Mitsubishi Kumo Cloud Integration

Sorry, yes, I meant kumo_cache.json.

See the issue @galak posted on GitHub. What we need is some way to distinguish indoor units from other devices. The unitType was a good guess but it seems we need more.

For the unit with unitType of mvz, what does that represent in your installation? You can find the IP address, MAC address, or serial number in that same file and figure it out.

If you’re able, please continue the conversation over on GitHub so the info is all in one place.

Moved over to the GitHub post

Hey all,

Love this integration so much, it’s been working flawless since day 1 for me. So grateful :slight_smile:

Can you please answer one question for me?

I’m trying to create some automation using this Kumo integration and I can’t seem to figure this out. Everything works great otherwise - I can control everything, all units, fans, modes, etc.

I created a simple automations with regards to temperature and on/off actions, but I can’t figure out how to change the fan speed in the automation. There’s just simply no options for it.

The fan speed / mode options are visible and work fine in the dashboard I create, sure thing, but the automation only has the basics available for actions:

If temp gets higher than 75, then:

but, that’s it.

I can’t have the action include anything else? fan speed low/hi/auto? Nothing but mode?

I’m confused, and would be so happy if you can help me solve this or understand my error. :slight_smile:

Thank you!!

Hi there, this would be a separate service call, so in this case after calling climate.set_temperature you would have a second service call to climate.set_fan_mode

That sounds brilliant, wow many thanks! Can you please tell me where to put it, I don’t quite follow. My infant’s room will be so much more comfortable with this up and running. I’m testing it in the dining room currently. I can’t thank you enough. For example, let’s say I wanted the fan speed set to ‘high’ (i.e. fan_mode = superPowerful)

Current code:

alias: Example
description: ""
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.ht_w_15f1_humidity
    above: 60
condition: []
  - service: persistent_notification.create
      message: The downstairs is gettin' muggy!
  - device_id: 31e93545d19c5cecd7fdb6d9e4be6aa0
    domain: climate
    entity_id: climate.4_dining_rm
    type: set_hvac_mode
    hvac_mode: dry
mode: single

Also, is there a place where one can donate towards the developers of this integration to show support and appreciation? Still kinda new to HA and wasn’t sure if that’s possible.


It’s a separate service call. Here is an example of one of my automations:

alias: Climate - Fall - Bedroom - 7p - Kumo - 71 - cool
description: ""
  - platform: time
    at: "19:00:00"
condition: []
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 71
      hvac_mode: cool
      entity_id: climate.bedroom_kumo
  - service: climate.set_fan_mode
      fan_mode: Auto
      entity_id: climate.bedroom_kumo
mode: single

But with the UI this is all way easier now. Here are the call services options presented if you search “climate”

Then you can select set_temperature

And set_fan


Original author here. The best way for you to support this integration is to pay it forward, help someone when you know the answer, as Daniel has done here.

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Oh my, this is outstanding - holy moly! thank you! HA is changing my life.

This is beautiful :slight_smile: Thank you all, my family will be so happy with this new power!


as you wish :100::pray:

Hey @Miner_Second seems like you may get your chance to pay it forward already. lol Where did you find the Kumo integration for Home Assistant? I can’t seem to find it. Is it in the official store?


The easiest way to get Kumo setup is by installing the HACS store and downloading it through there. HACS install instructions are here: Initial Configuration | HACS

Thanks @James_Huang! I got it installed. Selected “local cache” during setup since I have static IP addresses. It found my two devices and added them to the dashboard. However, they both say unavailable:

EDIT: I fixed it by using this helpful post: Mitsubishi Kumo Cloud Integration - #257 by AlmtyBob

Curious if the tip at GitHub - dlarrick/hass-kumo: Home Assistant module interfacing with Mitsubishi mini-split units (using the “Refresh Settings” button in the Installer Settings section of KumoCloud app) helps here.

Newbie here. I have installed the Kumo Cloud from HACS. The 3 zones showed up on my dashboard but they say they are unavailable. Thoughts or any pointers on what to do next? Raspberry Pi install to SSD using Home Assistant.

Did you check out the post a couple above yours?

Provably addressed somewhere in the thread but does the current status (heating) show for the indoor unit or the outdoor unit?

I have two indoor units and a single outdoor. One unit is set to 65 with an current temp of 75ish. The other is set to 65 with current of 65. The second runs fairly frequently (downstairs), while the upstairs isn’t needed much.
The upstairs stills shows Heating though and the history makes it look like it’s heating even though well above the set temp.
So wondering if they status is reflecting the state of the outdoor unit vs the individual indoor units.

The status for each unit is based on what running at the indoor unit. With that said, my understanding is that this system (Mitsubishi) will only allow you to run either all of your indoor units on heat or all on cool. You can’t have some units cooling and some heating if they all feed to a single outdoor unit. There’s also no out of the box ‘maintain this temperature’ mode from what I can tell - if you started by heating a zone… it will stay on heating mode until otherwise told even if the temperature is way higher than what it the zone is set for.

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As James says, when the unit says it’s in “Heat” mode that’s just what it’s set to – not that it’s actually producing heat.

The Kumo units do not report whether they’re actually in operation (“calling” for heat or cooling) via their API, at least not that I’ve found thru reverse engineering. It’s a disappointing shortcoming that would be great to overcome, but I think it’s not possible.

My understanding is that if you put all the units connected to one outdoor unit into a “switchover zone” (in the Installer section of the Kumo app) and put them all into “heat/cool” mode (with a high & low setpoint), the system will auto-switch between heating & cooling under some circumstances (but for all units at once). I’ve never tried it though.

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This is the most common issue people have with Kumo. You can edit the IP addresses into the kumo_cache.json (as has been discussed on this thread recently) or you could try the tips listed here: GitHub - dlarrick/hass-kumo: Home Assistant module interfacing with Mitsubishi mini-split units

Thanks. First time heating with the unit and never paid attention to it when cooling.

So it will never show ‘Idle (Heat)’ in the screenshot below. As long as it’s on and in Heat mode it will be ‘heating’?