MQTT dot matrix display to show information from MQTT topics

You can add another action and some time delay between them and as a trigger you can use a time pattern for example.
There are plenty of options.

After the HA 2023.8 update, there is this warning.
Do you have the same problem and is there a solution?
warování wledpixel
varovani wledpixel temperature

Basically, HASS has updated the MQTT Discovery spec and all developers need to make changes within 6 months. There is no impact on users (just ignore the Repair), but perhaps understandably, this forum is filling up with concerned posts like yours.

Here’s a summary of docs and developer resources:

Thanks pepe59, I’ll try your advice
you have been of great help to me

Hi, this project can be installed on a P10 display an ESP32 board ?

Can any help me out? I install this always get error in arduino. My errors are mqtt callback & OTA.

New to arduino so go easy. Thanks

Use esphome flasher, not arduino…

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Thanks got it working! I’m trying to add the weather icon but can’t seem to do it.

yea, I dunno. Seems like all I can get is temp and sometimes pressure

I think it is crashing and rebooting

I still wish the manual input would repeat until changed (please) :slight_smile:

Thank you for your feedback. I’m working on a new version with performance and stability improvements as well as bug fixes like weather icons. A new version will be available in the next couple of weeks.


Hey, why not add a web page that displays the temperatures from the sensor as well?

Great idea! Thank you for sharing this with us. I implemented this after your request. You will see measured ds18b20 temperature in settings page in next release. (see screenshots).

I also added a new API endpoint to get the measured temperature:


% curl

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wledPixel version 2.6 was published!

This version contains many fixes and improvements:

  1. New function for saving and reading settings from memory. The settings are divided into groups and saved in separate groups, rather than all settings being overwritten into a file as before. This speeded up the UI and the main core. issue #24
  2. Fix Home-Assistant MQTT discovery issue #32
  3. Fix crashing on long MQTT incoming messages. Supported message size was doubled (from 50 to 100 symbols) issue #29
  4. Fix changing work mode by MQTT issue #28
  5. Fix the Open Weather Icon. The font did not always change automatically.
  6. Improvements to prevent memory leaks
  7. ds18b20 mesuared temperature now shows in UI on Settings page
  8. Added API endpoint /api/temperature to get measured temperature from ds18b20


  1. ScrollPause now set in seconds instead it was previously in milliseconds
  2. Reverted to 3 zones in the display.

Important, before upgrade to new version !!!
Due to the transition to a new platform of saving settings, when upgrading to a new version, all display settings will be erased. It will be necessary to set everything up again. Manually save your display settings before upgrading!


Nice upgrade :wink:

The default font seems to do weird things for me in wall clock HH:MM or HA client ?

None of the fonts seem to give me the degree symbol I used to use ºF (alt_1_6_7) ?


The Home Assistant sends a temperature without any degree symbol. That is why I use prefixes to add the degree symbol.
Nothing is wrong from my point of view.

I like the Cyrillic font because it looks nice and uses less space on the display. It may confuse you but Cyrillic font supports only the Latin alphabet (it’s my fault for naming it like this)

You said prefix, but you mean postfix?

My display is only showing 69.6F
not 69.6ºF like it did even with cyrlic
Zone 0 but that should not make any differnce?

Yes, you are right I meant Postfix.

The default font does not support the degree symbol °. Wled font and Cyrillic both support the degree symbol °. Try to copy-paste the degree symbol from my message here to wledPixel settings page.

It doesn’t depend on the Zone number. All zones work the same way.

photo example


I found the root cause, in my mail client it clearly shows that you do use not a degree symbol.


Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 13.03.46

yea, I just figured it out. alt 167 shows me a degree symbol also…
it is alt 0176 that works