Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

still not working. The split looks correctly connected to melcloud server (no err - 2 orange lights every 5 secs) but still not controllable through mecloud app or HA


As found in this thread, the temporary solution to get MELCloud to work is to set DNS locally either via your router or Pi-Hole or similar.
Iā€™ve added this DNS IP to my Pihole and it works immediately:



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Hello, FYI MELCloud is starting to work again.
See here.


I have Wemos D1 minis lying around. They are ESP8266 and it seems not to compile for that. Itā€™s missing a bunch of FreeRTOS task stuff. Is this something you could fix or should I just buy an ESP32?

I could probably make it work, but Itā€™s much easier and cheaper to get one of these. The repo supports esp32 or esp32-s3. no need to do anything just convert one connector. Get one of these AtomS3 Lite ESP32S3 Dev Kit | m5stack-store and follow instructions on GitHub - gekkekoe/esphome-ecodan-hp: ESPHome Ecodan heatpump
Iā€™m using those as ref boards for development. It should cost you give or take 10$.

Ooft the shipping is more than the boardā€¦ Iā€™ll keep looking.

Thanks very much for developing this and sharing it :grin:

any esp32 will do (but probably need soldering). Check if you have a local m5stack distributor near by.

Thanks so much @gekkekoe

I got an Atom S3 lite as you suggested from The Pi Hut, arrived in 2 days. I couldnā€™t find the CN105 connector so I just cut off the MelCloud module and with some rudimentary soldering skills Iā€™m now up and running with esphome :slight_smile: Seems to work as advertised and now I have more monitoring of the pump, too!

Let me know if there is any feedback, development or testing you need help with.

Thanks again!

Bye Melcloudā€¦ Itā€™s been great.

Iā€™m very happy with the latest Firmware Update from F1p:

So I made the jump into @gekkekoe ESP32 implementation and I have to say I regret having waited so long to do it. With pre-made Grove cables and PAP-05V-S connectors (no soldering needed - just use a pin to get the wire out and put it in) and an Atom S3 Lite, the total cost is around 9 dollars/euros. And itā€™s so great to see the commands execute instantly! And all info available, including energy!

I built the ESPHome from the Home Assistant add-on; all I had to do is put in my WiFi credentials. The only (minor) issue is the Ecodan appearing as being ON when I first turned on the circuit breaker after plugging the Atom. Turned it off in HA, and when turned back on the Ecodan did in fact turned on. Iā€™m hoping the switch reading wonā€™t be incorrect if the power eventually goes off and on.

But anyway, take it from a long time MelCloud user (I used REST API calls before the integration was available so I could integrate into Home Assistant): just do it.

Thanks @gekkekoe, and hopefully someone will come up with a similar solution for Air Conditioning units.

@bwduncan hmm :slight_smile: yeah so I updated my github with parts to order, so should be really easy now. Did not realize that these parts are not that known. you can order the connector to fix the wifi adapter :stuck_out_tongue:

@uspino the power state is remembered and it should set it to the correct value once it detects it. Could be that it was lagging. When the power goes off and on again, give it a little time, should detect it.

Me and F1p (he found sever control, I reversed the prohibit commands) even got the prohibit setting working. But you need to be in server control mode. To enable this, you can un-comment one of the lines. See my github. Itā€™s for those that need/wants to set prohibits themself. But if you donā€™t need that, then the default is fine. If you need zone 2 support, also un comment one of the lines and zone 2 is supported.

The automation folder has some handy scripts for home assistant, have a look at it. (setting dhw setpoint on legionella run and estimating output power based on flow, feed, return temps)

As for the airco units:
Actually the m5stack will also work for the airco units, just need to put the correct software on it. There are several projects for airco units. Should not be that hard if you use the m5stacks. I donā€™t have the airco units, so cannot test it.

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On my climate i have a strange power-on issue, too: sometimes it wonā€™t connect to HA after power-on or OTA update. So i solved it by monitoring HAā€™s climate attribute ā€œcurrent temperatureā€ inside esphome module (i created homeassistant sensor in esphome) - if itā€™s ā€œunavailableā€ in HA then module hits a reboot, so perhaps you can do something similar with your device:

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "climate connection"
    id: climate_connection    
    entity_id: climate.bedroom
    attribute: current_temperature

  # Sync time with Home Assistant.
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: homeassistant_time
      seconds: 0 #triggered every minute
        - lambda: |-
                ESP_LOGW("A/C connection: ", "checking...");       
        - if:
              lambda: |-
                return id(climate_connection).state >0;
               - lambda: |-
                  ESP_LOGW("A/C connection: ", "connected.");   
              - lambda: |-
                  ESP_LOGW("A/C connection: ", "disconnected, rebooting!");
                  id: climate_bedroom_reboot  

  - platform: restart
    id: climate_bedroom_reboot
    name: Climate bedroom reboot

@uspino @bwduncan new update available. user configs have been separated, so you probably need to adjust the main yaml a bit. (added a lot of new goodies, might be interesting for you guys)

@gekkekoe Thanks! Iā€™m away on a trip, Iā€™ll get on it next Monday

Perhaps itā€™s a little bit.late, but I have the same behaviour with my ecodan.
Did the installer give you any explanation?
Because as far as I know itā€™s because of a problem with a sensor, when itā€™s on cooling mode, but Mitsubishi does not recognice the error
If flow and return temparature, are very close, the start stops ocurrs, because the sensor is close to the water tank that is warm, so sensor detects hot. Then Starts, then cool liquid go throw the sensor, so stopā€¦

An example

Perhaps is good to know if anyone have also seen this behaviour, becuase itā€™s related with live of the compressor.

Best regards

your HP probably cannot dispatch its min power output. especially with cooling you need quite some floor heating surface.

check manual what the min power output is given your outdoor temp and requested feed temp.

estimate realtime power output by: flow rate/60 * (feed temp - return temp) * 4.18

if this near your or below min power output then that is probably your problem. cooling is more tricky than heating. open more groups to absorb more power if possible, else increase feed temp. avoid those start/stop cycles, its really bad for the compressor

btw, looking at the feed and return temp difference is also a good indicator that it cannot dispatch its min power output. the HP tries to maintain a min delta of 3 degrees.

you can run my firmware on local esp, it will show the estimated output.

@gekkekoe - Is a new update available?
How come I donā€™t get a notification about it in HA ?
How can I do the update?

itā€™s a esphome component that is detected in HA. so no update notifications. just reinstall the esphome and HA will pick it up again

Aha, I think I ā€˜derailedā€™ somewhere along the pathā€¦ You are using an offline custom flashed ESPHome version of the controller, right?
Iā€™m still using the MELCloud online standard (non-modified) version.
So, I guess this is not for me (?)