I have Local Tuya up as per instructions. I’m moving devices across. I have a few problems.
Background: I had my iot on guest network. I use Deco M5 & pihole. Tplink don’t support allowing guest network to access the set dns server, so the whole guest network ended up with no dns. It was useless.
I moved all my devices onto my main network. Ie remove and add again. THis moved them all out of my HA rooms, and into a ‘switch’ or ‘light’ group.
HA runs on VM on Synology DS920+
I have a brand of power monitoring plugs. After re-adding suddenly they have 3 things;
Sometimes they’re linked, sometimes not
Maybe these are the ghosts of the old devices? If so how can I delete them or flush cache or clean it up?
I can’t find the sensors in Local Tuya for plugs.
This is the cloud ver:
Now trying to add in local:
Voltage seems ok, there’s no matching values for the rest
It’s added as a switch, changed to an outlet and still no sensors:

I can’t add any zigbee devices. I got the gateway, but it has no functions. Do I just leave zigbee devices on cloud until I buy a zigbee antenna for my nas?
I can’t get my Curtains working.
I saw this Tuya Curtain
But mine just don’t work.
ID must be 2. Won’t work with 5.
Tried a lot of other options, can only get 2 out of 3 buttons enabled.
Pretty sure it’s position mode, as you can set stops in the device. But tried timed mode too.
Open_Close_Stop surelye is ‘Open_Close_Stop’? What are the others? I’ve tried but they don’t seem to work.
But there are 3 fields of which I only have 2 values (2&5) so it can’t be right at all?
I guess I can’t really add all to local. How do you use it? What do you keep on cloud?