Monitor your solar PV system in Home Assistant

If want to refresh the data every seconds from WEM3080T or WEM3080, the modebus/tcp sensor is an option.

About the suggetion of Tom_I
“A better solution is to use a meter that pushes an update to Home Assistant only when there is a significant change (local push). This way you are not flooding your network with unnecessary traffic.”
Honestly speaking ,I do not think it is a good idea to introduce some extra control logic (Judge whether there are “significant changes” in the data value) in uploading from the device.
The reason is as below
1 I think it is better to adapt the universal interface, such as HTTP get, MQTT, and Modbus/TCP. The upload interval should be determined by the server (HA), not the device(energy meter)
If you want to add some logic, it should be added on the server side. Such as judging whether store the data in the database(To minimize storage space waste caused by storing the same data as much as possible)
2 Even if you use the minimum upload interval (1s/s by Modbus/TCP), each data packet(every second) is less than 1k bytes.This 1k bandwidth occupied by the Modbus/tcp would not bring any stress in any WLAN.