For anyone interested in setting up the Mirabella Genio Wi-Fi Smart IR Universal Remote Controller.
I will give you a quick guide to getting it to work with HA.
As stated above you need to flash it with Tasmota. I’m not sure if it needs the new one or not.
Once you have setup the wifi using the sonoff-xxxx network you can update the firmware to the sensor version of Tasmota. I used this version
Sonoff Sensor BIN. I don’t have original remotes for my TV and sound system so I’m using a harmony universal remote. I found that Tasmota only works for me when I send
raw codes. So I will only show you how to get and setup raw codes. Go to Tasmota
Console. There are 3 set options that I found that relate to IR Controller. Read more
here. They are:
- SetOption29 - IR received data format (0 = hex (default), 1 = decimal)
- SetOption38 - 6 to 255 = set IRReceive protocol detection sensitivity minimizing UNKNOWN protocols
- SetOption58 - IR Raw data in JSON payload ((0 = disable (default), 1 = enable)
I set the following options:
- SetOption29 1
- SetOption38 50
- SetOption58 1
You can experiment with SetOption38 but I never got anything useful setting it much higher than 70. I found that placing the IR Controllerbetween the remote and device you want to activate gives best results but this may be irrelevant. Point your remote at the IR Controller and press the button you want to “learn”. Press it for about a second. In the Tasmote console you will see something like this:
05:32:27 MQT: tele/GenioIR/RESULT = {“IrReceived”:{“Protocol”:“UNKNOWN”,“Bits”:34,“Data”:3398735416,“RawData”:[4472,4538,522,1730,522,1728,548,566,522,590,522,616,522,590,522,1730,522,590,520,1730,548,1704,548,564,522,616,522,1730,522,590,522,1730,522,590,522,1730,522,590,574,566,522,590,520,1730,522,590,522,618,546,566,520,592,520,1730,522,1730,522,1730,546,566,522,1730,522,1730,522,1730,544],“RawDataInfo”:[67,67,0]}}
You want to copy the numbers between the for RawData. In this case you will copy:
You standard remote control functions at 38Khz so to tell Tasmota that this is the case you need to prefix all codes with 0,. So the setup in HA was done in the scripts.yaml file. This is an example of the setup:
alias: Bedroom Sound ON
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'cmnd/GenioIR/IRsend'
payload: '0,4472,4538,522,1730,522,1728,548,566,522,590,522,616,522,590,522,1730,522,590,520,1730,548,1704,548,564,522,616,522,1730,522,590,522,1730,522,590,522,1730,522,590,574,566,522,590,520,1730,522,590,522,618,546,566,520,592,520,1730,522,1730,522,1730,546,566,522,1730,522,1730,522,1730,544'
qos: 2
The majority of the above is self-explanatory. The topic: is cmnd/MQTT Topic in Tasmota/IRsend
That is it.I did have a issue with my Airconditioner. Tasmota kept saying the code was too long. Tasmota can also use LIRC codes so I’m trying to read it with a RPi with a IR Shield to discover what is going on. It could be that the remote sends all the codes all the time or it could just be very long code. I will give feedback on that if anyone is interested in using LIRC.