Morning Weather Notification | With daily high temperature šŸ„ŗ

I do something similar for nap mode. Nap mode is an input boolian that can be triggered via the UI, Alexa ā€œturn on nap modeā€ or by pressing the ā€˜nap mode onā€™ button in our nursery.
Nap mode puts all Alexas into Do-not-disturb mode, and turns on a night light in the nursery. Then the automation turns this off after an input-number amount of minutes.

Why did you used weather service? Is it the best choice? I guess Accuweather is the most accurate or? has the hourly forecast that I used to calculate the daily average temperature. I donā€™t think AccuWeather had that at the time.

Inspired by your work I was able to do it with OpenWeatherMap service. I just had to add two integrations, one for hourly and one for daily (to be able to add both, I changed last digit of Latitude when adding second one).

After having 2 OpenWeatherMap integrations in place, I created 3 sensors, one for next precipitation start, one for end of precipitation and generic summary.

    - name: 'OpenWeatherMap hourly Next Percipitation Start'
      unique_id: 'openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_start'
      device_class: timestamp
      state: >
        {{ (state_attr('weather.openweathermap_hourly', 'forecast')
          | selectattr('condition', '==', 'rainy')
          | list | first | default).datetime | default

    - name: 'OpenWeatherMap hourly Next Percipitation End'
      unique_id: 'openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_end'
      device_class: timestamp
      state: >
        {{ (state_attr('weather.openweathermap_hourly', 'forecast')
          | rejectattr('condition', '==', 'rainy')
          | selectattr('datetime', '>', states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_start'))
          | list | first | default).datetime | default

    - name: 'OpenWeatherMap Summary'
      unique_id: 'openweathermap_summary'
      state: ''
        content: >
          Currently {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_temperature') | round(1) }}{{ states.sensor.openweathermap_hourly_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement }}
          feels like {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_feels_like_temperature') | round(1) }}{{ states.sensor.openweathermap_hourly_feels_like_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement }}
          {{ states('weather.openweathermap_hourly') }}.
          {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_temperature') | round(1) }}{{ states.sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement }}
          / {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_temperature_low') | round(1) }}{{ states.sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_temperature_low.attributes.unit_of_measurement }}
          {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_condition') }}, humidity {{ state_attr('weather.openweathermap_daily', 'humidity') }}%
          {%- if states('sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_condition') == 'rainy' -%}
            {{ ' precipitation of ' ~ states('sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_precipitation_probability') }}{{ states.sensor.openweathermap_daily_forecast_precipitation_probability.attributes.unit_of_measurement -}}
            {{ ' starting at ' ~ states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_start') | as_timestamp(default) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', default='') -}}
            {{ ' until ' ~ states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_end') | as_timestamp(default) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', default='') }}.
          {%- else -%}
            {{ ' no precipitation.' }}
            {%- if states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_start') != 'unknown' -%}
              {{ ' Next precipitation forcast is on ' ~ states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_start') | as_timestamp(default) | timestamp_custom('%A %d. at %H:%M', default='') -}}
              {{ ' until ' ~ states('sensor.openweathermap_hourly_next_percipitation_end') | as_timestamp(default) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', default='') }}.
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endif %}

And this is how my summary looks like together with weather-card, I can of course now send summary whenever to my mobile phone.

I must say, that I am very happy about OpenWeatherMap accuracy so far, it is really precise (at least in Germany). The configuration is very generic and can be easily used on any Latitude and Longitude. Previously I used DWD and it was not that accurate, also was not satisfied with Tomorrow service.


There was a recent post related to your work that I wanted to share hereā€¦ They use *drumroll ChatGPT! #AI #trendy yes, but still an amazing idea that Iā€™ll probably soon try once we move to a new house and I rebuild Home Assistant.

Just what I was looking for! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Maybe I will try to add a list of timings when it should rain. An example is, it could rainy at 12:00, then maybe jump to 15:00 and then to 20:00. Also using the precipitation_probability attribute.

So that when I send this message in the morning, I know the hours it could rain.


Thanks for this! I was struggling with how to pull out the ā€˜sub attributesā€™ too, so this was really helpful :slight_smile:

I set it up with Discord instead as I have all my notifications sent there.



Very nice message format, would you mind sharing your code?

Thank you!

Will you share the yaml code for this view?

Sure, here you go.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
    title: ''
      - type: custom:weather-card
        entity: weather.openweathermap_city_hourly
        name: City Name
        forecast: false
        number_of_forecasts: '5'
          style: |
            ha-card .temp {
              font-size: 2.9em;
              right: 1.25em;
            ha-card .title {
              font-size: 2.1em;
              left: 3.9em;
              top: 1.2em;
      - type: markdown
        title: ''
        content: >-
          <center>{{ state_attr('sensor.openweathermap_city_summary',
          'content') or '' }}</center>
      - type: custom:weather-card
        entity: weather.openweathermap_city_hourly
        number_of_forecasts: '6'
        details: false
        current: false
        hourly_forecast: true
      - type: custom:weather-card
        entity: weather.openweathermap_city_daily
        number_of_forecasts: '6'
        details: false
        current: false
        hourly_forecast: false
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Hi Norm, if you meant my notification then sure! Here you go:

service: notify.mpha
  message: ""
      title: Weather forecast
      description: >-
        šŸŒž Weather forecast

        Today: {{ state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[0].condition }}

        Temp: {{ state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[0].temperature }} Ā°C //
        {{ state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[0].templow }} Ā°C

        Next 5 days: {{ state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[1].condition }} |
        {{ state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[2].condition }} | {{
        state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[3].condition }} | {{
        state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[4].condition }} | {{
        state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast')[5].condition }}
      url: http://homeassistant.local:8123/home-dashboard/
      color: 9591962
  target: "1222667194001920020"
enabled: true

Iā€™m using the OpenMeteo integration here, Iā€™ve just moved over to the accuweather one though as there is more information available.

(MPHA is the name of my discord bot)

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I am using too accuweather and tried to use your notification, but donā€™t understand some thingsā€¦

  1. is this notification for IOS or Android? I am asking this as having Android smartphone i cannot reproduce your notification on my system
  2. i get an error about condition 5 as it says there is no 5 forecast condition
  3. What you mean with ā€˜targetā€™

This is using OpenMeteo which gives you today plus five days of forecast. Iā€™ve changed to using Accuweather now and updated it with some additional attributes (see below).

This is using the discord integration. You need to create a discord server and a bot to use it, the target is the channel ID :slightly_smiling_face:

Improved discord notification with Accuweather:

  title: Weather forecast
  description: >-
    šŸŒž Weather forecast today: {{ states.sensor.home_condition_today.state }}.

    Temp: {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[0].temperature }} Ā°C // {{
    state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[0].templow }} Ā°C
     UV Index: {{ state_attr('sensor.home_uv_index','level') }}
     Pollen: {{ state_attr('sensor.home_grass_pollen_today','level') }}
     Mould: {{ state_attr('sensor.home_mould_pollen_today','level') }}
     Tree Pollen: {{ state_attr('sensor.home_tree_pollen_today','level') }}
     Ragweed Pollen: {{ state_attr('sensor.home_ragweed_pollen_today','level') }}
    Next 4 days: {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[1].condition }} |
    {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[2].condition }} | {{
    state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[3].condition }} | {{
    state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[4].condition }}

    Temperature: {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[1].temperature }}
    Ā°C | {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[2].temperature }} Ā°C | {{
    state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[3].temperature }} Ā°C | {{
    state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[4].temperature }} Ā°C

    Precipitation: {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[1].precipitation
    }} mm | {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[2].precipitation }} mm |
    {{ state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[3].precipitation }} mm | {{
    state_attr('weather.home_2', 'forecast')[4].precipitation }} mm
  url: http://homeassistant.local:8123/home-dashboard/
  color: 14366669

Discord allows you to use some formatting which is why I prefer it for notifications.

That is great, I appreciate the notification code!
Thank you!

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It looks like there is some interest in your Discord chat notification. Maybe you could turn it into a blueprint? :wink:


Thanks, I thought Iā€™d give it a try so I turned it into a blueprint. It uses the mobile app (as very few people use discord) and itā€™s limited to the common attributes that get_forecasts provides though.

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