Mitsubishi AirCon

For my ducted unit it provides target temperature, fan speed and different control modes i.e. cooling, heating etc. Sensors include room temp, outside temp and cumulative power consumption

Power consumption? wow, I didnā€™t know the unit even tracked that as the app doesnā€™t show anything? Or would the app show this already if my unit is already capable? PEA-RP250WHA + large ducted outdoor unit.

My Raspberry Pi 5 should arrive this week so fingers crossed! Is this integration hard to get going? I am a newb to HA however some some experience with terminals and basic scripts and configs but otherwise reliant upon simple installables for the most part.

Any idea why this would need external firewall to be opened? The current Melview app doesnā€™t, and HA will be running locally.

If you have a firewall, ensure port 3610 is unblocked

I would not allow anything in except via private VPN and ideally segregated subnet.

I donā€™t think firewall change is required. Not sure when power consumption became available, it does not show on my app but does show in HA

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Working now however assigning fixed IPs to HA and other devices like aircon seems to have helped too.

No power sensor though unfortunately.

So I need three phase current sensing clamps.

Sorry for the late reply! My zone controller isnā€™t smart/connected to anything, so I donā€™t control the zones via Home Assistant. I manually set the zone and use Home Assistant to turn the AC on when the temp reaches 23 in the room the zone is in and turn it off when the temp gets down to 20 in that room.

I noticed that a whole bunch of properties were about to disappear in 2025.1, plus it didnā€™t have support for unique IDs, and a couple of other things generating errors in the HA logs. I donā€™t know python and I donā€™t know HA integrations but Iā€™ve fudged together a version based on the dev branch with zone control that should work past HA 2025. I havenā€™t forked it myself as Iā€™m no expert on git either so not sure what to do. Note: I only use the zone control from this integration, climate via echonetlite, so the climate control should work, but I havenā€™t tested it.

As far as Iā€™m aware no, Echonet integration for zone control doesnā€™t work in ducted systems, or least not my model. Would love to be corrected

I still use MelView for that

For zone control, I had moved onto SkyConnect ZBT-1 with Aqara sensors. HOWEVER, just this week I had an issue with lost connectivity to one of the temp sensors and my 2yo ended up getting so cold he woke up from his midday nap.

Now trialing the Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus v1 but initial impressions are not good. Slow reporting rate and Iā€™m not getting battery life either. But thatā€™s another discussion.

Hi all, I have been using the GitHub - scottyphillips/echonetlite_homeassistant: A Home Assistant custom component for use with ECHONET enabled devices. but upgrading to the 2025.x has broke the HACS integration. Has anyone experience the same and how to work around it?

Just remove that HACS addon and use the ECHONETLite one instead

Thanks for the advice. That works!