Mitsubishi Wifi Module WF-RAC (Smart M-Air)

Good info.

Sure hope they will fix it.

Edit: Tried an up to date Android phone. Same issue. So is it 2 wifi modules causing problems, or a problem in the software? Considering it is 2 modules exhibiting the same behavior I am inclined to think it is related to something in the Smart m Air software. But looking for confirmation outside of my own observations.

Thanks @complex1 Frank, I tried to add wifi module to my new router, but unfortunately, I could not found the device using my iPhone with IOS 17…Looking forward to a solution!

System requirements of the Smart M-Air app is Android OS 8 ~ 13 smartphone and tablet.
If you have a new OS version, it will most likely not work either.

I managed to connect the ACs to the local network with an old iPhone 5S running iOS12.5.7.
Maybe someone you know who has an iPhone with an “older” iOS can help you.

On my phone there was an update for the Android version of Smart-M-air.
In the updated app there was a firmware update for the Wifi modules.

Installed it 22 hours ago. WF-RAC module has been connected for 22 hours, no more hourly disconnects (so far)

I can confirm that after the firmware upgrade to version 131 of the built-in WiFi modules, there are no more hourly disconnects.

@rubenejbr How did you change the name of the Airco device? Mine named 4 digits of its MAC address and I can’t find an option to change it in the smart air app

That would be so great. I tried ‘Better Thermostat’ in combination with your hack. My plan is to use a separate temperature sensor so that can control my AC behaviour

Unfortunately ‘Better Thermostat’ did not work with the Mitsubishi Wifi Module WF-RAC devices.

I’m not @rubenejbr, but I will answer your question.

If you want to change the name of the air conditioner displayed in the app, tap “Details” to display the detailed air conditioner window.
Hold the air conditioner name (1 second). The “Edit air conditioner name” dialog box opens. Here you can change the name.

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I tried the Better Thermostat too. But were not able to heat it cook the MHI ac’s. Are you still using the Better Thermostat?

Yes I am. Not used the AC much lately, I guess something to further investigate when outside temperatures go up again.

Hi all,
I plan to create an automation to set the target temperature. What is the sensor of this itegration where save the wanted target temperature?

Maybe something like this?

      - service: climate.set_temperature
          temperature: '{{ temperature }}'
          hvac_mode: '{{ hvac_mode }}'
          entity_id: 'climate.{{ unit_name }}'
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Is it posible to change the Fan Mode when a target has been reached?

Do you mean the Fan speed or the (Hor/Vert) Swing mode?
Both can be changed.

Nice, can you telll me how?

Does this help you?

  # Fan speed
      - service: climate.set_fan_mode
          fan_mode: '{{ fan_mode }}'
          entity_id: 'climate.{{ unit_name }}'

  # Vertical swing direction
      - service: climate.set_swing_mode
          swing_mode: '{{ ver_swing }}'
          entity_id: 'climate.{{ unit_name }}'

  # Horizontal swing direction
      - service: select.select_option
          option: '{{ hor_swing }}'
          entity_id: 'select.{{ unit_name }}_horizontal_swing_direction'

I now have this and does not work:

alias: Test airco fan
description: “”

  • platform: time
    at: “11:52:00”
  • condition: device
    device_id: 4f13dce548f87e50d49936f9efc6c7fb
    domain: climate
    entity_id: e8d45bbeccc144421527966c4f12e14b
    type: is_hvac_mode
    hvac_mode: heat
  • device_id: 4f13dce548f87e50d49936f9efc6c7fb
    domain: climate
    entity_id: e8d45bbeccc144421527966c4f12e14b
    type: set_hvac_mode
    hvac_mode: “off”
    enabled: false
  • service: climate.set_fan_mode
    device_id: 4f13dce548f87e50d49936f9efc6c7fb
    fan_mode: Low
    mode: single

Here below is the code… I’ve as well added a dropdown list to select the horizontal swing mode

type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: vertical
  - type: custom:simple-thermostat
    entity: climate.airco_rdc
        names: true
        icons: true
        headings: false
        footer: true
      step: row
      - entity: sensor.airco_rdc_outdoor
        name: Temp
        icon: mdi:thermometer
      - entity: sensor.airco_rdc_energy_usage_cycle
        name: Power
        icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
      preset: true
          icon: mdi:fan-auto
          name: Auto
        1 Lowest:
          icon: mdi:fan
          name: Min.
        2 Low:
          icon: mdi:fan-speed-1
          name: Niv. 1
        3 High:
          icon: mdi:fan-speed-2
          name: Niv. 2
        4 Highest:
          icon: mdi:fan-speed-3
          name: Max.
        Up/Down Auto:
          icon: mdi:swap-vertical-variant
          name: Oscillation
          icon: mdi:arrow-top-right
          name: Haut
          icon: mdi:arrow-right
          name: Milieu
          icon: mdi:arrow-bottom-right
          name: Normal
          icon: mdi:arrow-down
          name: Bas
        3D Auto:
          icon: mdi:rotate-3d
          name: 3D Auto
          icon: mdi:power
          name: 'OFF'
          icon: mdi:fire
          name: Chauf.
          icon: mdi:snowflake
          name: Clim.
          icon: mdi:autorenew
          name: Auto
          icon: mdi:water-percent
          name: Déshum.
          icon: mdi:fan
          name: Ventil.
    style: |
      ha-card {
          --st-font-size-xl: 60px;
          --st-font-size-m: 30px;
          --st-font-size-title: 20px;
          --st-font-size-sensors: 20px;
          --st-spacing: 3px;
          --st-fault-active-color: green;
          border: none;
  - type: entities
      - entity: select.airco_rdc_horizontal_swing_direction
        name: 'Oscillation Horizontale:'
    style: |
      ha-card {
          border: none;
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You can control all with the code I’ve shared above and with the “Simple Thermostat” Card (including vertical swing mode). Horizontal swing is a bit different since it’s a drop down list. Thererfore you have to put the “Simple Thermostat” card and this dropdown list into a vertcal stack in card.

FYI, the last 2024.01 HA update brings a new feature to the “Thermostat Card”. It is now possible to add the fan mode to the card. But vertical swing mode is still not there.

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