Motion sensor recommendation

Okay that sounds great to be honest, and I love DIY stuff. Some thoughts:

  • This guy is stating that the receiver is CPU intensive and a second rpi should be used. Can you confirm this, or is this covered by the bridge and thus non-relevant?
  • For the blind time, yeah the fibaros will be inactive for 15s or so after detecting motion. It would be important for me , because when you go in/out of a room this leaves you with no light automation because the sensors wont fire.
  • Can you connect more than 1 sensor to the same RF bridge?
  • I guess those sensors only trigger on motion, and don’t have any extras like temperature/luminance? Because I use the luminance sensor on the fibaros as conditions for the triggers, so I don’t turn on lights in bright daylight.

About your thoughts of thermal sensors: Maybe your right. Actually, I have a 4 room setup with 4 motion sensors, and I have some semi-smart logic which turns on/off lights whereever I need them, also coupled with conditions like “PC is turned on”, “TV is not running” etc. This works, however it gets screwed up as soon as there is more than 1 person in the appartment. Maybe a thermal sensor would be better, however I am unsure how to reliably detect persons in larger rooms, also with heaters maybe confusing the sensor.

With the bridge its irrelevant (I think). I would recommend it, its a 10 Euro object, neat, and works perfectly. I also like DIY but not when the end-result costs more, work possibly worse and look more ugly.

The itead bridge says 16 sensors to send signal TO. Since a PIR sensor is just a FROM signal, I think there is no limit (need to check that).
433MHz 5 Euro ones have no extras: juist sending trigger on motion.

Working great so far!

I see you put delay 30 seconds, which pir sensor model you have?

I am confused by the override part, if I put multiple sensor it’s also OR (it will NOT trigger if ANY override sensor is ON) correct?

Can I put both below sensors in override? Both should be ON when you DO NOT want to trigger light to on (hope i did correctly the logic). Does the below code make sense :smile:?

      friendly_name: 'Auto Lights Override'
      value_template: >-
        {{  not ( ( state_attr('sun.sun','elevation')|int < 5 
             or ( state_attr('sun.sun','elevation')|int < 15 and states('sensor.dark_sky_cloud_coverage')|int > 90 ) )         
        value_template: '{% if is_state("binary_sensor.pir_guest_room", "on") and states("sensor.illumination_guest_room")|float < 40 %} off {% else %} on {% endif %}'
        device_class: motion        
        friendly_name: Motion and low light guest room

Just came across this:

Although there is no final solution in this thread, its the same topic and also interesting.

I looked at those thermal sensors but they are expensive and come without enclosure, so it’s a no for me

I just mean the topic of “perfect presence” detection in general is really interesting, and rather unsolved as of now. At least for more than 1 person in more than 1 room.

These are actually Blue Iris cameras that I have acting as motion sensors via mqtt at night and turn on the appropriate switch. I have Blue Iris doing the day/night switch, so nothing is sent to the sensor when sun is above horizon.

Entity is overridden when any override entity is ON.

Can I put more then one sensor as trigger? If yes I guess they work as OR?

I see you put sunrise/sunset, great! Just to make sure, If I put start time sunrise and stop time sunset is referring both to today, and if I put start time sunset and stop time sunrise are referring to today and tomorrow respectively, correct?

That is the idea. Can you confirm whether it works as expected?

Will do. Had many problems with automation in the past with sunset sunrise with day mismatch, hence I moved everything to sun elevation to avoid errors.
That’s why I am asking

its not working. Works only start with sunset and stop with sunrise, if you put any time in start or stop it breaks the component

It is working, please put quotes around start and end times :slight_smile: See my comment. Thanks for providing all relevant logs and configuration entries in your issue.

This gives error as well

start_time: '00:00:00'
end_time: sunrise

please update to latest version and post your logs to Github issue.

I also had issues with the “crazy” Fibaro motion sensors which would constantly switch between on/off. Here’s how I solved it: a) remove the node - b) factory reset the fibaro multisensor - c) add the fibaro node to the z-wave network

If there’s still issues, you’ll have to reduce the sensitivity of the motion sensor.

In my case, this was the only procedure that helped, and my devices still work flawlessly since I did the reset many weeks ago.

Done, still error, posted in github

In many of my motion /light automatuon that I am currently using, I use the entity_id of the automation itself on the front end to turn automation on/off (when you have guests better turn off some automation).
How would you suggest with your component to do?

Ideally what should NOT work is the part of turning the light from on to off (keeping the part from off to on).

So maybe from front end possibility to increase the duration (also to infinite) ?