Mosquitto Not Accepting Autenticated Connections After Reboot

Morning All

After recent upgrades I’ve noticed that my Hassbian build with Mosquitto wont accept authenticated connections to Mosquitto after a reboot.

I need to run ‘sudo mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf’ to fire up mosquitto after a reboot and then it accepts connections.

I suspect its tied to the file in ‘/var/run/’ not being formed correctly to automatically start up the mosquitto daemon after reboot.

I’m using the current version of Hassbian, and I’ve run ‘git pull’ on the ‘/home/pi/hassbian-scripts’. And re installed Mosquitto using ‘sudo ./hassbian-scripts/’ but still no luck getting the mosquitto daemon working after reboot?

I’m hoping someone else has encountered this and has a workaround.


Maybe this halps Mosquitto mqtt not working after Raspbian RP 3 atp-get upgrade

Fantastic, sounds like it’ll do the trick. I’ll give it a go tonight

Cheers :slight_smile:

Yeah that suggestion fixed my issues with Mosquitto not starting after reboot:

sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service


sudo systemctl start mosquitto.service

to check if it is running:

sudo systemctl status mosquitto.service

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