Motorola Cameras

Thanks for the contributions they helped me fix my camera. I am not impressed by Motorola. I don’t expect hardware to update on its own without my consent.

This may help someone with the same model as me which is 0854

I downloaded the following:

And upload as above and it works as before. I then blocked the camera from the internet completely so it can’t update. I didn’t use the app anyway.


Hi all,
I also had the same streaming issue with my Motorola Focus73 camera and followed the instructions above to downgrade the firmware from 03.10.18 to 03.10.11 which worked once I eventually realised I had to upload the .sig file before the .tar.gz file. As others found above, after a few minutes it upgraded the firmware back to 03.10.18.

So then I blocked * on my router and downgraded again. Afterwards the app continued to work on my phone and the stream was accessible.

This was fine for a day or two, but then it upgraded itself yet again! Does anyone have a more permanent solution? Is there some other address I should try blocking?

Thanks in advance!

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Sounds like DNS resolution of wasn’t blocked properly in your router if it was able to automatically upgrade again. This isn’t the same as website filtering which your router might also have.

I can only find URL filtering on my Asus ac52 router. Any idea where I might find the DNS blocking in the router configuration?

My cameras keep saying Firmware upgrade failed after 100% upload. What am I missing? Am I doing something wrong. I have tried many times with a number of different firmwares and all have failed. Can somebody help! Motorola make me mad!


I managed to get the upload to work by turning off the camera, pressing upload and then turning the camera back on while its trying to connect. I did this with both the .sig and tar.gz files.

I have also used MAC address in Virgin SuperHub 3 to block OTA update. Although the downside of doing MAC filtering is the hubble app will not work anymore.

I am not sure how as I blocked for this camera but this keeps updating itself! I can still downdrade the firmware but I dont understand how its upgrading itself.

The amount of attempts to phone home are crazy. I have now blocked

Think this camera might be destined for the bin.

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Sorry but I don’t have firewall or DNS server to block OTA update…

Anyone how to disable auto update?

Does your router have any parental control settings you can use to block the camera from going online?

Nothing. OPENVPN now isn’t free…I’m looking for a free solution, but I don’t want install local dns server

How are people constructing the generic ip camera YAML? I’m really struggling with this for some reason. I have downgraded the firmware but cannot seem to connect it with rtsp, so am using the mjpeg platform at the moment.

All sorted, I didn’t realise that the actual username and password was ‘user’ and ‘pass’ respectively and not my credentials.

someone here have also camera view live working fine?

After getting these cameras to finally work, I was left wishing they had a wider field of view. I tried all kinds of things like attaching a wide angle lens to the front (didn’t work as it blocked the light sensor, making IR mode always on). Last week I finally managed to do what I wanted so thought I’d share here in case anyone wants to do the same.

I have the 1667 model but I’d imagine other models are built in a similar fashion. Here are the steps I took:

My cam:

Undo the 2 screws at the back.

Pry open the sides. There are some clips around the edges so make sure you push them in gently as not to break them:

Cam is open:

On the lens assembly there’s a blob of hot glue that keeps the lens fixed in focus, just use something sharp to remove the glue:

Now you can unscrew the lens:

My camera uses a M8x0.5 lens:

So I bought one of the same thread size with a 2.1mm (151 degree) field of view on aliexpress and screwed it in place:

The new lens is larger than the original so I had to remove the ring around the lens opening in order to avoid a vignette effect, just pry up near the 3 pins to release this ring:

Put it back together and clip the case into place, redo the screw at the back and you can now plug it in in order to focus the lens.

In order to focus, I mounted it where I wanted the camera to be and just used my finger to rotate the lens clockwise / counterclockwise until I found focus. I then wiped the lens with a clean cloth to remove finger smudges. I didn’t bother with a blob of glue since this camera doesn’t move and it’s unlikely the lens will become loose.

PS: I didn’t know this and had to remove the lens in order to do it, but my new lens came with a small filter at the back that was preventing the camera from picking up infra red light, so make sure you remove this before fitting the new lens otherwise the camera will not function in IR mode.


Hi, please how can I get firmware to Motorola Focus 73 version 03.10.11? Please give me a link for download it. thanks

Have someone old firmware to Motorola Focus 73? gz and sig extension. Thanks.

Just downgraded my Motorola Focus 66 cameras…

Connect to the camera:

Upload the following files in the same sequence:

Blocked the domain to prevent upgrading. In my case, added this to the dnsmasq:

Once completed, I am able to stream using the following:

Thanks all for sharing. Motorola will not get another dime from me.

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One of my cameras magically “upgraded” itself despite my efforts to block it from the internet at all hours of the day using parental controls on my router (Google WiFi has some funky time-based rules and I must have left a 1 minute gap somewhere).

After spending more hours than I’m proud to admit trying to revert it back to a firmware that has RTSP support, I’m angry so I decided to share some new tricks I learned.

If you’re using these feeds in Home Assistant you can create a few useful sensors that will let you know if your camera is trying to update. Here are some ideas:

Sensor to fetch the latest available firmware for your camera – ie. the one you want to stay away from :wink::

- platform: rest
  resource: #1667 is the product ID for my cam
  name: Motorola Cam FW Latest Version
  value_template: '{{ value }}'

Since I (try to) keep my camera completely blocked from accessing the internet (who needs the Hubble app anyways), I created a sensor that becomes true if the camera manages to connect to the Hubble servers.

First, you will need to sign into with your browser’s Dev Tools panel open and look at the Network tab. Look at the item send_command.json?api_key=xxxxxxxxxx and get your api key from here, then use it in the sensor:

- platform: rest
  name: Motorola Cam Online on Hubble
  value_template: '{{[0].is_available }}'

# You can have an automation to notify you:

- alias: 'Motorola cam is online on Hubble’
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.motorola_cam_online_on_hubble
      to: 'True'
    - service: notify.mobile_app_xxx
        title: "📷 Motorola cam is online on Hubble, act quickly“
        message: "{{ now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') }}"

Another useful one is to have a sensor listen for when a new firmware is being installed.

- platform: rest
  resource: http://<CAMERA_IP>:8080/cgi-bin/fullupgrade
  name: Motorola Cam FW Burning
  value_template: '{{ (value.split(":")[1]) }}'

# With an automation like this:

- alias: 'Motorola cam is installing new firmware’
    - platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.motorola_cam_fw_burning
      above: 1
    - service:
        title: "📷 Motorola cam is installing a new firmware behind your back"
        message: "{{ now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') }}"

The value of this sensor will start going from 0 to 100 if it manages to start installing a new firmware. Let’s hope this is only ever triggered by you :wink:

Hope this helps someone.


Did you (and anyone) ever figure out where the camera was accessing to upgrade?

I blocked everything I could find in this thread and it’s still somehow updating to .32 and bricking RTSP again.

I’d prefer to not brick the app (as my SO uses it sometimes) but could possibly just cut off access completely, if nobody has found where it’s calling to upgrade.

Just found that UK Lidl are selling the Hubble Focus71-W for £30. They’re £45 on Amazon.

Has anyone located a version of firmware for the camera so I can stream to Hass.IO.

The firmware upgrade page announces it as:

Model: 0591
Current Version: 03.30.04 RC00

Thanks for all the good work so far. Most encouraging.

Hi Guys, I think I may be on to something here.
So, for build 0854 in this case. (It doesn’t matter what build, just don’t click my links if not a match)

I could be wrong but I would suggest trying the following:

Use these link to fetch the firmware you need. (Replace 0854 with your version, as required)

For 0854, I’ve found that you do not need to rename file to fw.pkg or change the numbers of the fw version in the name space.

Access your router and restrict the following and use the following console command (DD-WRT i.e)
iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp -d -m multiport --dports 80,443,8080

Basically this command states to block both http and https traffic to the specific website. Instead of we enter the IP address of which is

Navigate to this link:
(Replace IPOFCAM with the i.p address)

Select browse and upload the .sig file first (You are priming the burn)

Once complete, hit the back button on your browser and select browse once again.
Upload the .tar.gz firmware file
(This should take ~5mins)


This should enable you to stream on 3rd party and the native Hubble app and prevent programming from accessing the firmware files required for an update.

The camera requires wan for the native app to function and possibly after power failure but can’t confirm as it only happened to me once. Prior to blocking firmware host ip I restricted internet traffic the cameras mac address and after a power failure it didn’t want to stream anymore, I removed the restrictions and naturally, firmware updated in an instant.

This is all preliminary and I could be wrong as none of this had been tested among others with the same issue.

Hope this helps and I didn’t steer anyone in the wrong direction.

Power cycle seems to has triggered firmware update as I can’t explain how else it’s back to the latest.
Blocking IP may not have done the trick.
I will try DNS redirect when I’m less busy.

I can confirm all devices don’t have access to yet the camera fetched the new firmware from somewhere.