Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

Hello Dave,
I think I have found a working principle.
It is documentend in my melcloud.yaml example.

I hope this works for you.

Hi all, I am a HA beginner.
I don’t get how to create automations using the melcloud integration and my Air pumps.

Everything works through the dashboard and the default card, for example change fanspeed etc…

But creating an automation only allows to change HVAC mode as standard, not change fanspeed or anything else.

I have read through last 100 or so post here and I find only one person asking the same question, but his screenshot doesnt work for me. Please advise:

Nothing happens on this event. How can I do this?
Also please if anyone knows how to ignite the “isave” function on my air pump (Mitsubishi Hero 2 LN35) , to easily toggle the saved preset mode and back, I would be very thankful.


Hi Walter, thanks for this - it’s taken me a while to find time to try it. I tried pasting it into my packages directory but I’m getting errors like Invalid config for 'homeassistant' at packages/melrest.yaml, line 7: expected a dictionary for dictionary value 'packages->melrest', or pasting it into configuration.yaml I get end of the stream or a document separator is expected
How did you use it?

I’m using this command to and it worked for a while. But it just stoppped working and the rest is giving this fault message. Anybody a idea how to fix this issue?

Source: components/rest/
Integration: RESTful (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8 januari 2024 om 23:54:43 (33618 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:26:29

REST result could not be parsed as JSON

you have to add sensor:

This morning I installed updates for Home assistant Core (and another update which I don’t know the name of). After that my melcloud integration (the extra sensors besides the standard melcloud) doesn’t work anymore. It says ‘entity sensor.ecodan_cmd’ not available.
Anyone having the same problem?

after the latest HA update, my Melcloud integration fails again and while re-adding the integration was successful, nothing works. The error is now :
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/”, line 1060, in raise_for_status
raise ClientResponseError(
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: 429, message=‘This request has been throttled due to an excessive amount of traffic to our service.’, url=URL(‘’)

Same issue here after the update.

Still not working :frowning:

Yeah, it died here, too. “Delete and re-add” integration didn’t help right away, but after an hour, two began to work again, so now it works.
But this was final “over the edge” trigger for me. I’m already making esphome modules for my climates and I’m gonna change them all in near future. No more Melcloud for me.

I got this throttled error too. Time to have a look at the ESP I think. The same happened to Telldus :confused:

  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.11/site-packages/homeassistant/components/melcloud/", line 192, in async_update
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.11/site-packages/homeassistant/components/melcloud/", line 99, in async_update
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymelcloud/", line 85, in update
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymelcloud/", line 182, in fetch_device_state
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: 429, message='This request has been throttled due to an excessive amount of traffic to our service.', url=URL('

It looks like the throttling is user-based. My Melcloud Android App also says “We have detected excessive traffic from your account, your access to the service has been limited for a few hours”. I haven’t even used the app, and HA has adjusted the temp max once an hour. There’s something weird here, maybe there’s a tight loop checking the cloud service for sensor values or the state too often?

Same problem here. If you could provide some links/resources to migrate to esp, that’d be great.


Exactly this link, yes, thanks. I should add, though that perhaps a level converter is a good idea to insert between ESP and climate, since climate works with 5V while ESP has only 3.3V, so it can happen that communication will be poor (or even none). It could be perfect, though… so, a bit of testing is needed, i guess.

Correct me if I’m wrong but the Wemos D1 runs on 5VDC, or at least mine have micro-USB and it can be fed over this.

Yes, it does have onboard 5 to 3.3V regulator, so you can omit that in converter design. So, for testing only program esp, connect Rx, Tx and see if it connects. Pull-ups are supposely in most of the times unneeded (again, try and see).

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Is there a way to slow down queries to melcloud in HA?

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It’s not just that. It happened 2 or 3 times since i have mitsubishi climates that they sort of “changed key” (or similar) so i’ve had to remove integration and re-add it to renew this key. It seems that melcloud app does this seamlessly, while HA just stop working. And, of course, this always happened when i was away so i couldn’t turn on cooling to come into a cool house.

I have the same problem: the MELCloud integration stopped working at 1700 yesterday when I updated to HA OS 11.5, along with my REST sensors. The Android app & web interface to MELCloud all report this same “excessive traffic” error.
I got nowhere trying to re-install the integration.
Has anyone tried reinstating the previous version of the HA OS (ie 11.4)? I’ve just checked that the OS update did not automatically create a backup that I can restore to and I’m not sure of the procedure to go back to the previous OS.
Edit 2hrs later. I’ve just reverted to OS 11.4 & I’ll post whether the error clears

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On my side I deactivated rhe integration on HA and took at least 1h before I could use again the MELCloud app.

I’m too lazy (and mainly afraid to make it weong as I’m not at home) to rollback to previous version of HAOS.
But I’m suggesting you to start bu disabling rhe integration until you get again the access to MELCloud app, to ensure you unlocked t, then reactivate the integration, and confirmed it’s not blocked again.