Mitsubishi AC with Wemos D1 Mini Pro

Hi all, my setup has been working pretty well for some time now (ESP01S plugged into a 5V to 3.3V board). All integrated with Home Assistant. The only issue I have us that every few weeks of so, it seems to crash. I just unplug and replug, and everything works fine again. Not sure what the cause is, and to be honest, I’m not that worried. But I’m thinking an easy workaround would just be to do a regular forced restart. Any ideas on how do that? Perhaps an MQTT command or something?

Happens to me as well. When I log into the web interface on whichever wemos isn’t working, it shows a failure connecting to the MPTT endpoint and if i tell it to restart, it reconnects and is all back working again.
I think what happens is the MPTT broker goes offline or whatever and it loses the link and then doesn’t retry. We probably need to tweak the code to attempt to reconnect automatically on failure.

Very happy with HA climate control over our 3 AC head-units installed (over 3 floors). The wemos mini solution is a huge win with a multi-floor install. Over the past 8 months, only lost the MQTT connection a few times. I keep a set of static links in my lovelace dashboard for quick access if a reset is needed.

A related question;
Can anyone recommend front-end solution for coordinating the 3 units? Because they all connect to the same outdoor exchanger unit, all 3 units need to be set to the same operating mode (eg. Heat, Cool, Fan). I’d like a way to control power and operating mode on all 3 units simultaneously, but keep target temp setting staggered. Any one else doing this?

You can have climate entity groups Group - Home Assistant

However I am not sure about the different temperature settings in that case.

Thanks @nickrout! Will give it a try. Assume there others here with multi-heatpump setups?

I have multi-heatpump, but I just tell people they have to look at the other ones when setting the mode. And usually it isn’t a problem unless they say ‘how come when i set fan mode it turns itself back off?’

In fact my installer recommended against it, for that very reason. I have 6 heatpumps, 6 outdoor units.

I wish I’d had your installer! one:one indoor to outdoor units run more efficiently too

Yow! 6 units? Well, if we had more space…

Anyhow, set up the group definition:

    name: Mitsubishi 
      - climate.heatpump1fl
      - climate.heatpump2fl
      - climate.heatpump3fl

Now I have a group that is “on” or “off”, but doesn’t expose “heat”, “cool”, “fan”, etc… Might need to configure triggers that keep all 3 units in sync. Will keep searching for better solutions, in line with a unified control.

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Yeah big house, little sun in winter, gets very hot in some rooms in summer.

That is my excuse.

Possible noob question: why not just place a 470Ω resistor between RX and the CN105 lead?

Thank you Geoff Davis! Works like a charm!


For most people, lifting a pin, or removing a resistor with a small screwdriver is easier and faster then soldering an additional resistor. But if it works, by all means, knock yourself out.

@rmcewan can you share your 3d printed cover?

I just pulled one of the files for this model into tinkercad and removed cutouts for where my leads needed to route. They fit pretty well, but I had to file down my solder joints a bit to fit flush in the lower case. If I did it again, I’d tinker the lower case to allow space for the solder.

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Hi all, really interesting project.

Can I check if anyone has tried using this with a Mitsubishi Ecodan unit in Western Europe region (air sourced heat pump or air to water as some call it)? Im Using FTC5 control panel and a flow temp controller (model PAC-IF061B-E) . It uses Melcloud and the same WiFi adaptor I believe.

Not too bothered about controlling it. Just more to get some values out of it such as temperatures and maybe power consumption at a stretch! Many thanks

Great to see how this solution has evolved over time. Love the 3D printed cases too. In case this helps anyone, the units that I created way back in April of 2019 (see the instructions and photos) are still going strong. I haven’t had any issues with them in more 2.5 years, they’ve just keep working through all the subsequent HA upgrades over time.

Here is the yaml code that I used to control the wide vane:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Wide Vane"
    icon: mdi:air-filter    
    command_topic: "heatpump/set"
    command_template:  '{ "power" : "{{ value }}" , "mode" : "FAN"}'
    state_topic: "heatpump"
    state_value_template:  "{{ value_json.power }}"
    preset_mode_command_topic: "heatpump/set"
    preset_mode_command_template: '{ "wideVane" : "{{ value }}" }'
    preset_mode_state_topic: "heatpump"
    preset_mode_value_template: "{{ value_json.wideVane }}"
       -  "<<"
       -  "<"
       -  "|"
       -  ">"
       -  ">>"
       -  "SWING"

The fan state follows the climate state. I created a template sensor just to show the wide fan attribute:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Wide Vane Setting"
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.wide_vane','preset_mode')}}"

Not integrated with the climate component but it works.


Just discovered this. Where are people buying the CN105 connector/ made cable from?

I ordered mine from Digikey, what you want is the PAP-05V-S,

Pre-crimped cables are ,

I was able to push the other end into a Dupont connector and works like a champ.

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