Mini-graph-card throwing errors on new value

I have a pretty neat mini-graph-card setup.
But it creates errors in the browser log on every value update:

‘stroke-dashoffset’. Declaration ignored.


type: custom:mini-graph-card
hours_to_show: 48
points_per_hour: 2
decimals: 0
hour24: true
unit: Watt
animate: false
line_width: 1
smoothing: on
# align_state: right
  icon: false
  name: false
  state: true
  graph: line
  fill: fade
  points: hover
  legend: true
  average: true
  extrema: true
  labels: true
  labels_secondary: true
  name_adaptive_color: true
  icon_adaptive_color: true

  - entity: sensor.house_power
    name: Gesamt
    show_graph: false
    color: orange
  # - entity: sensor.energy_all_plug_devices_power
  #   name: Gesamt
  #   show_graph: false
  #   color: orange

  - entity: sensor.gpc_power
    name: GPC
    # show_state: true
    # show_indicator: true
    color: red

  - entity: sensor.server_power
    name: Server
    # show_state: true
    # show_indicator: true
    color: blue

  - entity: sensor.salon_power
    name: Salon
    # show_state: true
    # show_indicator: true
    color: pink

  - entity: sensor.waschmaschine_power
    name: Waschmaschine
    # show_state: true
    # show_indicator: true
    color: cyan

  - entity: sensor.trockner_power
    name: Trockner
    # show_state: true
    # show_indicator: true
    color: orange

  - entity: sensor.tv_sz_power
    name: Tv SZ
    # show_state: true
    # show_indicator: true
    color: yellow

  - entity: sensor.energy_belkin_conversion_3dprinters
    name: 3D Printers
    # show_state: true
    # show_indicator: true
    color: purple

  # - color: yellow
  #   entity: input_boolean.sleeptime
  #   name: Sleeptime
  #   show_line: false
  #   show_points: false
  #   show_legend: false
  #   y_axis: secondary

  - color: gray
    entity: sensor.sun_elevation
    name: Sun
    show_line: false
    show_points: false
    show_legend: false
    y_axis: secondary
# state_map:
#   - value: "on"
#     label: Sleeptime on
#   - value: "off"
#     label: Sleeptime on

Also after a while the frontend becomes unresponsive, that is the reason I checked on this anyhow.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

As usual - remove all options, then add them one by one and see what happens.
And avoid creating new threads instead of asking a question in the already present dedicated mini-graph-card thread, at least you will get feedback faster.

thanks for the reply, will move to the mentioned thread.

Can now be found here: