unit_of_measurement: km
friendly_name: WD70KWF Range Electric
icon: 'mdi:ev-station'

Same here

Vin: W1K2
Original value: 22
Distance unit: KILOMETERS
Retrievalstatus: VALID
Timestamp: 2021-05-17T18:22:38
Endofchargetime: 20:30
Electricconsumptionstart: 22.2
Maxrange: 36.0
Soc: 74
Chargingstatus: 0
Chargingactive: true
Electricconsumptionreset: 19.5
PrecondActive: false

Sorry, I missed to push the local changes to github before creating the release… :man_facepalming: - give me few minutes

0.5.6 should be available now.


Sorry, my mistake…

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Have sent logs as requested. I suspected that preheat/ precond etc were not the same thing. I thought Pre-Entry climate was the same thing as pre heat though because calling the preheat_start service in HA activates the Pre-Entry climate control slider in the MB app.

All I am trying to do is be able to see if the Pre-Heat / Pre-Entry Climate Control is on or not from HA.

Thanks for your work in this too Rene.

I just tested it with the EQC and the precondNow is returning true when the pre-entry climate control is activated. This is great because the precondActive will also return true if it is plugged in and the wallbox is available to supply power.

New template to indicate pre-entry climate control is activated:

        friendly_name: Pre-Heat Status
        value_template: >-
            {% if is_state_attr('sensor.wd70kwf_range_electric', 'precondNow', true)%}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}

Additional picture element to appear below heater symbol on dashboard

      - entity: sensor.pre_heat_status
          transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.9, 0.9)'
          color: lightgrey
          left: 85.5%
          top: 18%
        type: state-label

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Works for me too on the A250e.

Cool! (or pre-heat?)

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Pre-heat is a terrible name as it could of course be cooling if we ever get a summer here in Europe :laughing:

One day I’ll name my sensors properly instead of in a hurry. Then again, maybe not.

Thanks again @ReneNulschDE top dev!



few features are not implemented yet. What would you like to see?

  • Theft
  • Collision (Park events)
  • EcoScore
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I’m a data junky. The more info, the better!

I’m still a home assistant beginner, so it takes me a lot of plagiarising to implement anything. If anyone has a lovelace card to set times & temperature for the pre-heating, that would be awesome.

EDIT: I found ambient temperature attribute in the Odometer entity.

Any idea if it’s possible to implement “Send route to car?”

I have published a beta release v0.5.7-beta.1

This version adds a service to transfer a route to a car.

Usage example - A button that submits the location of the “Brandenburger Tor” in Berlin to the car.

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: mbapi2020.send_route
    title: Brandenburger Tor
    latitude: '52.5162746'
    longitude: '13.3755154'
    city: Berlin
    postcode: '10117'
    street: Pariser Platz 1
  target: {}
name: Send "Brandenburger Tor"-Route to Car

After few seconds the route is shown on the car display:


Very nice, thanks!

EDIT: can confirm it works :+1:t2:

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