Methods of integrating Somfy RTS blinds into HA?

@nairb I’m curious since I’m exactly in the same position you were when you made this post, what did you end up going with and how is it working out with HA?

Apologies for the delay in replying Jason, I am using the Somfy Conexoon RTS hub with the Overkiz integration. It works flawlessly.

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I use a Nodo RFlink kit with a dipole antenna for a few years now without issues. The dipole antenna improved the stability and respons very much.

As the topic is about Somfy - RTS, while your question is about Somfy - IO (with a totally different RF technology/protocol), I think not exactly this place where you have to search for answers. But as I’m aprox. in the same boat, I’m trying to check almost every place about relevant possibilities.

(If I’m right the IO uses is much more closed/proprietary protocol as RTS therefore there are not so much option to remote control them without ‘official’ Somfy controllers. You have to use Somfy - Tahoma box, Somfy - Connectivity Kit (Tahoma mini), Velux - KLF200, or so. The cheapest is the middle, Connectivity Kit but sadly that does not support the ‘nowadays’ announced Somfy - Local API method (which is anyway not yet supported by HA), so you have to rely on Somfy - Cloud, which one as every other cloud solution is not the most secure and reliable way.

I’m in the middle of the buying procedure of motorized roller shutters and exactly because of it simply could not decide between the two technology:

- IO gives us two way communication with state reports but can not controlable locally without a totally unneccesary and expensive hub(s).
- RTS can be controllable nicely locally with 3rd party 433MHz bridges, but has no state reports. Well :frowning: )

Helle @Tamas.Toth.ebola,

with the Tahoma systems, there is a Developer mode which supports local communication.
They are currently working on the plugin to support this.
BUT it only supports transmitting.
I use the RFLiNK because it supports also receive. So there you could also use your device with an other remote and get the actual state from it.



Hi @011V32 !

Thanks for your words. Meanwhile, I ordered an IO-based roller-shutter, which will be installed in some weeks.

My problem is that - as you also mentioned - the local API capability is available ‘only’ on the Tahoma box, which is totally unnecessarily expensive if I do not want to use it for any other than the roller-shutter. The Connectivity kid could be enough, but currently (and maybe never will) not supported with local API. Locally controlled smart home ‘appliances’/devices offer the best security which should be absolutely one of the main goals of the manufacturers also. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

I will start with the Connectivity kit through the cloud, and hope for local API late. If will not be available that’s how I went, but it’s sure that Somfy will not my favourite brand :frowning:

Your comment is why I built this. GitHub - rstrouse/ESPSomfy-RTS: A controller for Somfy RTS shades and blinds and integrated it with home assistant.

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I got mine working with esphome. Let me know if you still need help.

Hello @prbtt,
What do you mean?

Hello @rstrouse,
what’s the difference to the RFLiNK? (Apart from the different handling.)
Both systems can send and receive RTS signals (i.e. also handle other remote controls) and can be integrated into HomeAssistant…

What differences I have noticed so far:

  1. The time calculation takes place in the ESP32 project, which allows a more accurate timing.
  2. With the ESP32, unfortunately, a WLAN is constantly active although this is only needed for configuration.

Does it also support the My position?


I’m using an esp32 device with a firmware that can pair and control +16 somfy blinds. Pretty much any blind that follows the rts protocol

But I don’t asked for help. I had my system running. So I don’t understand what you meant with

Did U also use the one from @rstrouse ?

Oh, I’m sorry! I ment to tag the guy who made this topic lol. I followed this guide: GitHub - evgeni/esphome-configs

I searched for a few days looking for a solution and did come across RFLiNK among a sea of potential solutions. In the end, I had specific goals I wanted to accomplish and RFLiNK seemed to have a broad focus on solutions that I wasn’t looking for and few answers with regard to my specific goals. I really needed this to be a violin and not a fiddle… I have boxes of fiddles.

The AP mode is only active for configuration of the ESP32 and is only used for onboarding the device into your network. Once that has been accomplished, the AP is turned off. Frankly, the hardest part of getting this up and running is installing the initial firmware onto the ESP but once that is done it is an act of button mashing.

I have been thinking about the My position for a while now. I have worked out an effective solution to capturing this data so it does know where the shade landed after a My button incident. I will be pushing it to the repo after it gets a bit of polish.

The My positions need to be set from the software for that function to have any value. The Somfy method can be a bit like doing a rain dance and over the years that My button really feels like somebody else’s button. Is it just me or was this a half-measure solution to not being able to set the physical position of the shade.

What are the specific goals?

OK. I thought it is only for configuring and then used over USB.
Is it possible to use an ESP32 with LAN instead? (I don’t like WLAN devices.)

The components of @javicalle did this already.
See YET another time controlled cover (RFLink)

I think the My button is better than having no way to reach a position in between…

Where is the best place to ask general questions about your project?
Btw. I like it :+1:
(It almost looks like a professional project.)

My initial goals after simply gaining control of the shade listed by importance were:

  1. Local control only. No more cloud solutions.
  2. All configuration performed using a user interface so I don’t have to run around searching for how I initially got it to work. I knew that when my friends saw it I was on the hook for their homes as well. I have delivered 3 of them so far and didn’t have to set it all up for them.
  3. The ability to use the existing remotes. While I hate having to search for them, they are nice to be able to pick up when they are just laying there.
  4. Accurately hit a target position and know where they are by simply looking at my phone. Action was sparked when my neighbor’s shades got torn up during a recent wind storm while he was in Europe.
  5. Make only components that I would leave with the house if I leave the house.
  6. Home Assistant isn’t my first home automation platform and likely won’t be my last given my track record. So the functionality must not tie me to a platform.

I am with you regarding WiFi devices. I avoid them at all costs and if the current supply of Pi devices wasn’t so precious, this probably would have been a node project on a Pi connected to a POE cable. That being said I have found the ESP WiFi to be very reliable and good for connection below -90db. This device is also not a traffic monster and only sends info over its sockets when there is a change.

With the My button my implementation is similar but when you set it from the software it reprograms the motor to use the My position and if it detects a My jog it picks up this position as the My position. The remotes do not have any intelligence to them for setting this position it is timed by the motor and would get out-of-sync.

The range on a Telis remote is abysmal but with a CC1101 I have experienced a reliable TX range from my office 200 feet away through 2 stucco walls and an RX range of just over half that when listening to the remotes. Good enough to pop it into the cabinet in the outdoor kitchen. There are some tuning options in the software to optimize the radio.

If you want you can simply open an issue on the github repo. Eventually, I will get around to setting up the discussions section if folks show an interest. Btw there is a HACS integration that does discovery and it will show up as a device in your network section through upnp.

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it.

Sorry for that question again, but I never used an ESP.

There are many devices available with LAN w/o PoE.
For example the Olimex ESP32-POE or the wESP32.

At your wiki for creating a Simple ESPSomfy RTS device you write “ESP32S WROOM” and “E07-M110D-SMA”.
I could only find an “ESP32 WROOM” (without “S”). Is this a typo? (Probalby ESP32-S3-WROOM-2?)
I also couldn’t find “E07-M110D-SMA” in Google. (No results.) Typo?
The blue ones you suggested and which I find (TI-CC1100 or RF1100SE) have only 10dBm and in your wiki under Configuring the Software you wrote that your transceiver have 12dBm…
(Probably this is a problem because I’m from Europe?)

Sry for the dummy questions, but I like to try your project and for me it is not clear how I get such hardware from which you have included the compiled binaries in the project so that I can upload those directly without having to compile them.
(Probably use a Hardware with LAN?)
Here the RFLiNK project is easier :see_no_evil:

Yes the E07-M110D-SMA should be E07-M1101D-SMA. That is a typo. There is an S2 and S3 series for the ESP32 I used an S3 series module. Here is an example but there are tons of suppliers for these. I can typically order them in the morning and by the afternoon they are at my front door.

I have been using the Bond Hub and it works flawlessly. Controls all my RF fans in the house too.

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Alright so I knuckled down and added support for multiple LAN and POE ESP32 devices. Including all the ones you listed above. You will find recommendations for the pin assignments in the wiki and a couple of settings to select the target board in the WiFi connection screen.