Meteobridge Weather Logger Integration

Hi Chris,
They are all added. Please install release 1.5.0 from HACS and you are all done. For naming see the on Github.
Hope this was what you needed.

One question: I am thinking about removing the Weather Entity, as DarkSky will cancel their service, after the purchase by Apple. Is this something you use?

Hi Bjarne,

All good and thank you for the added sensors!

FYI - I don’t use HACS, everything is manual updates on my install.

Not sure what happened but when I updated, HA created duplicate sensors for may of the items for some reason. No big deal as I disabled MBW and restarted HA then removed all the MBW sensors. Went back and enabled MBW again (basically started fresh) and many of the duplicates were gone but some sensors still created duplicates (temperature sensors and I think it was pressure and humidity also). It was kinda odd as only the duplicate sensor had a value. I made it work so not big deal but wanted you aware of it if someone else updates and notices it.

As for DarkSky, I don’t use it as I have a personal weather website that has forecast info from NOAA.

Thanks - Chris

Release V2.5

BREAKING CHANGE This release adds the possibility to select individual units for each type of measurement. However, in order to set this up, the current Integration needs to be removed and then re-added. If you have not renamed any of the sensors, this should not be a problem. If you have them renamed, you will have to re-apply that after the installation.

With this release you will now have the option of selecting different units for the different sensor types. These units will be used regardless of the Unit System you have chosen in Home Assistant.

The following are the available options:

  • Wind: m/s (Meters per second), mph (Miles per hour) or km/h (Kilometers per hour)

  • Rain: mm (millimeter) and im (Inches)

  • Pressure: hPa (Hectopascal), inHg (Inches Mercury) and mb (Millibar - Same value as hPa)

  • Distance: km (Kilometer) and mi (Miles)

Temperature Unit cannot be set by this Integration due to the way Home Assistant works. If it spots a value with unit_of_measurement set to either °C or °F it will automatically convert it to the unit set by your user profile. Celcius if you have selected Metric Units or Fahrenheit if you have selected Imperial. So the only way to change this, is to change the overall Unit System. Hopefully we will have more freedom on this in the future.

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Go to Settings and select the Integration menu.

  2. Find Meteobridge Datalogger and press the three dots in the lower right corner and press remove.

Note If you have more than one Datalogger set up, yu must repeat this for each of them.

  1. Go to HACS, and install the V2.5 Upgrade

  2. Restart Home Assistant

  3. Go back to the Integration menu and install Meteobridge again.

  4. During Installation you will be asked which units you want to display data in, for the different unit types and you can also change this under Options later should you want to do so.


I can’t see it in settings / integration

What can be the problem ?

If you got the files installed in the custom_components directory and restartet HA, then when you are on the Integrations page, do a hard refresh of your browser, and then try again.
This is always a caching problem.

 it solved it :slight_smile:

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Hi @briis,
Just installed the Meteobridge Integration to bring in the data for my Davis Vantage Pro2 into HA. Easy installation and integration. Thank you very much for developing and making this available.

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Hi Bjarne,

Been using Meteobridge Datalogger Integration to full satisfaction for some time now.
For some sensors I still miss the date-time of the measurement.
In HA now use the last_changed, but when HA restarted it is changed to the new start time.
So the question is whether the date and time at the highest and lowest temperature per day, month and year can also be given?

Hi Waling,
The last-changed, will always be the last time HA has detected an update on the value, so yes, this will not necessary be the highest and lowest value measure time for the period.
Could you open an issue on Github and specify which sensor you want the recording time for. I will add this as an attribute to the sensor.

Hi Bjarne,

I just created an issue for an extra attribute

Thanks. I will make as soon as I can.

I have a rather awkward setup with a Meteobridge RPi and two GW1000.
One is for the outdoor sensor array.
The second one is for 8 indoor temperature sensors.
I need the two, because RF transmission is not the best inside the house.

The standard integration is working very well and I don’t want to ask to change there anything.
I would ask for help to get my second station running in Home Assistant.
Meteobridge is seeing the second station. I was thinking about using data from a similar REST call like your integration, but evaulate only data for station 1 and make them work as RESTful API sensors.

I would ask your help for an example call to the Meteobridge you make to see the results.
If I have it, I can try to configure the RESTful sensor myself.

Happy to help. I use the built-in template function, and construct a REST call using the below two strings:

        dataTemplate = "[DD]/[MM]/[YYYY];[hh]:[mm]:[ss];[th0temp-act:0];[thb0seapress-act:0];[th0hum-act:0];[wind0avgwind-act:0];[wind0dir-avg5.0:0];[rain0total-daysum:0];[rain0rate-act:0];[th0dew-act:0];[wind0chill-act:0];[wind0wind-max1:0];[th0lowbat-act.0:0];[thb0temp-act:0];[thb0hum-act.0:0];[th0temp-dmax:0];[th0temp-dmin:0];[wind0wind-act:0];[th0heatindex-act.1:0];[uv0index-act:0];[sol0rad-act:0];[th0temp-mmin.1:0];[th0temp-mmax.1:0];[th0temp-ymin.1:0];[th0temp-ymax.1:0];[wind0wind-mmax.1:0];[wind0wind-ymax.1:0];[rain0total-mmax.1:0];[rain0total-ymax.1:0];[rain0rate-mmax.1:0];[rain0rate-ymax.1:0];[lgt0total-act.0:0];[lgt0energy-act.0:0];[lgt0dist-act.0:0];[air0pm-act.0:0];[wind0wind-act=bft.0:0];[th1temp-act:0];[th1hum-act:0];[th1heatindex-act.1:0];[th2temp-act:0];[th2hum-act:0];[th2heatindex-act.1:0];[th0temp-delta10:0];[thb0seapress-delta10:0];[thb0press-act:0];[th3temp-act:0];[th3hum-act:0];[th3heatindex-act.1:0];[th4temp-act:0];[th4hum-act:0];[th4heatindex-act.1:0];[th5temp-act:0];[th5hum-act:0];[th5heatindex-act.1:0];[th6temp-act:0];[th6hum-act:0];[th6heatindex-act.1:0];[th7temp-act:0];[th7hum-act:0];[th7heatindex-act.1:0];[forecast-text:]"
        endpoint = f"http://{self._user}:{self._pass}@{self._host}/cgi-bin/template.cgi?template={dataTemplate}"

So you will end up with a REST call that looks like:


The data_template variable above, contains all the fields I download, but you might not need all of them for your second instance.

You can read more about the available fields in the templates section of the Meteobridge documentation.

Hope this helps, else ask again.

Thank you for your answer.

I already found the livexmldata.cgi and was starting to parse that XML, but using a template is much easier.

I started a new thread for further questions as I don’t want to hijack yours. From this point it is only partially related to Meteobridge.

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Dear @briis first of all thank you for your great work.

I’ve a question: my meteobridge is under a different router (another home) and I would like to know if is possible to use your integration with some tricks.

Thank you in advance

You are welcome. I have just release V3.3.4 which enables connecting to a Remote Meteobridge device. I can not guarantee you wont see a few warnings in the log file if the network to that Meteobridge device isn’t any good, but it should work. See this section from the Release notes for V3.3.4 on how to set that up. (And yes, you have to upgrade to 3.3.4 first and restart Home Assistant)

  • Added the possibility to connect to a Meteobridge device that is remote from Home Assistant. In order for this to work you must enable Internet Remote Login on the Meteobridge device. You do that by login in to your Meteobridge device - go to the System section and then Administration. Here you will find the Internet Remote Login option. Ensure the box is ticked, and then press Copy URL. Take this URL and paste it in to the IP Address field when setting up Meteobridge in Home Assistant - Then enter your credentials as you normally would. As this is remote, I recommend you do not set the polling interval to something smaller than 60 seconds.


I installed it yesterday, looks good!

I see you have a wet bulb temperature. Can I ask which MT sensor is providing this data?

This is not a physical sensor but a calculated value, using the input from:

  • temperature
  • humidity
  • sea level pressure

I then use a formula supplied by Gary W Funk to calculate the Wet Bulb value.

Thx, can you share this formula?