Mi flora not working on hass.io

Since a recent update my miflora devices work for a while then stop. Any ideas? I’m on .91.1

I can connect.fine with the flower care app

Had same problem. Started working again with 0.91.2.

I’ve update to that version but still have the issue after a few hours

I have the same issue from 0.91 (up to 0.91.3). It is fixed reinstalling HASS (I have it installed in tha venv in Raspbian).
I keep .homeassistant configurantion files but have to remove .storage (I don’t why beacuse I don’t see anything related to plant entities there) and database.
But even with that, at some point it gets broken again (I think it is related to restart homeassistant service) but I don’t know where the issue is.

Also noticed that when this happens, home assistant never stops properly again, only if a SIGKILL is launched.

Hi @keithh666

Can you explain please the additional parameters:

timeout: 60
cache: 60*60


Those parameters are not used anymore.

Can you share your sensor config?

I saw platform : miflora and also xiaomi_miflora

In my sensors.py I have…

- platform: miflora
  mac: C4:7C:8D:61:A8:46
  name: MiFlora Bird Of Paradise
  force_update: true
  median: 1
    - moisture
    - light
    - temperature
    - conductivity
    - battery
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hello to all
i just received my mi flora~
~what i did:

1 - i paired with Mi Home then deleted from there
2 - configures HA this way:

  - platform: miflora
    mac: C4:7C:8D:6A:71:FC
    name: Planta Garagem
    force_update: false
    median: 3
      - moisture
      - light
      - temperature
      - conductivity
      - battery

this is in the sensors.yaml
altough it all appears like this:

what am i doing wrong?

You mightn’t be doing anything wrong, using median: 3 can mean a 45 minute wait before a value becomes available.

I would comment out that median value, place the miflora very near your home assistant device, restart home assistant, and then wait up to 15 minutes to ensure the miflora should have sent a value.

Their range can be quite limited so it’s good to test them right beside your HA device first. You are quite right to disconnect from the App, as they will not be able to talk to HA while still associated with it.

For future convenience, the terminal command sudo hcitool lescan will list the mac address for you without having to pair with the app.

made it work ! altought i have it setup and several sensors appear and get data.
how to i setup plant?

everytime i reload the server or reboot, i get no values.
how can i correct this?
also how can i customize the sensors name?


To me is working for a couple of days but then I stop getting new values, the graph paints the same value all the time. If I remove the battery from the Mi Flora device wait some seconds and put it back then I get it working again. Could it be related with using the Xiaomi application sometimes to see the values in real time in my phone? Why the sensor gets stuck? :frowning:

I’m having the same issue with Pi3+ and just got a Pi4 and get the same issue. Mi Flora works fine getting values for a couple of hours, then stops. Have to reboot before it starts working again, but then stops, continuous loop. It’s a recent update which has broken mine.

It’s not just the Mi Flora which I have a issue with, I also have some Xiaomi BLE Temperature and Humidity sensor, and they stop working too.

I just tried to install Xiaomi BLE Temperature and Humidity sensor yesterday. Also worked fine for about 2hrs. Then no data. Tried to reboot Pi, put sensor on “pairing mode”, removed batteries and still no results. Frustrating

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I see “Polling error [Errno 32] Broken pipe” in the log, and that is when it stops working.

Any luck fixing it? I had the same thing happen, found the MAC ids. Saved them in the config and it worked. Now laterin the day I have only “unknown” data.

EDIT: works after power OFF/ON cycle.

Are you running it on RPi3?
There is a bug with Bluetooth in latest versions of HassOS due to some bug in RPi3 firmware:

I have 0.117.1 and I have some problem with MiFlora integration, bluetooth seem to work fine:

1C:11 is the MiFlora device…

but I don’t any data in sensor/lovelace…