MQTT ClientID of integrated MQTT broker in Home Assistant

Hi there all,
can we have an option in order to set the ClientID
in the integrated MQTT broker please ?

Before was easy (MQTT declared in configuration.yaml)
cause there was an option like “client_id: home-assistant”
With the integrated MQTT I didn’t find it.

Usually every MQTT client (Tasmota, NodeMCU, ESP32 etc…)
have an option to set the MQTT ClientID,
so I think will be beautiful to have it also in the integrated MQTT

Thanks in advance

Nobody need this settings in Hass OS please ?

I’m new to Home Assistant (even paid for nabu casa) and I’m horrified that I cannot setup proper and static ClientID for MQTT. Please, this is must have feature!

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+1 (or give at least a HomeAssistat prefix so it is recognisable in the MQTT logs)

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+1 the new update gives random client id

This one still works in configuration.yaml

    client_id: HASS
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Maybe is little generic client_id
…will be better with mqtt_client_id … just my opinion :slight_smile:

Well it is not, it is client_id. You are of course welcome to submit a PR.

The documentation is here MQTT Broker - Home Assistant - you’ll need to change that too. In the meantime, how is it really an issue what it is called. I am reminded of my father’s expression: “You can call me anything you like, as long as it’s not ‘late for beakfast’”.

it is supported by YAML configuration but not from UI