Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

@vilppuvuorinen I have a air-water heat pump and a bit of time. Any way I can help you in getting it going?

This can be a huge time-saver for a lot of folks.

Thanks mate, i can get you a desktop / tunnel in if that helps.
Including MELCloud access ofc

I’ve just added the WiFi dongle and set up melcloud for my ecodan air to water heat pump.

I get sensors for:
Tank temp
Outside temp
Zone 1 flow return
Zone 1 flow
Zone 1 room

I’ve climate entities for the water tank and zone 1.

I have no energy sensors but the unit itself reports them and I can see today’s usage going on to melcloud.

Is this WIP based on the above few posts? I’d love to see and add my energy usage to the energy dashboard if possible.

My internal unit is an EHPT20X-MHEDW
External is a PUZ-WM112VAA if that helps

I can’t seem to get this code working.

I’ve put my device and building ID in on the resource line as well as the context key in its path.

Have tried the with and without the device ID instead of DEVICEID in the json-attrubute_path

Error comes back as invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data[‘platform’]. Got None.

Any ideas?

What does happen if you apply the curl from the commandline? Something like

curl -v -H "X-MitsContextKey: ContextKey" ""| jq ".[].Structure.Devices[].Device"


HI to help here a litte bit out:

use Firefox
press f12
reload the site
click on network analyses
search for “/Mitsubishi.Wifi.”
click on (red marked):

on the right go to answer:
copy the output, paste it here without user details:

I get a JSON response when I feed it the context key, device and building id

Ok, I’ve got this working with one weird caveat…

On restarting of HA core I briefly got yesterdays stats but on next poll of rest sensor get all zeros.

On MELCloud I also get no usage stats for today either…

So is this a MELCloud or heat pump setting I can change to push todays stats to MELCloud?

I tried powering internal and external unit down completely and then turning back on…

The heat pump API sensor shows DailyEnergyConsumedDate of yesterday’s date at 12am not sure. Assume that was midnight last night?

Are there plans to integrate Mitsubishi Lossnay? Thanx for feedback


I can change the operation modes from the air condition (heat, cool, off) without any problems. With my heat pump Ecodan (climate.ecodan_zone_1) i see only the hvac-mode “heat” when i set “on” in the melcloud app OR “off” when i set off in the melcloud app, but i cant change hvac-mode in HA. Any ideas?

Unfortunately it is not possible to switch with the melcloud integration.

You say the Melcloud doesn’t support a switch. Do you mean the melcloud or melcloud for heat pump? Because Melcloud works for my air conditioner. Here, for example, I switch the action from cool to off using Lovelace. A short time later the switch is off in the Melcloud app. Or am I thinking wrong?

For my Ecodan heat pump I can’t switch. It is well possible that airco’s have different possibilities.

Is it possible to somehow configure Home Assistant to use an external room temperature sensor to control the Air-to-Air pump’s operation? MELCloud uses the unit’s internal temperature sensor to control its’ operation, which means that the heat / cooling stops too early as the further places in the house are not ready yet.

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Before I installed a ESP32, I simply made an automation that overrides the heatpump; turns it on and off based on whatever measurement I like.

Yeah, but still the internal temperature sensor of the pump controls its behaviour. The pump stops generating heat/cooling as soon as the internal temperature tells the pump that the desired temperature level has been reached. The thing that I would love to have is to take over the internal temperature sensor and replace it with an external one giving me the possibility to ensure that all areas of my house are cool/warm enough before the pumps goes to idle.

Of course I have other automations to trigger the pump heating and cooling and stuff, but the actual hysteresis is controlled by the internal temperature sensor.


I just installed a Mitsubishi airconditioning to heat my home a few days ago and see the same issue: the airco thinks it is warm much to quickly. A remote sensor would be great. A temp solution could be to create an automation to control the temperature of the airco by using an external sensor.

What I did was set the target temperature to 30°C. Then simply made the automation turn it off when the other sensors indicated it was warm enough.

But yes, using external temperature would be great.

Yes, this was something I thought too of doing. Maybe worth of implementing tomorrow.

did you physically connect the esp32 to the heat pump control center? would that be the “demand” pin per chance?