Mercedes Me Component

Hi @modem-man-gmx ,

this is an interesting case, I never saw this before. Are you really sure that you used the same account like in your Android-App?

If “yes”, please do the following:

  1. Go to the configuration (“Configure”) dialog of the integration and enable the “Debug only: Enable save…” option and click submit
  2. Restart HA
  3. Wait 3min
  4. Go to the configuration (“Configure”) dialog of the integration and disable the “Debug only: Enable save…” option and click submit
  5. Zip all files that you find in the folder “%HA-Config-Folder%/custom_components/mbapi2020/messages”
  6. send this zip-file to [email protected] (you can write in German if you like…)

The files contains the traffic between the MB-Servers and your HA. (I can’t takeover your car :-))


Hi @Cameron_1871 ,

could you do the same that I described in the message above? I can check if I see the temp-data in your files and please add a screenshot of your mobile app.


Hi @Cameron_1871 ,

thank you for the files. The next release will contain a new attribute “remoteStartTemperature” for the Odometer-Sensor and the remoteStartActive-BinarySensor.

You can test it with the code out of the Master Branch in the Github Repo.


I hope you had a great summer or winter vacation season… (same like I had)

Here is a new minor release v0.9.4:


  • China has a different geo coordinates system (GCJ-02) then other countries. The component has a new configuration option to enable the conversation from WGS-84 to GCJ-02 to better support the this. (Restart/Reload required, and this recalculation is not perfect - search for GCJ-02 in wikipedia for more details) fixes: #140


  • Better sensor state classes for multiple sensors (thanks to @Thomas55555 )
  • New attribute endOfChargeTimeWeekday → sensor: rangeElectricKm fixes: #135
  • New attribute remoteStartTemperature → sensor: Odometer, remoteStartActive
  • MBAPIApp version tags - as always
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Argh! My mistake!!

Thanks to @ReneNulschDE for the right question!!

Background: We have two cars and two very similar MercedesME account / mail addresses, easy to confuse just by thick fingers miss-typing.
I used the account which only has registered the W169 (no ME adapter installed), while I was expecting the W247 and the W169 to see. Because the other mail address is registered as owner for one and as co-driver for second car. All my fault!

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I have published a small bugfix release v0.9.5


  • Tirepressure sensors are now showing the same value and unit like the MB App (#141)
  • Chinese coordinates calculation changed from WGS84–>GCJ02 to GCJ02–>WGS84 (#142)
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Does the “Bring Your Own Car discontinued” affect this integration (at least in the UK)?

After last update I am getting this:
Setup failed for custom integration mbapi2020: Unable to import component

No, should have no effect. - Please enable the debug log and share all the log details.

Thank you - I shall upgrade HA first as I am well adrift of the latest version.

Upgraded to HA 2023.10.1 and it is working again! Phew!

Thanks very much to you all for the effort you put in to these integrations. My hope is that I can improve the aesthetics of the displayed metrics like some brilliant examples I have seen.

After setting this up it always stops updating. Then when I reload everything then becomes unavailable. What am I doing wrong?

So I set this up again while my wife was out in the car. I noticed after she got home it still said the car was away and the engine was on. After an hour it did not update so I reloaded it via HA. Then everything became Unavailable. I am in the US and the car is a 2023 C300.

Hi, this is the first time since a long time that gets reported. Last time it was a very unstable internet connection. please enable the debug log and retry it. Please share the log via mail ([email protected]) and please explain your system setup in the mail too


how do I remove an „old“ car that’s no longer belongs to me?


Hi @ChrisKoh83 ,

there is no option to remove a car directly in the component. Best way to remove a car is to remove the integration, restart and reinstall the integration. This will clean old cars.


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Hi Rene.
i follow these chat like. i can not find a sensor or attribute to my eqa und eqe for start “Vorklimatisierung”. i can lock and unlock the car, more not. have you an idea or location that i find it?
Greetings Sören

Hi Sören,

there is a HA-Service “MBAPI2020.Preconditioning_Start” to initiate the “Vorklimatisierung”. You can use this service in the frontend (button for example) or in your automation.


Nice, thanks.

Thanks, i was wondering for a long time why i can’t start this from the integration. But why is it not just integerated in the device? Also to set the climate temp?

Furthermore my oil level is out of order for a long time what could be the reason?

Because each of this extends the complexity, it is my hobby and you can build it by yourself with HA standard functionality . You are invited to extend the code base and bring in a PR via the GitHub repo.

There is no easy ApI for this. If you would like to dive deep then analyze the Mb RCP API end points.

The Mb api does not provide this information anymore. Check the relevant GitHub issue for more details.