Missing the target select options in automation editor


My automation editor has stopped showing me the target selection buttons for some automation actions, like for example switch.turn_on/off/toggle and homeassistant.update_entity. However, light.turn_on/off/toggle and other actions shows the buttons as they should. See the picture for a working example with a light.turn_on target and a non-working switch.turn_on target.

All automations that are created works. I can also go in to YAML mode and manually add the entity_id and it will work. It will however not show up in the UI as a selected target.

I run Home Assistant Core 2024.10.1 but the problem started earlier, probably in 2024.9. I can’t find anything that could explain this in the logs… I have been using Home Assistant for a good couple of years now and have mastered most obstacles, but this one beats me. Anyone that can point me in the right direction what to look for?


Hi Magnus,

Device ID stuff is meant for UI use only and does not do all the things. Templates are another one it does not do.

Why and how to avoid device_ids in automations and scripts.

just registered to say i am experiencing the exact same issue, if your reply implies that we are not allowed to use actions in automations anymore using the gui, what is the point of the offering the option in the first place.

Yes I’m experiencing the same issue. It’s been intermittent over the past months. Lights were doing it at one point. Now they’re good. Switches were working now they’re not.