Missing Object Detection for G4 Unifi Cameras

Hi Team,

I have a collection of G4 cameras with Smart Detection (Person / Vehicle) enabled (recording always) which work great and notify fine via native Unifi app. Given several limitations with native app notifications (schedule or presence, not both) I decided to move this into HA which is more flexible.

The cameras have been within fine in HA for several releases for basic functions but when I started exploring automation for smart motion sensing I noticed all G4 cameras are missing the Detected Object sensor as discussed in UniFi Protect - Home Assistant which appears required to smart detections.

UniFi Protect Blueprints has a great collection of blueprints however the smart detection blueprint is reliant on this detect object sensor.

Anyone seen this before? Currently looking at enabling debugging.



Would need to see your log files and diagnostics file for your Protect integration config entry.

Running a g4 Doorbell. Just looked - I do see a detected object sensor. It hasn’t detected anything which on its own is something else im chasing but. It’s there… Sorry but I hope the info helps troubleshooting.

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Thanks @AngellusMortis for your willingness to assist. Can you step me through what you need? For now I have enabled debug logging.

    pyunifiprotect: debug
    homeassistant.components.unifiprotect: debug

Do you have smart detections enabled in camera settings (in Unifi app).
In HA, under camera, I do have “configuration” section where ai see detections enabled. Also I see object detection sensor that detects person/vehicle

What version of unifi protect have you installed ? I have a lot more sensors and controls. And I have a unifi protect logo in top right, not a ubiquiti one.

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Literally all of these answers can be answered by “need to see your diagnostics file”. It has the state of your instance, the version of HA, version of HA OS, version of Protect, everything in it. The button is literally right there in the screenshot.

Hi @AngellusMortis sorry for the delayed response, just come back from annual leave. I have PM’d you my diagnostics file (trimmed). Thanks again for your williness to assist.

@stomko Yes, Smart Enabled in Unifi. I have both Gen-4 (Smart & Motion) and Gen-3 (Motion Only) and these work fine within native app, just only motion with HA.

@Holdestmade Latest Unifi Protect and Latest HA … I have uplifted to 10.4 today and not difference.

I do not have an Apple or iCloud account. I cannot open your link. You need to use a service that does not require authentication to access. Such as Github Gist or Pastebin.

Also, the diagnostics is already anonymized, if you are not willing to provide whole file and truncate out data that I have intentionally put in that file, I am not sure how you expect me to assist in any way.

Hi @AngellusMortis I have reshared via git gist (PM’d). I was hoping that icloud URL didn’t have auth. Thanks for your help.

Hey there, was there ever a solution to this? I am also having this same issue. All but 3 of my cameras support object detection but the HA integration isn’t creating the object detected sensor.

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Was there ever an answer to this? I have the same issue.

Hey Guys,

I’m facing exactly the same issue.

I’ve just installed Unifi Protect integration. I have a G4 instance installed, and although the smart detection is enabled, I don’t have the detected object sensor at all. I mean, it’s there one, called last motion detected, but it is also inactive.

I’m about to use person detection as trigger in my automation.

And ideas, gents?

Thank you and regards,