Mirabella Genio Smart Home

That was my next thought, I just haven’t had the brain power after work this week to understand what I have to do different to use ESPhome

For anyone looking at the Aldi Cocoon Smart LED Light Bulbs, the 16 million colors variety (with white), I have flashed ESPhome on a pair today with no issues. The bulb matches the Mirabella Genio E27 RGBW pin assignments in the ESPhome cookbook, so work with them 100% correct on all colours (and warm white channel).
I used Tuya-convert via a Pi B+ to load tasmota then progressed right to ESPhome via Tasmota GUI FW update.

From the cookbook…

  name: rgbw_e27_01
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: 'WIFI'
  password: 'WIFIPASS'




  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_red
    pin: GPIO4
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_green
    pin: GPIO12
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_blue
    pin: GPIO14
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_white
    pin: GPIO5

  - platform: rgbw
    name: "rgbw_e27_01"
    id: light
    red: output_red
    green: output_green
    blue: output_blue
    white: output_white

    # Ensure the light turns on by default if the physical switch is actuated.
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON

The restore mode part, what setting does it turn on? All channels at full brightness? Is it possible to say only the white channel for example?

AFAIK and in my testing restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON turns on all channels, so it’s very white but the colours seemed also to be on (I had the diffuser off so I could see that).

I’ve now removed that line and use the above mentioned method instead.

# Ensure the light turns on by default if the physical switch is actuated.
    priority: 50
      - light.turn_on:
          id: rgbw_light2
          red: 0%
          green: 50%
          blue: 0%
          white: 0%

Which in my case lights up green at 50%, so I know the bulb is active.
This particular light bulb is now under my Xmas tree doing red/green/blue strobe duty after sunset to make the room glow ( looks good from outside the front of the house with the tree lights).

Edit: If somebody knows if restore_mode: ON can drive just one channel let us know…

Hi! I just picked up the “150 LED Colour Select Fairy Lights” from KMart ($19.50, half price after Christmas).
I don’t see them in the Tasmota list, so can someone give me some suggestions or link to a how-to for how to create a template for these?
They have a single physical button that cycles through the modes and colours.
In the Genio app you can set colour or mode independently. I’d like to be able to set these still after flashing.
Should I be concerned that connecting with the app might make them unflashable (i.e. “initialising the device” = updating firmware to patch the ‘hole’ that makes them flashable), or is that not a problem?

Did you ever get the Wi-Fi Motion Sensor working?

Nope. I got a bunch of IKEA sensors. They work perfectly with Zgbee2MQTT.

Hi Folks, This may be a dumb question, but I’m having trouble with the Genio Cool/Warm White Downlight.

The dimmer slider only appears to work between ~60% to 100%, irrespective of where the colour slider is - that is it can be 100% cool, 100% warm, or anywhere inbetween in terms of colour, but the dimmer works the same way, that is all LEDs appear Off at or close to 60%.
However, while there is no illumination of the LEDs (which presumedly would indicate that it’s off) the power switch doesn’t toggle to off. I can slide the brightness slider all the way to 1% and the power status remains on, but turns off at 0%, as one would expect.
I’ve two of these installed and both do the same thing. Firmware version installed is Tasmota 8.1.0
I have ensured that the appropriate template has been applied to the device, but no matter what, the outcome is the same. Everything works as I believe it’s intended to with the exception of the slider range.
Is there anything I can do to get the brightness slider to function across its full range? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Can’t help with specifics as I don’t have one of these down lights, but have you looked at changelogs for tasmota? Could be something changed that has adjusted the behaviour. If you see something that looks like it might effect the behaviour in the changelogs, try a version earlier than that change. Or see if you can find esphome template for it, and see if that behaves correctly.

Thanks Nic, will look into your recommendations and see what the go is. I’m relatively inexperienced with the inner workings of Tasmota, MQTT, and Home Assistant… so it may be slow going! :slight_smile: Beyond this, I was thinking about tinkering more with the GPIO assignments, but my assumption is that if the light is doing what it’s intended to with the assigned functions as per the template (PWM 2 and 1 for pins 12 and 14 respectively) then perhaps they are OK. I’ll backrev the firmware a version or two and see if that makes any difference. Again, thanks for the info and I’ll advise once i have an outcome.


I have only just discovered these downlights.

6w wifi downlights

Thanks to you and Johan + the great instructions in using tuya-convert and tasmota I have one of these downlights working.

However, a couple of things that I have found. Perhaps someone can help clarify why.

This is my snippet of code

  port: 80
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_warm_white
    pin: GPIO12
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_daylight
    pin: GPIO14

  - platform: cwww
    id: light_1
    name: Dining Room 1
    cold_white: output_daylight
    warm_white: output_warm_white
    cold_white_color_temperature: 153.84 mireds #6500k
    warm_white_color_temperature: 370.37 mireds #2700k
    # Ensure the light turns on by default if the physical switch is actuated.
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON

I was using GPIO5 for output_daylight and I couldn’t get the bright clarity. I was always yellowish. When I changed to GPIO14 it works well. Clear bright white at the left end of the colour slide.
Annotation 1

Have I got it right to use GPIO12 and 14??? Have I missed something else?

Secondly, all the ESPHOME docs use id: light but that gives an error that it conflicts with an ESPHOME integration. (light I expect). Does this matter? Why do all the examples use id: light?


definitely something screwy going on here. i am also having issues. I have broken the channels out as monochromatic and can only get warm white on gpio14. but it only dims down to about 40% then turns off. i cannot get the cool white channel working on either gpio4, 5, 12 or 14. (i tested these as they are apparently the gpios used on the rgbcct. any other suggestions from the ones who might know what they are doing??

I’m using ESPHome

Ok I pulled it apart and it doesn’t appear to be a direct pwm to the leds or it feeds into U1 on the circuit board that then feed out to the leds.

Anyone have any info on this chip?

To jump on the flash train, I bought one of these RGBW downlights from Kmart to see how it would go converting to Tasmota. I didn’t bother with OTA, jumped straight to FTDI because I love getting my hands dirty. After a couple of goes trying to find GPIO 0 and grounding it (btw it was right in front of my eyes, I just had to ground it to the FTDI GND, not the GND on the ESP board), I uploaded Tasmota and was up and running. Next was to work out the module config. See pic for config for anyone that is planning to play around with these lights too. Works like a charm now, time to add it to HA.

Looks like these ones: https://templates.blakadder.com/mirabella_genio_I002741.html

That’s the ones!!! The thing I’m having trouble with now is setting them up in HA. I was hoping MQTT discovery would work its magic but it seems to have stopped working so I have to do it manually.

I assume you know how to turn auto-discovery on?

I do. It’s already on because I have several devices already setup via discovery (done months ago).

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I bought some of them as well but they work on a strange 2 wire system that we counldn’t quite figure out. You can flash them but the functionality (at the time from playing around) was limited. Needs more investigating.

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I had another play and have cracked the code. It’s not that weird really. The 2 pwms are correct, their function is not. They each control colour temp on one pin and brightness on the other. They also appear to switch off when dimmed less than 10% duty cycle.

Now if someone would be so kind as to explain how to add that into esphome I would be very grateful.

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