Meteobridge Weather Logger Integration

Meteobridge Weather for Home Assistant

I have to admit, I am a Weather Geek, and I have owned several Weather Stations in my life. Lately my Wife gave me a Davis Weather Station, but she did not buy anything that could make me retrieve the data from the station. Davis has its own Logger, but I decided to search for an alternativ and stumbled accross Meteobridge.

Meteobridge is a small device that connects your personal weather station to public weather networks like “Weather Underground”. This allows you to feed your micro climate data to a weather network in the Internet and to have it there visible from wherever you are. Meteobridge also has many ways of delivering data to your local network, and this furthermore reduces the dependencies for Cloud Services when you need very local Weather Data.

Meteobridge can be delivered as complete HW and SW packages, or there is a SW solution that you then can install yourself on specific HW. It supports a large array of different Weather Stations.

If you have any Davis Weatherstation I would recommend the Meteobridge Nano SD (I bought that for my Davis Station) solution or else the Meteobridge PRO (which I bought for my WeatherFlow station) solution.

After setting it up I started exploring all the ways I could get data out of this logger, and I found it to be so flexible and easy that I decided to make this Custom Integration for Home Assistant. It combines real-time weather readings from a Meteobridge Data Logger and Forecast data from Dark Sky.

This Custom Integration consist of 4 parts:

  1. The main component which sets up the link to the Meteobridge Data Logger
  2. A Binary Sensor component, that gives a couple of binary sensors, derived from the data delivered
  3. A Sensor component delivering realtime data from the Data Logger
  4. A Home Assistant Weather component, that retrieves Forecast data from Dark Sky and then replaces Dark Skys current data with the data from the local weatherstation

The mbweather component uses a built-in REST API from Meteobridge to retrieve current data for a local WeatherStation, which means that if you don’t use the Weather component, everything is running inside your local network

As this is using the Template structure from Meteobridge there is an almost unlimited amnount of data we can retrieve and sensors we can create, currently this is just limited to the sensors I needed at the moment. But I am happy to create more sensors, if there is a need for them. Take a look at this page to get an idea on the data that can be retrieved.

As Meteobridge supports many different Weather Stations, the data that can be retrieved is dependent on the Weather Station HW. I have a Davis vantage Vue station, and that unfortunately does not include HW for UV and Solar radiation, but other stations have that.

For installation and setup instructions go to Github


Wow this is great Bjarne. That is what I was looking for!. I have a Davis ISS with VUE station with Meteobridge NANO SD and of course HA on RPI. So great to have my data from my weather station coming in.
Thx so much!!

You are welcome. Exactly same setup as I have. Let me know if there is data you would like to get out of the system, that is not being exposed now.

Would be great if the winddirection numbers could be translated to readable characters such as NNW, S, NNE a.s.o. Then directionnumbers does not say very much (to me).
And a question: are the values stored in the database on HA?

There is already a sensor called sensor.mbw_wind_direction that will give you a direction text like S, NNE etc.
And yes, data is stored in the HASS History, so you can do Charts and other stuff.

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Ah great. Did not see it with all these sensors from my smart meter and solar panels also coming in :wink:
How do these binary sensors rain and frost work? I mean where do I use them and do they change when status is changed?

There are 3 Binary Sensors at the moment, and they are changing based on values from the Meteobridge. All sensors could be used in automations. F.ex. I have a roof window, that I close automatically if the raining sensor turns true.
When the freezing sensor goes to true I send a notfication to the phones of my family, to make sure that they know it can be slippery outside.

  • raining: If the rain rate is > 0 then this sensor is set to True, and returns to false again when rain rate is 0.
  • freezing: If tempereature is below 0°C then this is true, and else false
  • lowbattery: This goes to true if Meteobridge reports low battery status of your Vue station. (Not the console, but the actual station outside) Again here, I get a notification on my phone if that happens. Honestly this might never happen as the battery is rechargeable and I have seen the battery last for 10 years.

The raining and freezing sensors could also be done using a template, but I just decided to do it for you.
Hope this answers your questions?

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This worked really well - straight out of the box which was excellent.
Can I ask for one refinement? Here in the UK we like our temperature in metric © and our wind speed in imperial (mph). Can you adjust the configuration to allow that combination?

For anyone else who sees this, I was able to add additional sensors using a template.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Wind Speed"
      unit_of_measurement: 'mph'
      value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.mbw_wind_speed') | float * 2.237) | round(1)}}"

It is already on the wish list. I am a bit busy now, but when time permits, I will make unit configuration available. In the meantime, your solution with creating new sensors based on the existing ones, is great.

From one Weather Geek to another Thank You for his! It works perfect. I had all the hardware in place already soo it was just a huge bonus. Keep up the good work!

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I am just getting started with Home Assistant and came across your work. I Have an Ecowitt GW1000 that I use to monitor my houseplants soil moisture. It looks like Meteobridge added support for these sensors in Sept. Can you add support for these sensors as well as the PM2.5 Sensor?

This is not how this integration works. The integration talks to the Meteobridge HW, and pulls the data from that. Every station that is setup on a Meteobrige Box is automatically supported. So if you have a Meteobridge Box, this should work. If not, please look here:
I can recommend a Meteobridge Pro unit for Ecowitt GW1000.

ah, ok. That makes sense. I didn’t see the sensor type listed in the readme. I appreciate the follow up!

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Now supporting HA +0.109

I Converted the Integration to use the Async Libraries, and with that removing the I/O messages that were building up in the Log file if you upgraded to HA 0.109

Release 1.4.0 should be available in HACS.

Hi Bjarne-

I ran across your project on GitHub a few months back and was very excited to get it running on my Meteobridge system as it met the majority of my needs. Thank you so much for your work.

Everything was working great up till today when I updated my Docker Image.

When I updated my Docker install, I was getting errors regarding the UV Index sensor which I don’t have and is not included in my monitored_conditions. I went back to your GitHub and pulled the latest Master and loaded it up. This seems to have fixed the issue with getting the module working.

Once the sensors were up and running I noticed everything was now in Metric. For some unknown reason, I can not get this back to imperial.
Temperatures are reported in Celsius
Wind Speed in m/s
Barometer in mb

My Config is set to

unit_system: imperial

I also have the mbweather section set to mph but also tried to comment this out with no change in resulting data.

- platform: mbweather
    wind_unit: mph 

I see you update your repository recently, is it possible there was a change and I am not seeing it? I have spent a few hours trying to see where the issue may be but so far, I am lost.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks - Chris

Hi Chris,
The whole system was rewritten, to use the Async Libraries and thus preventing the I/O warnings you would have seen in your log. During that process I moved two parameters around, breaking the Imperial support.
There is now a release 1.4.1, that hopefully fixes that problem. If you don’t use HACS for installation and Updating, I can recommend that

The UV_INDEX problem was caused by a change in HA from 108 to 109. So you need to be at +0.109.x for this to work.

Let me know if this fixes the problem.

Thank you fine Sir for your quick work.

30 seconds and all working well! Didn’t take me one cup of coffee to get it updated.

Are you open to suggestions for additional requests in regards to pulling data from the Meteobridge? There are a few things I would like to have access to from the historical data stored on the device.

If not, no big deal as I really appreciate the work you have done already.

Thanks- Chris

Hi Chris,
Hit me :rofl: If I can do it I am happy to expand the number of sensors. Let me know what you would like.

Hi Bjarne,

Love to see the following sensors if possible.

  1. Outdoor Temp - Monthly and Yearly Min / Max
  2. Wind - Monthly and Yearly Max
  3. Rain Total - Monthly and Yearly Max
  4. Rain Rate - Monthly and Yearly Max

I think having those sensors would be great!

Thanks - Chris