Multiple Energy dashboards

+1 vote

but do you have any updates cause the water and gas feature request has been released months ago.

Is there any viable alternative way to expand that dashboard into a multiple dashboard setup ?

We have currentyl 6 inverters running in different electric circles with different purposes and different grid connection all under 1 roof. Now it is a total mess cause we have multiple forecasts and a 7 tile bar with figures that are not comparable.
We would otherwise need to run 2 or 3 further HA installations just for these inverters and the users.

I hope we will see a feedback soon that this feature will be implemented before the summer hollidays begin

1 Like

+1 would be a very nice. Or if the individual devices could also have the energy consumption cost calculated.


No I have to setup multiple home assistant instances to be able to monitor multiple houses ā€¦


I would love to have 3 charts for energy consumption from grid:

  1. Measured with clamp
  2. Read from my electrical company (itā€™s usually delayed 1-2 days)
  3. Detailed by circuit measured with clamps.

I have all the data in my HA, but I only can display one of the 3 options (currently 3). But it would be nice to have all 3 to compare the graphs.

Definitely +1

Will be possible add an energy of the thermic solar for water heating? I have both PV and thermic system.
Thank you.

+1 vote
Please any news about possibility have multiple Energy dashboards?

+1 I have two PVs and two sensors, need two energy dashboards for that

+1 vote pray

+1 Iā€™m testing a solar install soon that will be completely independent and disconnected from the grid, and therefore should be shown separately from all other measuring devices that are still on the grid. Letā€™s hope this gets implemented!

Iā€™m looking for a second engery dashboard. I connected parents house and dont wanna create a new HomeAssistantRaspiā€¦

Same request here :slight_smile:

I donā€™t need it today but would be nice to get for future PV projects.

I have total power usage in Energy dashboard but with the cost of energy it would be nice to be able to have a second one with heating sources to measure power/cost on heating

We have a property with 3 meters and 2 solar arrays. I would love to be able to have multiple energy dashboards.

+1 Vote from my side. Itā€™s needed.

+1, need to have energy monitoring from several buildings

+1, Have two Buildings with two separate Grids and PV and like to have separate Dashboards for each.
Dont want to install 2 instances for thisā€¦

Thanks for this wonderful software!


+1, thanks for this nice software and your effort

+1 vote would be a great addition as I have a home and business power meter and would, like to have 2 power dashboards so I do not have to install 2 Home Assistant instances