Meross MSS315 and Matter 1.3 (Matter Server v6)


Does anyone have the energy statistics working on Matter 1.3 with Meross MSS315 devices?

I do not, but also have an odd issue with Device Info reporting firmware 9.3.36 but when I updated these devices using the Meross App to version 9.5.35, HA still reports 9.3.36.


Same here :frowning: nobody has updated to matter 1.3 yet :frowning: I think, because is the same thing with my aqara plugs still not getting any power measuring with matter and still waiting on Ikea to add more devices to matter then just lights.

And same bug here HA reports 9.3.26 but meross says 9.5.39 Matter server 6.1.2

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Same problem here. HA reports an older version. I hope that Meross will add a firmware update that uses matter 1.3

Same here. Google Home also reports 9.3.26.

Never thought my first post was going to be a problem-solving one :wink:
I just emailed them to ask and they will!

Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Meross.
Sorry, currently you can read the energy measurement via Meross app only, it’s not possible to read those data via the 3-rd party Matter platform.
But recently Matter released a new version that allows users to read the energy data, we will update the device firmware to support it asap, at the same time, the 3-rd party Matter platforms need to update their apps to support the new matter protocol as well, otherwise, it’s still not possible to read the energy data.
Have a nice day!
Best regards,
Meross Customer Support


Thanks for the info. Hope they will release an update soon.

They just dropped an update for me (9.5.36), but its not matter 1.3 and still has the same issue of reporting 9.3.26.

Its interesting that I keep seeing people report different versions for the latest firmware.

@Mathias-Ooms Thanks for the communication from there support.

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Just checked the CSA matter certifications on Meross and they don’t have any devices that are using matter 1.3 and there is just a few devices that have matter 1.2.
So I think this is going to take a very long time before we get matter 1.3. :frowning:

Back on 30 july support said
Sorry, there is no ETA for the new firmware that supports MATTER1.3 yet, hopefully it will be available about in a month.

Its a month since then so i have asked again…