MQTT dot matrix display to show information from MQTT topics

it popped up a lil later try hitting F5 for a refresh

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After the update, an absolutely great component, where there is probably nothing to improve. Thank you.

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hello I have a problem the wall time is displayed well but the other areas are displayed for half a second. I canā€™t make them display longer even by increasing the pause timeā€¦

Can you share your settings so we can understand what the problem is.

scroll effect out none?

For zone 1, Iā€™m not sure if you have HTTP Home assistant client set up, I only use MQTT. In zone 2, you donā€™t have any IN or OUT effect set, so there should be a static text that changes only if, for example, there is a change on some sensor that you publish using automation in HA. Zone 0, where the clock is, should work within the IN and OUT effects, I guess every 1 minute.
For the clock, itā€™s a good idea to turn off the effects for it to work properly.

Does anyone have issues with the latest firmware? For me, all the settings are gone after reboots, sometimes after changing the brightness. All zones default to manual. I have tried with wemos d1 and esp8266 same issue with both. Thanks in advance.

Love this project!! @wida, would there be any opertunity for different display hardware support?

Iā€™m currently using a similar unit to the ones mentioned but the looks like I would have to change the defined hardware ins the src code to display correctly on my displays.

Could I request that you look into a dropdown to change the HW to ICSTATION, GENERIC, PAROLA, ect to allow for different HW configurattions within the UI?

Many thanks and keep up the awesome work!

The display here runs on a D1 mini, I use MQTT and HA automation to display sensor values.
The brightness control works well and I donā€™t have a problem with losing settings.

here is my problem zone 1 works well but the other zones are not displayed or are briefly displayedā€¦20220816_151737

According to your video I can only see one zone.
Maybe you misunderstood the principle of zones.
An example of how I have it set up here for 12 LED modules:
zone 0 - LED 0 - 3
zone 1 - LED 4 - 10
zone 2 - LED 11 - 11
The clock is running in zone 0, I have the first zone for the sensor value and the second zone for the weather icon.
You can then control each zone separately. You actually created 1 zone 3 times.

so I canā€™t scroll multiple information on the same area (in my case 4 modules). I have to choose only one mode?

In the same area, yes and no. If you want to send more information, you can solve it using HA automation, but always only one effect for IN and, for example, another for OUT.
The only problem will be the clock, where the status changes every minute, so you cannot keep the previous information on the display for more than 1 minute.
Just create just one LED zone 0 - 3 and try it.

It can be even less for watches, it depends on when other information arrives on the display. If it arrives 1s before the clock resets, the information is only retained for 1s. This could also be solved through automation, for example let it be repeated 2x or set the time to longer (delay before the next text), I havenā€™t tried it.
I found out myself that a display with 4 LED modules is not enough to display more information, so I assembled 12 modules, see the picture above

I managed to do what I wanted display of 3 information, I used the home assistant client in the 3 areas: clock / outside temperature / Hacs update entities with 30 second update interval. it works iā€™m happy. too bad that there is no such display setting in the program for those who have only 4 modules or for example the possibility of deactivating by fixing the two small points of the clock.20220817_175934

so how did you do this?
Is everything configured in WLED or is there a HA automation involved?

I have two displays working with two wemo d1s. Both running firmware 2. Same power supplies. One of them works perfectly. The other one stops working and when i login it has no zones set everytime. I go back set zone 0 and it works again for a random period of time and then does the same thing. It doesnt reboot it just loses zone setting. I have resoldered wires incase of that being the issue but it has not fixed the problem.

Any idea what this might be? I did try the latest firmware but it didnt seem to fix the issue.

I would try another D1 mini. You could even flash it and ruin it without the led matrix for a lil while. If it works for a day or two add the matrix.

Is there an option to not to show MQTT text on screen when changing parameters like scrolleffectIn?
I want to display text first with scroll left and then sensor value, but with diferent effect.
I am trying to achive that with node red.

Changing workMode with mqtt publish does not work