Methods of integrating Somfy RTS blinds into HA?

Hi there,

I used this method today and pretty happy with the results, thanks for the tip!

The hardware build was very easy, but the software seems a bit trickier, HA using ZHA detects the relay board as Tuya T0004 and it works, but the switches latch. Are you perhaps aware how I might set/emulate them as momentary?

I came at this from a different angle using a cheap RFM69HCW module and a Pi Pico W, which can be put together easily for next to nothing.

The Pico runs a web interface for configuration, and uses MQTT to integrate with HA.

Itā€™s fully open source here: [GitHub - MarkGodwin/somfy_pico]

Itā€™s Somfy RTS only, but offers complete local control and supports >100 covers. YMMV!

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Sound amazing - how did you get those remote addresses?

This seems like a no-brainer to meā€¦ local control with support from a third-partyā€¦ which integrates easily with HA (and Hubitat which I also care about).

Just because I donā€™t see it recommended here:
Somfy also sells a ~realtively~ cheap Somfy 1870755 Connectivity Kit that apparently works with the Overkiz integration. Itā€™s 60ā‚¬ and should be a complete solution, for those who donā€™t want to tinker.

The Problem of the Connectivity Kit: It only transmitt and do not receive, so in HA you do not know what the actual state of the blind is.
And it doesnā€™t calculate the actual position over time, so an percentage use is not possible and so the integration for example in HomeKit is not possibleā€¦