Motorola Cameras

Someone having any success with “Focus Pro” camera of the “Nursery Pal Connect” kit?

As of my current research I found the following open ports:

4434/tcp  open  unknown
8080/tcp  open  http-proxy
51108/tcp open  unknow

51108 seems like some audio input pipe.
8080 is providing the following webpages:


But the following examples do not seem to work:


From fwupgrade.html I can see that I the device identifies as 7855 model and is currently running fw version 03.60.22 RC02.
Unfortunately an OTA upgrade url (to use for some downgrade etc.) like:

does not exist…

Checking rtmpdump shows me at least some handshake error…

PS C:\Users\user\Public\rtmpdump-2.3-windows\rtmpdump-2.3> .\rtmpdump.exe -r rtmp://<CAMIP>:8080/camera/ -o hubble.flv
RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 3, server answered 72
ERROR: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.

Any ideas?

I know this topic is old, but does anyone have this file?


Hello, I am looking for firmware 03.10.11 for focus 73. Can you share it?

Thanking you very much…

I’m running Model: 0864 Current version 03.60.36 RC05.

Unfortunately the 0854 and other model firmware gives an error “Wrong Firmware. Please check model or format!”

Anyone got firmware for the 0864? Or a link to it in ?

No luck brute forcing file names

Has anyone found any firmware files for the Focus71-W? Its model number gets reported back as " 0591" and its currently on update “03.30.04 RC00”

Hi all!

It’s my understanding that firmware shouldn’t matter at this point if you are able to use curl -v -g '$(IFS=''%20'';/usr/sbin/telnetd${IFS}-l${IFS}/bin/sh)'
and can then telnet into the device? Is that right? I have three Focus85-B that I would hate to throw away. It seems that they are running 03.10.34 - Is anyone else able to figure out how to get the device to generate an RTSP link that can then be accessible by HA or another service?

Hi everyone! I took out old baby monitors from the attic, both 0854, and decided to connect them to my home NVR, but, as it turned out, Motorola spoiled them and so I read this thread :slight_smile: No one has a working firmware 0854 somewhere? Because links to official sites do not work. Please share 0854 fw, I’ll appreciate it very much

Hi! Do you have working fw for 0854?

Hi Roel

I have the same camera 1854 model, im trying to downgrade mi firmware from 34 to 21 level with .sig file and the with .tar.gz. but the % of process is in 0% forever, im using chrome incognite, edge, but the same results.

how did you solve the problem?

I will appreciate your help


I wonder if it would be possible to integrate with the API itself, rather than hacking the camera.

I also have one of these cameras that is progressively making itself worse (no more video history, they want me to pay now).

Seeing all the effort and brainpower that goes into outsmarting these (crappy, outdated) devices, I wonder if there isn’t a better, opener hardware alternative? I’ve been using Reolink for monitoring my home outside and the integration phenomenal, everything just works instantly, it is lightyears ahead of motorola.
The only thing it’s missing for me to switch to one of these as baby monitor is sound detection. Reolink doesnt expose it and doesn’t seem to plan on doing so, but if people are actually emulating endpoints and trying to figure out the API for a crappy product, surely doing some kind of server-side audio monitoring is a lesser ask to figure out?

Frigate has audio detection capability.