Migrate from HassIO to HassOS - how to copy wifi settings?

Hey guys,

I am getting stuck at the part of how to copy the files with my configuration (like SSID and password) and how I get those added to the new environment?

I have the USB stick with files, have SSH enabled and can login, but I don’t see the path etc/NetworkManager for example…any idea what I’m missing here?

I´m also struggling with the instalation.

I installed a new hassio from scratch and following the “https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/” I dont find the /system-connections/resin-sample

I am not sure how to set up a wifi now. can someone give me a hand please?

I’m having the exact same problem. I’ve been trying to look for a solution, but would love a hand as well.

Perhaps this is of help?

I’ve read the article as well, but still I don’t understand the process. It seems like HassOS is read only and that any modifications need to be done on the USB stick. I’ve added a file to the “network” folder with all the same settings as my resin-sample file, but no luck when I reboot the RPI. It seems kinda lame to sacrifice 1 USB port only for settings…

Any other suggestions or ideas…?

You should actually ask @pvizeli, since he’s the author, but my guess is, that the USB stick is required only during installation and that the config files need to have a specific filename (perhaps config.txt), which isn’t documented very well atm.

okay…I have to be honest with all of you. This was a typical case of RTFM.:sleepy:

I did not label the USB stick as “CONFIG”, but as “NETWORK”…so after renaming the USB stick to “CONFIG” and a reboot, my settings were accepted.
I disconnected the power and removed the USB stick and indeed the settings were copied to the SD card, so the RPI is working on wifi now without USB.

@metbril: the file is a simple text file without any extension (like .txt) and has to be placed in a folder named “network” on the USB stick.

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In the past I have reserved an IP on the router ( Do I need the static IP addition under the [ipv4] heading and if so do I just make the address1= ?

Static IP

Replace follow configs:



If you use the same RPI, then the reservation on your router should still work.

If you still want to assign an IP addres, I expect that the configuration needs to be as following:
(assuming that your router has IP address


Is the uuid dependent on the hardware…? Or will that uuid work for anyone…? Or…do you need to generate one for each system…? Do you have to have the uuid there…?

Because wifi config file on USB stick did not work, I did all migration (I hope that all as it is still running :slight_smile: ) over LAN, would it be possible to switch to wifi aferwards?

It should be, because I did exactly the same: fresh install of HassOS, copy a recent snapshot and restore it. After that: inserted USB stick (labeled as CONFIG) with on that stick a folder called “network” and the config file in that folder: reboot and you should be able to connect through WiFi.

Do you run Raspberry? Did you insert USB while RPI was running? I did it when it was switched off and it did not connect neither to wifi nor to LAN. Last thing I could do is a new flash of hassos to sd, new run, hot plug of sd and reboot. I am affraid that it won’t work.

I inserted the USB stick while the RPI 3 was disconnected from the power and then fired it up! But what I did wrong, was not labeling the USB Stick as “CONFIG” and that was crucial.

Are you absolutely sure that the file does not have any extension (like .txt, but maybe hidden)?

Is there any reason that my CONFIG usb does not work? (I´ve tried several USBs)

My issue solved.

How did you solved? I have the same issue. Importing my Config file via usb does not work. Tried it 20 times

With very patient help of @cogneato (Thank you again :+1: ) I did it.
I do not know what I was doing wrong before, but now it works anytime.
I used following wifi config file on USB stick.

uuid=use your UID

ssid=use your SSID

psk=use your password

dns=use your DNS;


You must insert USB before HassOS installation and it is possible to do USB stick “hot” unplug after installation is complete as it is read only.

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Ok thanks,

Is a special UUID really necessary? If yes how can I find this out? I only added the default settings to the file and only changed ipv4. It looks like this.

id=HassOS default



UUID is really needed if you don’t want the IP address to change every boot. To get UUID use UUID Generator
It is described here: HassOS Documentation

If I tried to assign static IP via this config file it does not work.
There are those two parts missing in your config file:

ssid=use your SSID

psk=use your password

System does not know credentials to wifi without it .

Thanks I will try this.
I dont need Wireless settings because my Pi is only connected wired. So I thought I dont need to setup any wireless settings?!?