Meross MSS315 and Matter 1.3 (Matter Server v6)


Does anyone have the energy statistics working on Matter 1.3 with Meross MSS315 devices?

I do not, but also have an odd issue with Device Info reporting firmware 9.3.36 but when I updated these devices using the Meross App to version 9.5.35, HA still reports 9.3.36.



Same here :frowning: nobody has updated to matter 1.3 yet :frowning: I think, because is the same thing with my aqara plugs still not getting any power measuring with matter and still waiting on Ikea to add more devices to matter then just lights.

And same bug here HA reports 9.3.26 but meross says 9.5.39 Matter server 6.1.2

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Same problem here. HA reports an older version. I hope that Meross will add a firmware update that uses matter 1.3

Same here. Google Home also reports 9.3.26.

Never thought my first post was going to be a problem-solving one :wink:
I just emailed them to ask and they will!

Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Meross.
Sorry, currently you can read the energy measurement via Meross app only, it’s not possible to read those data via the 3-rd party Matter platform.
But recently Matter released a new version that allows users to read the energy data, we will update the device firmware to support it asap, at the same time, the 3-rd party Matter platforms need to update their apps to support the new matter protocol as well, otherwise, it’s still not possible to read the energy data.
Have a nice day!
Best regards,
Meross Customer Support


Thanks for the info. Hope they will release an update soon.

They just dropped an update for me (9.5.36), but its not matter 1.3 and still has the same issue of reporting 9.3.26.

Its interesting that I keep seeing people report different versions for the latest firmware.

@Mathias-Ooms Thanks for the communication from there support.

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Just checked the CSA matter certifications on Meross and they don’t have any devices that are using matter 1.3 and there is just a few devices that have matter 1.2.
So I think this is going to take a very long time before we get matter 1.3. :frowning:

Back on 30 july support said
Sorry, there is no ETA for the new firmware that supports MATTER1.3 yet, hopefully it will be available about in a month.

Its a month since then so i have asked again…

Support now say
I checked with our developers, the new firmware that supports Matter 1.3 has been developed already, but it needs more testing before releasing, please wait patiently, thanks.

So thats a bit open eneded …

Just saw this yesterday, when I got an update to the Meross plugs version 9.5.40 so I’ve checked HA but HA still says 9.3.26 and by chance I was looking in the Apple Home app and saw that is the same version there to 9.3.26. So I guess if you add matter devices to HA from the Home app like I have the version follows to HA maybe?

I got in contact with support and they told me that matter 1.3 is ready in about 1-2 months. I hope this is not wishful thinking from support.


I just ordered/received one of these and been playing around with it. It popped up with a firmware update (in the Meross app) & went to 9.5.36 so nothing new (yet). I somehow managed to get it working (all at the same time) with:

  1. SmartThings (current home automation) - Setup as “new device”
  2. Home Assistant - Added via Android HA App as “Add Matter Device / Yes. It’s Already in Use” - Copied / pasted the “Setup Code” from SmartThings.
  3. Meross app.

Still working out how Matter works etc but this looks like a really nice UK smart plug and very keen to get energy monitoring in HA.

I’ll post back here if I see any new firmware + power monitoring in HA.

EDIT: Curious to know if Meross do a beta program and are looking for testers?

UPDATE: Just happened to notice this in the Meross app they are looking for beta testers for the MSS315 firmware. I know it mentions “disconnect issues” but I have signed up / added my email address anyway and will report back any updates…

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What what it’s worth I did end up buying about 4-5 of the Meross MSS315 plugs from Amazon (there was a tonne in the returns section 1/2 price). This was a big mistake! Nearly all of them where very flaky and just kept on going offline. Tried many times to talk to Meross about the issue with very little response. I’m now just in the process of returning all of them back to Amazon.

I am sure at some point they will bring out some newer firmware which will fix this but my big issue isn’t anything technical - It’s the fact they completely ignored any support request so based on that fact I would recommend keeping well clear of Meross!

I’ve been looking around for something similar and ruled out this EVE plug based on how wide it is (i have a need to use these in a four gang plug and the EVE one is no good for that.

So if it’s any help the only other WiFi matter plug is this one from Tapo:

Tapo WiFi App Control Smart Plug, Energy Monitoring & MATTER Compatible Alexa Plug, Works with Alexa, Google, Apple HomeKit, Smart things, Device Sharing, Smart Plugs That Work With Alexa (Tapo P110M)

My Meross plugs have been sitting on a shelf since I got them because of no energy monitoring over Matter. You can local connect them with some messing around in the command line and setting them to talk to your Matt server but that’s not over Matter.

I’m hoping they release the 1.3 Matter update with energy monitoring so I can use them but otherwise they’ll just sit on a shelf until I throw them away.

As for Tapo, I refuse to buy or use them anymore, the app used to let you use the plugs without registering or creating an account but they updated the app to make you register and login before you can use any devices.

I refuse to support companies that force the use of any kind of registration/account without the ability to do everything locally so they’re out.

I really have no clue whether my Meross plugs have connectivity issues or not because I got as far as finding out there’s no energy monitoring over Matter and shelved them.

I have a bunch of Aeotec Z-Wave plugs but their signal strength is garbage so haven’t bought any more. Fibaro stuff was ok but they were overpriced, and they just got bought out/rebranded to “Nice” along with price increases and their prices are ridiculous now.

Keeping an eye out for any good equipment, been buying more Aqara stuff lately which seems community friendly, for now.

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Funny I have quite a few of the MSS315 and not had any issues, I wonder if other factors like connection quality were the issues (as they run over wifi). I’ve been using the HACS meross integration to pull energy usage. Matter capabilities have been underwhelming, but don’t mind using them with the hope that matter catches up with improved support.

I picked them because in the UK the zigbee plugs didn’t fit well side by side, where as the meross ones are nice and compact.

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@jtenniswood - What firmware are you on? I updated to the latest version when i received them and looks like that might be a dodgy version. I was on Hardware Version 9.0.0 and Firmware 9.5.36. I wouldn’t update to that if you’re on a lower version.

Yes I’m on the same, no issues. The worst of my plugs has 42% wifi signal, the rest are strong as they are much closer to an AP.

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ok. I could accurately reproduce the offline/disconnect issue on half of them if I unplugged the plug, waited around 5-10 mins and then plugged them in. They would go back to system defaults :frowning: