Mercedes Me Component

I’m also looking in buying the MB wallbox. I though it was just a re-skin of the EVBox Livo.
Bummer about the Bluetooth. Wouldn’t have noticed during my research, as neither EVBox, nor Mecedes mentions Bluetooth.
Keep us posted.

It looks like EVBox Livo (and therefore the MB wallbox) uses OCPP 2.0.1.

OCPP 1.6 and 2.0.1 are incompatible with each other.

The HA OCPP integration may not support 2.0.1:

The more you know :frowning:


Testers needed… I have created a new Beta Release v0.11.2-beta.4. This release is focusing on the different authentication problems (and adds one new sensor as a gift for the testers). I have created a new implementation for the communication with the MB-Data-Push service. Now the data receivers and processors are working in parallel. This should hopefully solve the problem with the “zombie” websocket connections…


  • Reauth error (KeyError) (fixes: #208)
  • Add async lock to refresh-token (fixes: #208)
  • Sensor “max_soc” not available for EQx (fixes: #210)
  • New websocket implementation to handle some race conditions (tackles: #156)


  • Sensor “Sunroof” (#206)
            "0": "Closed",
            "1": "Opened",
            "2": "Open lifting",
            "3": "Running",
            "4": "Anti booming",
            "5": "Intermediate sliding",
            "6": "Intermediate lifting",
            "7": "Opening",
            "8": "Closing",
            "9": "Anti booming lifting",
            "10": "Intermediate position",
            "11": "Opening lifting",
            "12": "Closing lifting"

I would like it to see a new attribute under the device tracker, that tells you when the location was last updated, as sometimes it isnt updating after the 20 second delay. That would make my automations a little bit more stable :slight_smile:

The device tracker has a timestamp attribute. This is the datetime when it was last updated on the MB server side.

Example: {{ state_attr(“”, “timestamp”) }}

I have released a new version v0.12.0


  • Reauth error (KeyError) (fixes: #208)
  • Add async lock to refresh-token (fixes: #208)
  • Sensor “max_soc” not available for EQx (fixes: #210)
  • New websocket implementation to handle some race conditions (tackles: #156)


  • Sensor “Sunroof” (#206)
        "0": "Closed",
        "1": "Opened",
        "2": "Open lifting",
        "3": "Running",
        "4": "Anti booming",
        "5": "Intermediate sliding",
        "6": "Intermediate lifting",
        "7": "Opening",
        "8": "Closing",
        "9": "Anti booming lifting",
        "10": "Intermediate position",
        "11": "Opening lifting",
        "12": "Closing lifting"

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Been using the integration for a while and recently noticed I have below. 2 different entries. The bottom one has up to date info but the top one I can’t get deleted or configured. Any advice?

Hi, The reconfigure note is for the hub below. Is your hub working? (I had this once in my dev environment too, ignored it as I was working on a different part, and after a reboot it was gone)

Rene, I have 2 parts I can configure the top part and the bottom part (hub). The ‘hubs’ is working fine. It has been like that for a while (mentioned reconfigure while actually working). I have now deleted the top one and restarted. Now I only have the ‘hubs’ and all still working fine.

I also noticed that the now is a control “pre-climate stop” and “pre-climate start”. I originally controlled pre-climate via the exposed services within automations. Should I change those to these new controls or can I just keep using the services?

Thx, I will check this again.

The buttons are just an extension and are using the services in the background - so the services will stay for sure.

Hi Rene,

I’m currently playing with all the status of various openings (doors, window, trunk etc.).
Do you have the opening state of the hood (I think Mercedes calls it “cowl” - die Motorhaube) available?

Also: Can you add opening/closing control of each window separately?

Edit: Disregard the hood, looks like even though the image set has a provision for openend hood, my EQS actually doesn’t report the hood status to the MercedesMe app.


Hi Thomas,

The engineHoodStatus is an attribute of the lock sensor. Tested this with an GLC and it gets reported.

The latest release has an DC-Flap sensor too (internal name: chargeflapdcstatus, 0=open, 1=closed, 2=flap_pressed)(AC-Flap will be part of the next release)

Windows: I don’t have access to a car with single window open support. I’ll try to build it - let me know if you would like to test it in an prerelease. Could you share some screenshots on how do you set this in the app?


Hi Rene,

thanks for the reply, I don’t have an engineHoodStatus in my integration, but as I have now discovered my EQS apparently does not report the hood status (maybe because you are not supposed to open it?).
Saw the DC flap sensor, will implement that in my dashboard soon.
Single window: Sure, I am happy to beta-test this.


Hi Thomas,

the master branch contains a new service “windows_move”. The service needs a vin (pin setup is required too) and has optional values for the different windows. Lets test with the front_left window first… I’m not 100% sure about the values. My current assumption is that 0=open, 90=ventilating and 100=closed. (Do not set the values for the other windows in the first test.) Check the error log for any warnings/errors and the window of your car of course :slight_smile:

You can install the changes out of master branch manually:

  • copy the custom components folder into your config folder

Thanks, will do that latest over the weekend.

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10 is venting, 100 is open, the rest are the appropriate intermediate position. In the intermediate position, the windowstatus* attribute of the windows_closed binary sensor reports a “0”.
Closing with “0” is not working, the “0” command just does nothing. The input of a “1” was not accepted by the integration.

So in summary, moving an individual window worked (even to a finer degree than the official app allows), I just can’t close an individual window.

Do you need a logfile?


I have just created an automation to open the gate when the car is turned on (sensor.xxxx_ignition_state above 0) and another automation to use with CarPlay linked to Ehi Siri.
It would be possible to link it to Ehi Mercedes?
Like ‘Ehi Mercedes, open the gate’?

Hi @Solarflor ,

I’m doing my best to keep the connection between Mercedes Benz and Home Assistant, but convincing Apple to allow other wake-up words than “Hey Siri” is out of my power… :person_shrugging: :slight_smile:

PS: you can check all the “year-of-voice” activities in the HA community. Maybe there are some solution available. Whenever HA can do it than this component will support it too…


Can someone help me. I dont know what i am doing wrong but i setup everything fine i get the code in the email and then nothing happens.

Could you please share the error message out of the logfile?