Mila Air Purifier

Hi, I have a mila air purifier and would love to see its wealth of sensor data added to a home assistant dashboard along with my other devices. I don’t have home assistant running just yet want to get the ball rolling.

Is this something I need to ask Mila to do or is this down to Hone Assistant or the community?

Thanks, to be honest I have no idea what I’m talking about.


I would love to see this too! Love our Mila air purifier.


Perhaps a vote would be good?

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There do not appear to be any open TCP ports on the device itself. I reached out to support and they do currently have a published API/SDK.

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Although it does look like the MAC is associated to an Expressif range (EG - ESP chipsets).

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Appreciate you looking into this. Its way above my head.

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.field public static final APPLICATION_ID:Ljava/lang/String; = "com.mila.androidv2"

.field public static final BUILD_TYPE:Ljava/lang/String; = "release"

.field public static final DEBUG:Z = false

.field public static final ENDPOINT_API:Ljava/lang/String; = ""

.field public static final ENDPOINT_HOST:Ljava/lang/String; = ""

.field public static final FLAVOR:Ljava/lang/String; = "prod"

.field public static final ONBOARDING_DEMO_APPLIANCE:Ljava/lang/Boolean;

.field public static final ONBOARDING_DEMO_SIGN_UP:Ljava/lang/Boolean;

.field public static final VERSION_CODE:I = 0xfb5f6ff

.field public static final VERSION_NAME:Ljava/lang/String; = "1.5.0"

.field public static final isBotInsightsEnabled:Ljava/lang/Boolean;

Keycloak Account Management (

if anyone wants me to dump the APK who knows what they are looking for (seems to be kotlin/java - waaay beyond me)

I’m definitely interested in this! What can we do?

I would love to be able to integrate my Mila into Home Assistant too. This would be an incredible feature. I keep catching myself daydreaming of the automations that could be created with all the available sensors they collect.

Hopefully with an API available, it would be possible to put together an integration. Unfortunately it seems like right now there isn’t overlap between those of us who want to integrate this into home assistant and those of us with the skills to make it happen.

EDIT: I reached out to Mila support, and I was told that they do not have a public API/SDK.

Mile added Alexa & Google Home skills recently.

This looks to be positive movement for 3rd party integration.

I would #1 love to be able to pull in all of the sensor data to be able to display and take other action.

Although Mila does a really great job with automatic modes, it would be great to be able to set modes based on other home data.

I also just sent another email to Mila support to see if they would be open to collaborating on this integration.



I have a few devices that are Alex’s only controlled through HA. Just got a Mila and will look into it more this week.


Just looked at the Alex app and the HA Alex sync through Nabu Casa. Looks like Alexa does not see it as a device and it only is used as an independent Alexa skill. Will probably need to write a AWS interface for these two to work together at this time.

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One month ago (Feb 2022) the Mila support posted they are working on an OTA-update to all Milas enabling HomeKit integration.
As I understand, making Home Assistant integrations for HomeKit devices is fairly easy. So it seems very likely we will be seeing an Mila integration this year, which connects directly through WiFi.

If you are reading this, because you are thinking about buying an air purifier, but don’t want to wait for an integration, I can recommend the Ikea Starkvind (Zigbee). It comes as a table or standalone. Other air purifiers which are popular and can be integrated are the ones from VeSync/Levoit and Philips (the ones with app support, through third party script integrations). However, all of these only have a PM2.5 sensor and the CADR differs a lot. Mila has way more sensors, more automatic features and mostly better filters.

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I just finished working on this custom component. I wanted to do this for such a long time, but today is the day :). I have posted why it was so difficult to reverse engineer the Mila API on my blog if anyone is interested - Blog Post

I have created a separate post so I can collect feedback/comments specific to this component. Link


This is awaseom! You did some very fine work!

Outstanding work!! I’ve been waiting for this for so long! So far, everything that I tested is working flawless (I have 3 milas).
One question thought: What’s Air Monitor? (compared to AQI)

@germanm Good question! Its value is from the AQI sensor, but it also exposes other air quality-related attributes such as CO, CO2, PM10, etc. The idea is so that it can be plugged into any existing Lovelace cards for the Air Quality platform. I haven’t found any generic cards for air quality yet, but the idea stands. Think of plugging the fan or weather entity in a generic Lovelace card made for any fan/weather entity.

It also helps with code reusability as it extends the base platform classes from the Home assistant core, so I only have to override minimal code for interacting with Mila API.