Multiple data disks detected

I’m having this issue for a few months now and, everyday, have to (physically) reset my Raspberry Pie so that HA comes back online. I’m using a 256GB SSD card for HA on Raspberry Pie. Here’s what happens:
1- My HA after 10-15 hours of being online with no issues, shows a notification: “Multiple data disks detected”
2- I click on it and click on “repair” button, and it says issue is repaired.
3- HA settings doesn’t show me reset functionality anymore and when, in developer tools section, I click on “check configuration and restart”, it fails saying “File configuration.yaml not found.”
4- Under “YAML configuration reloading”, when I click on “manually configured mqtt entities”, it fails.
5- HA become unresponsive after a few minutes
6- I’ve connected a Kasa switch to my Raspberry Pie so I just reset it via Kasa app, and HA comes back online after a minute or so.

Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 1.21.04 PM

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I am having exactly the same issue. My installation is up to date with the latest updates. Raspberry Pi 4 with a USB SSD.

Some weeks ago the disk died so I used Raspberry Imager to install HA on a new SSD and restored a backup. It ran fine, until a couple of days ago. On repair no mentioning which disks it found and asking which one to use.

Edit: This comment suggests that the USB port the SSD is connected to matters SSD data disk move - not actually moved - #9 by DennisVredeveld

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Hi, I’m also having this exact same issue word for word and it keeps happening every day or so. I have my Pi4 correctly configured to an SSD thru the correct USB port. i also have jerry rigged a kasa plug as way of manually resetting it but i have no idea what’s actually going on

Solution: Few months back I had Wifi connectivity issue so I wanted to disconnect everything from Pi4 and reconnect, and I guess I inadvertently swapped the SSD and Zigbee USB connections. Few days ago I swapped them back and the issue is now gone! so looks like the USB port the SSD is connected to does matter.

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Mine is running fine since I disabled an integration (Bosch Thermostat). If it happens again I will change the USB ports.

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I am having the same issue and sounds like perhaps exactly the same situation. Can’t remember which was plugged in to which port, so I guess I’ll try randomly swapping them around…

…but it shouldn’t matter which port things are plugged in to??