I’m having this issue for a few months now and, everyday, have to (physically) reset my Raspberry Pie so that HA comes back online. I’m using a 256GB SSD card for HA on Raspberry Pie. Here’s what happens:
1- My HA after 10-15 hours of being online with no issues, shows a notification: “Multiple data disks detected”
2- I click on it and click on “repair” button, and it says issue is repaired.
3- HA settings doesn’t show me reset functionality anymore and when, in developer tools section, I click on “check configuration and restart”, it fails saying “File configuration.yaml not found.”
4- Under “YAML configuration reloading”, when I click on “manually configured mqtt entities”, it fails.
5- HA become unresponsive after a few minutes
6- I’ve connected a Kasa switch to my Raspberry Pie so I just reset it via Kasa app, and HA comes back online after a minute or so.
I am having exactly the same issue. My installation is up to date with the latest updates. Raspberry Pi 4 with a USB SSD.
Some weeks ago the disk died so I used Raspberry Imager to install HA on a new SSD and restored a backup. It ran fine, until a couple of days ago. On repair no mentioning which disks it found and asking which one to use.
Hi, I’m also having this exact same issue word for word and it keeps happening every day or so. I have my Pi4 correctly configured to an SSD thru the correct USB port. i also have jerry rigged a kasa plug as way of manually resetting it but i have no idea what’s actually going on
Solution: Few months back I had Wifi connectivity issue so I wanted to disconnect everything from Pi4 and reconnect, and I guess I inadvertently swapped the SSD and Zigbee USB connections. Few days ago I swapped them back and the issue is now gone! so looks like the USB port the SSD is connected to does matter.
I am having the same issue and sounds like perhaps exactly the same situation. Can’t remember which was plugged in to which port, so I guess I’ll try randomly swapping them around…
…but it shouldn’t matter which port things are plugged in to??