Mitsubishi AC with Wemos D1 Mini Pro

Hey all,

I’ve been holding off upgrading since the breaking change, but finally got around to it today. Thanks @kmdm for the code and @yang3535 for updating the thread. I have multiple units and so I didn’t strip it down (I implemented as-is), and it’s working fine. One observation after getting this into MQTT - I noticed that when I tap on the icon to send the instruction to the A/C unit (turn off, on, etc), the A/C unit will immediately respond, but the ‘state’ information in my browser / app will take 5+ seconds to update. It’s particularly noticeable because prior to the breaking chance, the state would also immediately update. I’m not a MQTT (or any form of) guru - any thoughts on how to make that happen quicker?

@brendan mentioned he had been using ESP8266 chips on 5V for 6 months before they died. I’ve had 4 x A/C units using this setup for six months with issues yet, but I’ll let you know if they die.

I still need to do the conversion from C to F. Not sure how to do that yet, but it’s the next project.

One final question - is anyone using a different card - something different to the generic Lovelace thermostat card? Keen to hear it if you think there’s something better.


Hello, I am really excited to start this new project, I have done a lot of research but before I buy the components I need, cab anybody clarify which components are better:

  • For the connectors, is it a JST PAP-05V-S ? with 2mm between pins?
  • For the board, is the WEMO Mini 3v better or the ESP8266 5v?

I finally got it working without the component, using the kmdm “
I only have an issue: the on command does not work, although if I click the hot or cold, the a/c goes to on. All other buttons work fine and I can turn it off, any suggestion?

I’ve just installed (built on top of the SwiCago library) and they share the same “feature”. “On” is not a command that can be used to turn the unit on to it’s last state. You need to specify one of the modes to turn it on.

Thank you Michal, I suspected that much… :slight_smile:

In your opinion, is Unixko better than the kmdmi use?

I still use the “classic” implementation.
On Unixko’s github the custom_component has been updated and works on HA 0.100.3 (I am using it now).
With my systems, Unixko’s “Native” solution did not work at all.
I am using SwiCago’s Arduino Sketch, with the custom_component that is updated on Unixko’s “classic” fork.
It works flawlessly and shows heat_cool mode correctly.

I like using the official cards where possible, but as it is just a thermostat, you can use it with any of the available custom thermostat cards and see which one you like best :slight_smile:

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I feel the classic implementation is still the best for me as I have found, on my units, the unixko native doesn’t work.

Glad it works well for you. I am using the kmdmi since it works great so far, and it doesn’t need any component, it uses HVAC.

I’ve not used kmdmi so I can’t really comment on it.

Ideally I’d love if ESPHome integrated the SwiCago library and that way I wouldn’t have to dedicate the esp8266 to just one function (plus we’d inherit all the other benefits ESPHome has to offer).

Another vote for ESPHome integrated SwiCago

Absolutely. ESPHome with Swicago would be really great.

Evening Team,

In case it’s of interest to anyone… I run my in a VirtualBox hypervisor on an always-on Windows 10 machine. Usually I save off a copy of my last known / good virtual hard drive before making any changes to my config, which allows me to revert back quickly it I get into a situation where something goes sideways and the home assistant VM won’t boot, but recently I screwed up both my live and back-up virtual hard drives, forcing me to do a clean install of home assistant from scratch. Ouch.

The silver lining is that a few days later, I can report that SwiCago Arduino sketch, along with the Unixko ‘classic’ fork work great on Home Assistant 0.102.2.

Hope that helps.


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Ouch allright…big job getting it all sorted was it?

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A few hours each night, for about three nights. :slight_smile:

One thing I haven’t gotten right yet - my thermostats are ‘labelled’ as degrees F, which I presume is because I have the global ‘unit_system: imperial’ line in my configuration.yaml, but the numbers are actually in Celsius. Any thoughts on how to get the thermostats to show degrees F?

Kind Regards,

Is your sensor config using:

unit_of_measurement: "°C"

My guess would be yes as it was correct in the past right?

I wouldn’t be sure after that?

Any luck with ESPHome integration?

Anyone have this working with version 0.104?

Maybe worth mentioning it’s available for ESPEasy. If interested, please check here. While some stuff there might not be HA related it should still give you the idea what kind of integration the plugin offers with ESPEasy.