Midnight Theme

Is there any interest in putting this up on github so that we can collaborate on updates and keep track of breaking changes like that?

I’m interested :slight_smile:

I can setup a repo quickly and I am fine maintaining it but I also do not want to take this away from the original creator. @marcelhoffs do you already have this somewhere? If not I can create a repo and add you as a maintainer.

Seems like having a repo in the main home-assistant project for themes like this might be a great idea to more easily surface themes and maintain them.

Please feel free to create a repository. It’s all open source so use it, change it, redistribute it… It’s all fine :slight_smile:

Here is the repo https://github.com/pho3nixf1re/home-assistant-theme-midnight . Feel free to file issues there when things break.

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Ah! So there is a repo like that out there. I’ll see about getting the midnight theme updated there with the fix in this thread. I’m also going to look into the HACS theme support per a new github issue.


Hi @marcelhoffs ! A long time ago I took the source from your theme and placed it on my public collection repository so all of us can easily download them all at once.

I’m planning soon to slowely migrate every theme to its own dedicated repository within the following organisation; https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes. It has HACS support as well. I can create (probally this weekend) a repository for your theme and give u the admin rights. It will be based on the following template repository: https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes/template.

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Let’s do it! I’ll migrate over as soon as I am setup.

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Repository has been set up: https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes/midnight. I’ll copy the latest theme code from ur repository and create a PR.

@marcelhoffs There is also a funding button visible for each theme. Are you interested (PayPal, BuyMeACoffee, e.g.)?

@pho3nixf1re and @marcelhoffs PR is ready! https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes/midnight/pull/1

I can add you both as collaborators if you want :slight_smile:. Just PM me your GitHub usernames.

You can install this theme with HACS.

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For me the funding button is not necessary. Also it’s not likely I will update the theme as I’m not using Home Assistant anymore.
So if any of you want to take it, improve it, etc… Feel free.

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Is anyone using this theme with v0.100.x? For somereason my switches are no longer red, they’ve turned blue!

Very odd.

Looks like they have hard coded the switches to use the primary color and you can’t change it.

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Looks like they are fixing it next release at least.


Great info, thanks very much, I was tempted to start fiddling around with the theme but I’m more than happy to wait for next release and hopefully the blue switches will go back to red. :slight_smile:

I’m now running v0.101.0 and it does look different, however it still doesn’t look the same as v0.99.x :frowning:

I’m gonna have to wait till the weekend to roll it up so I can work out the kinks. I’ll let you know if I have any luck for find anything to help with that.

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I added the following 4 lines to my themes.yaml and the color came back as before for the switch toggle… :slight_smile:

  switch-checked-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color)"
  switch-unchecked-button-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color)"
  switch-unchecked-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color)"
  switch-unchecked-track-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color)"

I am using HA version 0.101.1

Have a great day !

Thanks, this seems to be working for me now.

I removed the old theme I was using, pulled the new version (modified 4 days ago) from the github link this thread:

And it all seems to be working now, switches the correct colour and everything. Thanks. :slight_smile:

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